In the crane hall, Jing Yunzhao is now simply given a room. If she stays here too late, it will be convenient for her to stay.

In the middle of the night, the medicine boy outside the door kept ringing the bell. Jing Yunzhao knew that he was in the emergency department. He got up quickly and went to the medicine hall. As soon as he entered the medicine hall, he saw a group of men and women helping each other. One of the women of the same age came forward with a wry smell of wine and pointed to Jing Yunzhao and said, "you are Doctor? Cure him, hurry up

Following the direction of the woman, Jing Yunzhao sees one of the men in a strange situation. The man is convulsed and unconscious, and the smell of wine on his body is even greater than that of the woman.

Jing Yunzhao immediately went to try his pulse. He found that the man's breathing was shallow and slow, his pulse was weak but fast, and his skin was wet and cold. If he was allowed to die, he would die of respiratory and circulatory failure.

To put it simply, drinking too much is alcoholism.

Jing Yunzhao laid the man on his side, cleaned up some of his mouth, and then ordered the medicine boy to fill up the medicine and boil the medicine. He used a silver needle to relieve some of the situation.

Although the disease was urgent, it was not difficult for her to deal with. After the medicine juice was ready, she immediately let the person take it. After a while, she watched her consciousness recover and began to vomit. This effect was much more powerful than gastric lavage.

But standing next to the woman, but to one side to hide, a face disliked, and then swept a Jing Yunzhao.

I didn't expect that she was really capable.

"What's your name? The medical skills are very good. " The girl said.

Jing Yunzhao looked at the man in front of him with a smile. His eyes were light and he said, "thank you for your praise. Please go to the side and pay for the diagnosis and medicine."

"You A trace of displeasure appeared on the girl's face, but she soon restrained herself and said with a smile: "I heard that a young female doctor came to Xianhe hall. Her medical skills are very good. It seems that there is no deception. Although you can cure this kind of minor disease, you should not be too proud. There are many family members of doctors in the world. You can't be compared with those from such a wild background."

Jing Yunzhao feels strange. In general, even in an emergency department, Yao Tong seldom asks her to come out. After all, other doctors and even apprentices can deal with such a disease. It must be the woman's own intention to invite her to come forward.

Although the other party brought a patient over, but look at that look and attitude, but it is not really to see a doctor, more like to see her.

Not only that, the woman has a trace of arrogance and nobility all over her body. I'm afraid she has a different origin.

After looking at her for a few times, Jing Yunzhao, as if he had not heard what she said, turned around and left, leaving the rest to the medicine boy. However, at this time, the woman suddenly rushed up and said, "you are Jing Yunzhao, right? I'm your cousin. "

Cousin? Jing Yunzhao raised her eyes and looked at her, and suddenly understood.

Her grandfather Li Wenbo married again after her grandmother Jing Wenyue died. She had three children, two girls and a man. If we had to count them by blood, they would be half of her aunts and uncles. However, Li Junrui, the uncle, died 18 years ago and is said to have been killed by her uncle.

His father Li Tianyi's two other half sisters, the oldest of whom is only three years younger than him, have already married out. The other one is a little younger, and now I'm afraid he is only about twenty-eight years old and has not married.

That is to say, the girl in front of her should be the only daughter of the big aunt.

Jing Yunzhao couldn't help laughing. He didn't know if his grandfather could not help it. He would let his granddaughter come to inquire about the situation first. , the fastest update of the webnovel!