Under the dim street lamp, the visitor's face was not very clear, but Jing Yunzhao recognized it at the moment when he turned around.


This one she's going to forget.

Jing Yunzhao couldn't help laughing. She asked Bai Yu'an and Qin Shui to announce their identities. Originally, she just wanted to attract the attention of the Li family, but unexpectedly, even some people who had not seen for a long time suddenly appeared.

Qiao Zizhou studied well. As far as she knows, he is now studying in another university almost side by side with a university. However, Qiao Hongye's disappearance in those years had little impact on him, and even didn't care about it at all.

"It's you." Jing Yunzhao said without expression.

Qiao Zizhou took a close look at Jing Yunzhao and was a little surprised. He remembered that this elder sister was not like this before. She was pale and thin, looked listless, weak, and had a bad reputation. In short, he felt very humiliated. But he didn't know when the disgraced one suddenly became his sister Qiao Hongye Jing Yunzhao's performance is getting better and better. Apart from Qiao's family, he even got the first place in the province.

But he didn't care.

What can she do no matter how good she is? As a girl, she still wants to find a boyfriend, get married, and then stay at home with her husband and children. Those superior abilities will be wasted completely. Besides, she has no other advantages besides good grades. She is not worth his attention at all, as long as this person doesn't fill in the trouble for him and embarrass him.

It's just that he recently heard something that he couldn't believe.

Some people say that the boss behind the scenes of Yunling medicine and Yuling wine industry is called Jing Yunzhao.

The name Jing Yunzhao is not very common. Bai Yu'an of Yuling wine industry used to live near their home. So he thought about it and thought that Jing Yunzhao and his sister in front of him were the same person.

He never thought that one day he would be surprised and shocked by Jing Yunzhao. After all, she was so

"How are you, sister?" Qiao Zizhou tried to make his voice polite and gentle.

He also carefully recalled that he did not seem to have done anything bad to Jing Yunzhao before. Even if Jing Yunzhao broke off with the Qiao family, he should recognize his brother.

Jing Yunzhao couldn't help laughing. After her rebirth, she hardly had any contact with Qiao Zizhou. It can be said that both of them were strangers. At that time, she retaliated against Qiao Hongye and Qiao Weimin. The reason why she let him go was that he was good enough and didn't ask for her trouble. But she didn't think that this man still couldn't resist. Now she ran to him and asked her whether she was doing well?

"What do you want?" Jing Yunzhao seems to smile rather than smile, with a bit of examination in his eyes.

She did not worry to throw people out, as if waiting for his words, such an attitude makes Qiao Zizhou's face hot.

"It's nothing. I'm your brother. I'm here to see you..." Qiao Zizhou said in a trance, and in a twinkling of an eye, he said, "I just wanted to find out if anyone knows you at the school gate. As soon as the other party heard your name, he brought me in and asked you to come over It's a coincidence. "

He felt strange because when he mentioned the word "Jing Yunzhao", the classmate directly asked who he was, so he told the truth that he was Jing Yunzhao's younger brother, but his face was surprised and his eyes suddenly became very strange.

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