A pair of eyes keep looking at Jing Yunzhao. Some are disappointed and some don't believe it. They always feel that Jing Yunzhao is deliberately deceiving him. After all, how could there be such a coincidence that he met a person with the same name and surname? But on second thought, according to what she said, when Yuling liquor industry was established, she was still in high school, and she usually studied so hard. How could she set up a company with two purposes?

Qiao Zizhou sighed and was extremely disappointed.

It's like the money you've got is gone.

"Really not you?" Qiao Zizhou asked again, and then he said, "I was so happy that I thought you were so powerful, but think about it, you are a girl, no matter how capable you are, how can you do something that men can't do?"

Qiao Zizhou's derogation of women is almost learned from Qiao Weimin's father, which is deeply rooted.

To this kind of person, Jing Yunzhao only despised one eye, then turned to prepare to go back.

However, Qiao Zizhou rushed forward: "if you don't have 200000 yuan, you can borrow me 5000 yuan first! You used to work to earn money, but now you should have too? I don't want to change my mobile phone, but I want to fall in love. I can't go out for a part-time job recently. Please help me Oh, yes! I remember my father and my sister mentioned that when you sold ginseng in Huaning County, you got a lot of money? Is that true? Do you have any money left now? If you give me all the rest, it's useless for you to keep it anyway... "

That's for granted.

Jing Yunzhao thought he was angry and funny.

In the past, Qiao Zizhou watched her as a cow and horse for Qiao's family, and gave away every cent of the money she earned. Once she kept it in private, she would even feel that she had done a great evil, just like the ancient woman who didn't observe women's morality, and would like to pull her out of the pig's cage.

If she had not been brought up with qiaozizhou, I'm afraid she could not believe that there is such a man-centered self righteous person in this world.

"You've said it, and the trouble is over. You don't have to come in the future. I won't earn a cent of it." Jingyunzhao cold road.

"It's not mine. Who are you going to give it to? Why don't you keep your own flowers Qiao Zizhou said that, staring at the clothes on Jing Yunzhao, he was immediately displeased and said, "these clothes are famous brands Why do you buy such expensive clothes? The clothes are all made of cloth. You can wear them even if they are ugly. Do you need to see the brand? "

When Jing Yunzhao heard this, they all looked at him with surprise.

It seems to have heard the most funny thing in the world. Even at this moment, I feel that qiaozizhou is too "interesting" to say such a thing.

Qiaozizhou has always wanted face. Everything is the best. Before Qiao's family was good, ye Qin and Qiao Weimin were not stingy with him. When she was a child, it was a very expensive price. When she was a child, it was very expensive. When she got older, from top to bottom, she had to be famous brands from top to bottom. It would cost thousands of yuan to buy clothes!

This price is not affordable for ordinary families. It can be said that the money spent on his clothes is comparable to that of other children in a year.

But now, he even came to blame her for buying famous brand clothes

Zhou officials were only allowed to set fire and the people were not allowed to light lamps.

And most of her clothes are sent by others. If she went shopping by herself, she would not be so extravagant.

The most important thing is, what does she have to do with him even though she is wearing clothes made of gold?

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