Shi Yijiao stares at Jing Yunzhao and Xiao Haiqing with a provocative attitude, while the people next to her are still afraid of Miss Shi, so they all stand behind her.

As for Nayi Wan and Mu Ru, they had some opinions on Xiao Haiqing, and naturally they were a little gloating.

"What did Qiao Zizhou say to you?" Jing Yunzhao was calm and said.

"He said a lot. Would you like me to tell you one by one?" "I sincerely take you as a cousin, and I also want you to follow my grandfather's will to go home, but it doesn't mean that I think you are like me. You can go to find out whose daughter of the family has been out for so many years like you."

"And what have you done all these years? It's said that you've done a lot of cooking and washing since childhood. You've even carried foot washing water for Qiao Zizhou and his father. You're not even their adopted daughter in that Qiao's house. Are you more like their servant? You have been a bitch for more than ten years. Now you are so arrogant in front of me. Who do you pretend to show it to? "

"It's more than that. Qiao Zizhou and I said that you used to have a lot of men and a lot of thugs outside. You were not good at school, and your style was disordered. You were lucky. You got a good score and went to a good school in Kyoto. But it doesn't mean that everything has passed before. Even if I want to, I can always beat you back to the original shape! As for your two companies, they are just small things. If we want to destroy them, we can destroy them! "

Shi Yijiao said with a happy face.

At last, Jing Yunzhao despised the man in front of him more and more.

I'm afraid she has never inquired about Yunling and Yuling?

Kill these two companies? Even Li Wenbo couldn't do it. Didn't she think about the military background?

What she held in her hand was a prescription that could save countless soldiers' lives and kill her? I'm afraid if she does die, Li Wenbo will be the next to die.

As for other bad reviews

Jing Yunzhao stares at Qiao Zizhou and can imagine that this is what he passed on.

When she was born again, her reputation was really bad, but later it was different. It has been proved that Qiao Hongye was the ghost. Now time has changed, and those past events have no influence on her.

"You and qiaozizhou are a perfect match." Jing Yunzhao sneered.

"What do you mean? Don't admit it, do you? " Shi Yijiao asked back, and then she said, "good! I know I don't have any evidence about those things. You can't help it if you don't admit it. But the person around you, she, is different! "

Shi Yijiao suddenly points to Xiao Haiqing, and her eyes are excited.

"She killed people when she was still in high school, right? There are many people who know this, but at that time only proved that she killed in self-defense, so she was released. However, the seriousness of the word "murder" is not what you can imagine. Moreover, she is a public figure. Do you think if her fans know that their idol has done such a thing, can they accept it? Can she survive in this circle? "

Shi Yi Jiao smiles more and more arrogant. Seeing Jing Yunzhao's slightly changed face, she finally feels that she has pinched her life gate.

"Don't worry, I haven't even finished now." Shi Yijiao even added a sentence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!