Xiao Daoan's eyes were in a trance for a moment, and he remembered that his wife's life was pretty good when she just married her. If it wasn't for Jiang's all her savings, he would not have been so sad later.

"I..." Xiao dao'an didn't know how to open his mouth. After a few seconds, "that's our husband and wife's business Besides, I didn't take much money from her, which was less than 100000 But how much did I spend raising her for so many years? I bought a lot of gifts for her before she was a child, such as tuition fees and clothes

Xiao Haiqing listened to a smile, he said that the gifts should be bought at the most brilliant time of his business. They are all ladies and ladies, or Jiang Rongxuan.

Others are speechless. Isn't Xiao Daoan a business man? Don't you know that the former 100000 yuan is totally different from the present!?

"Mr. Xiao, few fathers care so much about how much they pay." The interviewee couldn't help but say, "I think it's necessary for you to apologize to your daughter in any case. Whether you want to or not, you should bear the mistakes you made before..."

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell me how to treat Xiao Xiao in the future? Her popularity is very good now, and her value will certainly keep rising. Do you want to squander her money? "

Xiao dao'an frowns and stares at Xiao Haiqing.

I'm afraid she found these people, too? Otherwise, why are all the words with such a strong targeted color?

Immediately, he was also angry and said, "there is no reason for a father to apologize to his daughter! Besides, shouldn't she beat or punish her father for splashing dirty water on her father? " Xiao Daoan said angrily.

If this group of people interviewed him with a fair attitude, his temper would certainly be a little more restrained, but now he can see that it's all Tuo and Xiao Haiqing's.

The other side was completely speechless.

I don't know if I use the word "shameful" to describe this so-called father.

He looked at Xiao Haiqing sympathetically and shook his head in silence.

"Xiao Xiao, we have finished asking. Thank you for your accommodation. What's more You have to refuel One of the other said, and with that, the others echoed with encouragement.

Although we all know that Xiao Xiao must have deliberately embarrassed his father, he really deserved it.

With Xiao Haiqing there, these people soon dispersed.

As soon as the man left, Xiao Dao an Li said angrily: "how can you come now? Are you in charge of this time? What about Jiangrong? "

"Dad, you seem angry?" Xiao Haiqing suddenly smiles.

"Can I not be angry? You rebellious girl! You've got a plan on me. Are you good at it? " Xiao Daoan pulls Xiao Haiqing back to the room and points to her nose.

Xiao Haiqing dusted his arm, and his eyes became Smart: "yes, I calculated you, but this is what I learned from my father. How did you treat me at the beginning and how I treat you now, but I'm not as stupid as you are. You should watch it online when you stay at home for so many days. Your daughter and I have won your fight and won your beauty!"

"Rebellious girl! How can I give birth to such a evil thing as you... " With that, he reached for Xiao Haiqing.

Xiao Haiqing made a big smile. She held out her hand and blocked it directly: "Dad, you'd better not be angry. I still expect you to live a long life and watch me get things you never had before."

With that, he threw his arm out and turned around to take a look at the room.

"Before I came, I had already visited your company. There was no one. All of them ran away. Dad, your business is really a failure."

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