The mobile phone is gone, and the mountain road turns one ring after another. When you look down from the top, you can't see the figure of a car on the road section surrounded by so many layers below. Even if she really has her, she doesn't dare to sit. But if she really walks back alone I don't think I'll find home even if I walk to dawn.

"Chat! What are you talking about? " Xiao Haiqing is gnashing his teeth. He can't help but think of a picture This wild mountain and wild mountain people fell to death on the road. I guess there is no evidence that she did it

Of course, just think about it

"What do you think of the Xu people?" Xu Yuancheng asked solemnly.

"Well, everyone is very good except Mr. Xu." Xiao Haiqing was not afraid at this time.

Xu Yuancheng raised his eyebrows: "am I bad to you? Besides today, there should be nothing to make you unhappy? "

When he saw her for the first time, he only thought that the girl was not bad. At least under his critical personality, he could approve of a lot of essence in her body, and would not be despised. Then When Xiao Zhao was on her birthday, she looked back and surprised him. She often couldn't help but think that the so-called beauty should be her appearance.

"You did not do anything before, but today these two things are enough to hurt my self-esteem and now I throw my things away." Xiao Haiqing stopped, took a deep breath and said, "do you know how much information and personal resources are stored in my mobile phone? Now it's all gone. In the latter half of the night, I still have a night play to shoot. What if the director can't find me? "

Xu Yuancheng choked. He was just impulsive and didn't think so much.

And he was surprised when he had few impulses for so many years.

"I'm sorry, I'll get it for you."

A serious face, but let Xiao Haiqing some flattered: "this is not necessary, you send me back on time

If it was usual, Xu Yuancheng would not refute it. But at this moment, Xiao Haiqing stood aside and asked him to evade his responsibility. He could not do such a thing. Therefore, he directly smoothed his sleeve and collapsed from the railing.

The location of the mobile phone is visible to the eye, but it is still difficult to get it. Xiao Haiqing looks at it and is startled. Now the sky is dark and the visual condition is not good. This place is very steep originally. In case of anything, there is no way to ask for help.

"Uncle Xu! When you come back, I don't want the mobile phone. Let's just forget about it! " Even busy road.

As soon as she said this, Xu Yuancheng felt a kind of heart and immediately drew a line of plant on his hand, which immediately added a bloodstain.

Xiao Haiqing took a puff from the corner of his mouth.

She can guarantee that Xu Yuancheng was only a rich and young man before, and never did such dangerous things

Xiao Haiqing didn't dare to speak at this time. After all, others have gone down. It's useless to say these things. Fortunately, the mobile phone is not far away. I can only pray for him to come back soon.

In the past 30 years, Xu Yuancheng is absolutely calmer and selfish than any other person. Apart from his family, he is absolutely the best to himself. He has never done anything dangerous with his own body. He has lived so much. Except for his arm falling from a building last time, he has not been seriously injured.

Slowly move down, reach for more solid stones or trees nearby, and get closer and closer to the target.

Even when he bumped down the road, he couldn't miss the sound of the mobile phone falling down It's broken to pieces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!