But now the little girl's assertive appearance seems to be different, let him some strange, think about, way: "you are that new little doctor?"

Jing Yunzhao acts for a moment, then nods with a smile.

Qi Yuguo's face suddenly became cold.

Doctor Is a virtue, want him to live, no matter how painful he lives.

He was really not afraid of pain before. He still remembered that he was captured by the enemy several decades ago, and the red iron was printed on his body. He did not vomit a word. Even in his opinion, the pain was his pride. But now he is not the same. He wants to live well for his country, but he would rather be the enemy in this way It's better to stab ten thousand knives than to be filled with medicine in his mouth.

"Get out of here." Qi Yubian is the country of Qi.

Jing Yunzhao's face remained the same: "it seems that you don't want to eat it? Then I will go by myself, but there will be no store after this village. If I want to eat, I can only wait for the evening. "

With that, Jing Yunzhao turns to go out.

As long as she was still on the mountain, her freedom was not under control, and other doctors breathed a sigh of relief and quickly connected the instrument.

Jing Yunzhao, the doctor, came suddenly. It is said that there are Li family behind her. If she insists, she may not be able to resist. Fortunately, old Qi has not followed her.

"Mr. Qi, your lunch will be here soon." The moment Jing Yunzhao went out, he heard the people inside flatter him.

He pursed his lips and sneered.

Lunch? She came through the kitchen and smelled what it was.

There is no sweet and delicious taste of the food. I guess it is a good thing with high nutrition. There should be few salt particles.

Jing Yunzhao didn't have much to do. He walked around the house. There was a lot of open space around the house, and some things were planted. Then there was the wall. Outside the wall was the mountain forest.

There are not many ingredients in the kitchen, or they are all regular things. I'm afraid that old Qi can't see this kind of food every day, let alone cram it into his stomach. If he really ate it, would he lose his weight?

Jing Yunzhao left the mansion by herself and went to the mountain forest. However, she was accompanied by two soldiers. They were not very close to each other and had little influence on her.

The mountain forest is full of good things, including wild vegetables, wild mushrooms and game. What she holds in her hand are several bags in the kitchen. She keeps putting what she sees and what she can use. The two people who follow her don't care what she does.

When vegetables are available, they lack some meat color.

Jing Yunzhao shakes in the woods. After he finds a hare, he shoots it with a silver needle. The rabbit doesn't turn around and dies under the tree.

In the distance, two people's mouth smoked.

No wonder the eldest brother said, don't be too close, follow far. He also said that no matter what he saw, he pretended not to see it. At the beginning, he didn't understand it. Now I understand it. Dare you, this little doctor is a man with bad luck. What do you want? Look at the fat rabbit. The meat must be fragrant.

Jing Yunzhao picked up the hare and began to walk back. He was walking. There was a slight change in the tree. As soon as their faces changed, the two men quickly took out their guns and aimed at her direction. However, before they could shoot, Jing Yunzhao had already moved ahead of time and immediately grasped the seven inch poisonous snake.

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