If Jin Yi had not arrested Xu Hong and Wang rouchun, she would not have thought of using this method.

Xu yuanze and Xu Yuancheng looked at each other and gave a wry smile: "we were worried that you were not optimistic about this method, so we didn't mention it. Now that you have said that, I will not hide it..."

"This Jin Yiran is not alone. After her mother died, he was sent to his relatives' home for three years. Although his life was not good, a cousin took special care of him. However, after Jin Yiran's power expanded, he was not very hospitable to his family, including his cousin. At that time, the life of his aunt and uncle was very miserable, but even though Jin Yi lived a miserable life However, her attitude is not good, but her cousin has a good life, and she has a stable work and has not suffered any revenge... "

This is also a reminder to Jing Yunzhao that Jin Yiran seems to have no friendship with his cousin. In fact, it should be a kind of special protection.

"Another thing, I checked his cousin. This woman has been going to the grave for him all these years. In addition, this woman works very ordinary, but she never lacks money. The most important thing is that most people who offend her will have no good end. If Jin Yi helps her later, she can't do it as a girl." Xu Yuancheng added another sentence.

The two brothers did not elaborate, but if they threatened Jin Yiran with this cousin, they would not have any mental obstacle. On the one hand, they would exchange their treatment with their own body. On the other hand, the girl was so used to Jin Yi Ran that she was very tactful. When looking at her, the two brothers treated the girl Son's idea is shy and shy, but read the details to find that the girl is simply a tiger.

When Jing Yunzhao heard Xu Yuancheng open his mouth, he knew that the girl had some problems, but he didn't think much about it.

Just using the other party to negotiate with Jin Yiran is not really about to do anything to that woman.

"You've got people under control?" Jing Yunzhao asked.

They nodded.

"Three days later, I announced my resignation. If Jin Yiran didn't let Xu Hong die, then his mother's grave and his cousin would be buried with me." Xu yuanze's cold way.

It's not the time to be soft hearted when it comes to his own son.

Jing Yunzhao pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

"It's a good thing to have more security, but I have to ask my uncle to check Ruan Xiaoxia. I think my father should know more about her. Maybe he can have some clues." Jing Yunzhao suggested.

"I'm fine with all these things. But zhao'er, it seems that you really want to go? For Wang rouchun? " Speaking of Wang rouchun, the two brothers are also very sympathetic.

If it wasn't for Li Shaoyun and Wang rouchun's involvement, they would not like to let Jing Yunzhao find such a mother-in-law.

"Even if I go to the high seas, I don't think I will have an accident, and I'm not for Wang rouchun, but for my cousin and Shaoyun." After a pause, Jing Yunzhao said: "even if you keep his life, but if you become a disabled person, it seems to be a little cruel to my cousin. These years, the Xu family has been offended by his cousin and aunt. Now it's hard to find him back, so he can't be implicated. As for Wang rouchun Grandfather Li has decided how to deal with her. Before she is Li Shaoyun's mother, I don't want Li Shaoyun and I to be branded unfilial. "

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