Wang rouchun closed his mouth, pale and motionless with fear.

As if he had not seen it, Jing Yunzhao took back his hand. It seemed that he thought that the life jacket was too dirty. He dusted it on it, but it really shook up a white "dust".

"Miss Jing, what are you doing?" At this time, Jin Yiran appeared again. He only saw that his clothes were not buttoned properly, and he still held Qiao Hongye in his arms. Qiao Hongye's face turned red and a strawberry was planted on his neck. You don't need to guess what happened.

"The woman is so upset that she throws it into the sea to feed the fish." Jingyunzhao road.

"Oh, it's quite fresh. Do you need a life jacket for the bait?" Jin Yiran looks at Wang rouchun on the ground.

At this time, Wang rouchun threw himself in the direction of Qiao Hongye: "Miss Ye! You help me, I promise to pay you back as soon as I go back Sobbing I don't want to die... "

Qiao Hongye hated kicking people aside.

"This is the open sea. If you throw her into the sea, she will drown in less than three minutes, and she will not be able to breathe at all. I want to see her floating around on the sea. As for how to die, it depends on her luck. If she is lucky, she will die of a shark foraging for food. If she is lucky, she will die of starvation and cold for a few days on the sea. It will be more pleasant, isn't it?" Jingyunzhao cold ice road.

"Jingyunzhao, you let me go. I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. I promise I won't stop you. I won't tell Shaoyun what he did. As long as you let me go..." Wang rouchun cried.

The whole person was twitching.

"I advise you to save your strength and keep your strength. Maybe you can live a few more minutes." Jing Yunzhao is still indifferent.

Wang rouchun is desperate. When she was tied up by Jin Yiran, she suffered a little flesh and blood. But now Jing Yunzhao is here. When she thinks she can escape, Jing Yunzhao is so cruel that she wants to throw her out of the boat.

Although she can swim, but the sea is so cold, the sea is so big that there is no food to eat. There are all kinds of creatures in the sea. How can she live?

"Miss Jing can really play, but Since you want to play, of course, you have to play bigger. " Jin Yiran gave a sneer and raised his feet to come over. The leather boots were on the boat, making a noise of "boarding", which made people's scalp numb.

After approaching, Jin Yiran directly took out a short knife from his waist. With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he lowered his mind and made a knife directly at Wang rouchun's lower leg.

"Others say that the most poisonous thing is women's heart, but now it seems that you are better than Mr. Jin." Jingyunzhao road.

Those fierce fish in the sea are very sensitive to the smell of blood. Jin Yiran cuts Wang rouchun's leg like this, which is undoubtedly killing her.

Although she has just secretly sprinkled a lot of powder on Wang rouchun, which makes some fish repel her, she is not afraid of ten thousand. Just in case, the planned things may not be able to withstand the accident. Whether Wang rouchun can live or not depends on her own life.

However, there are three levels of protection. The smell of the medicine on her body is only one of them. Even if it is melted into the water, it will not be washed away immediately. The second is the pill she took raw, which can ensure that her body function can operate within 24 hours and avoid premature death because of the cold sea water. The last one is positioning.

She and Li Shaoyun carry positioning things. Although Qiao Hongye checked before the upstream ship, some advanced technologies can't be completely eliminated with Qiao Hongye's ability. Moreover, some of them have been moved to the space ahead of time, and they are put back after the event. Now most of them are pasted on Wang rouchun, which will surely attract the attention of Li Shaoyun's brothers and even those pirates, If there's no accident, people should be saved in a few hours. , the fastest update of the webnovel!