Chapter 9 - The last day of training

[Absorbtion] could also be used for absorbing living beings, but they must be very weak compared to Leo. Such as rats, squirrels, dogs...etc..if they have too much vitality, Leo can't absorb them...for now.


'About the darkness, I didn't know I could use it like that..'

The darkness, the most common yet powerful skill bestowed to all the demons in the demon clan, even the most pitiful demons have it. A power that could 'swallow' the 'sun' even if for just a moment...

-The first month Leo was able to move freely the darkness around him just like water.

-The tenth month Leo was able to send the darkness quite far away of his body and 'watch' through as he pleased.

-The twelfth month he was able to expand the darkness and from now on he focused a lot on doing it, because he saw great results. You see, the darkness is just like muscles, the more you use it, the more it will strengthen, but unlike the muscles, it has no limit.

-A year later he could split it at will and control each piece. It took a long 1 year to do so because sometimes when he split it will 'break' and he had to wait for the thing to regenerate.

-Changing it's colour seemed easy at first, but is incredibly difficult. As for changing its attribute or turning it invisible...well, let's not talk about that now...

"This is the last day of the training, huh, no, I should say finally...and the old man told me to come over for a last match, well, it's roughly 2 years we don't spar" a grin spread through his face "This time I'm gonna use my sword, let's see how he can handle me."

Leo manipulated the darkness to form black wings on his back and flew over to the designated spot.

----------------------------------Judd POV----------------------------------

"Mary, I have to go, take care of the hous-" Jude yelled, but before he could say more, Mary popped out of nowhere and said.

"It's about Leo's fight, right? I knew it, you idiot! Why should you figh with your own son, monster!"

"Mary, my dear daughter, please calm down, this is a matter of men and men alone, women aren't allow-"

"HAAH? Than what if I were a male in girls clothes? Will you still tell me this? HuH?"


"So? Are you still going to fight him or you remain at home?"

"But my a*s! I know you are irremovable, so I'm not gonna ask to don't fight, because I know you would do it anyway, I'm going with you, I don't want to see Leo get hurt!"

"Ehm...he has a strength of a mons-I mean, Leo would be definetly alright, don't wor-" At this time Judd knew, he fuċkėd up.

"HUH, So Are yOu TeLLinG Me LeO-ChaN Is A moNster?!"

'Scary! Too scary! Oh my god, ten years ago she was such a cute kid, how did she become like this? She looks like the devil! Someone please help me! No, I am the father, I must tell her I am the man here!' *Inhaling for a great speech*

"Ehm...Mary...chan, I'm the father are the daughter..."



But deep inside he was urging for fighting a freak like Leo, a grin popped out of his face and said " After all, today I'm gonna go all out"

"What? Did you say something?"