After all, those small restaurants are for people with low consumption. No matter how good the taste is, but the consumption level is limited. They prefer to choose cheap food, so the owners of small restaurants dare not ask them for goods rashly.

In this way, Xu wanwan is ready to target the target of solicitation at the medium and low-end restaurants with consumption power. Compared with small restaurants, the consumption power of consumers in such restaurants has improved. Therefore, halogen products with such good taste and only a little higher price should be very popular.

After finishing the mid-range restaurant and opening its popularity, she will enter the high-end restaurant.

After running the small restaurant nearby, Xu came home sweating.

Xu Gang has already made lunch and is waiting for her to come back. Seeing Xu wanwan's sweat, he handed her a handkerchief: "come on, wanwan, wipe it."

"Thank you, Dad." Xu wanwan took the handkerchief and wiped his face.

At this time, the sample she brought back was placed on the table. Xu Houwang was ready to eat it. Xu wanwan stopped him quickly: "Houwang, the sample taken back at noon can't be eaten. In the evening, I have to take it out again to sell it. Put it in the refrigerator first."

Seeing that his daughter's clothes were wet, Xu Gang sighed heartily: "late, don't run any more, you are too hard."

"Dad, I don't work hard, and you don't want to lose heart to me. I can always catch a few fish when my net is wide." Xu wanwan put on the handkerchief, "I have a new strategic policy, you believe me, there will be business."

Xu Gang smiles and says nothing more.

"Eat first." Wu Peiping brought food to Xu wanwan, "wait, your aunt and Wei Xiong are going to send grandma to the city to see a doctor. Don't run away in the evening. Let's go to the hospital to see grandma. "

"Good." Xu Wan nodded and laughed, "the koala is coming, too."

Wu Peiping stared at Xu wanwan lovingly: "don't call him Xiaoxiong any more. He is a young man in his twenties. Xiaoxiong wants to work in the city, so he will send his grandmother to the city with your aunt. "

Xu wanwan had the best relationship with his cousin. Unfortunately, Wu Weixiong didn't get good grades. He didn't go to university and worked all his life. He also had a mediocre life.

A meal passed in the nagging of family affairs. After finishing the meal and helping Wu Peiping wash the dishes, Xu went back to his room to take a nap. Before he woke up, he was awakened by a knock on the door.

"Sister, sister." It's Xu Haowang.

Xu was a little confused when he fell asleep. He was so weak that he collapsed on the bed and said, "come in."

Xu Houwang just pushed the door in and went to the bedside and said, "sister, sister Zhou just sent a message that the Jin family wants a stewed quail egg and a stewed chicken. I want you to send them later."

Jin family, Jin juefeng?

Xu wanwan suddenly opened his eyes.

These days, she is busy selling stewed vegetables, leaving Jin Jue Feng behind for the time being.

Besides, he scolded her in front of so many people that day, and she couldn't paste it in a hurry, so as not to really annoy him.

Sometimes it's not a bad thing to get cold.

When he wanted to eat quail eggs, he would come to her.

No, it's a phone call.

"I see."

Xu got up late.

She came to the kitchen, opened the freezer, and saw a stewed chicken that had been sold out at noon, but there were no quail eggs. It must have been sold out by Wu Peiping at noon.