Xu wanwan

Hum, is it so difficult to say a few touching words to her?


In the next few classes, Jin juefeng dated Duke Zhou several times.

Jin juefeng wakes up on time when the school bell rings at noon. The young man with sleepy eyes, his eyes are full of confusion.

He was lying on the table, looking at Xu wanwan's textbook, his eyes showed some deep meaning.

"You are so serious in class, why are your grades so poor?"

Xu wanwan

"Can you talk?" You can't open any pot.

"Face reality." Jin Jue Feng propped his chin, and his whole body showed a ruffian Shuai, "where to eat?"

"The canteen." Xu wanwan opens his schoolbag to get his lunch box.

Jin juefeng looked at Xu wanwan with a natural expression and slightly frowned: "canteen?"

Xu wanwan

She forgot that this guy had never eaten in the school canteen. So for the canteen this place, very strange, there is no concept.

"You don't have a lunch box, and you probably won't eat. I'll go." Xu wanyang lunch box ready to leave, "go late to have a long line."

"And the line?" Jin Jue Feng was a little surprised and held Xu wanwan's lunch box. "It's so troublesome. Let's go out to eat."

"No money." Xu wanwan drags back the lunch box.

"I have!"

"Forget it." Xu Wanshi suffered in the evening. Although Jin juefeng treated him, he is now a consumer who spends his parents' money. "If you can save, you can save. The food in the canteen is delicious. Why don't you try it? "

Looking at the serious light in Xu wanwan's bright eyes, Jin Jue Feng shrugged his shoulders and stood up: "OK, I'll give you face."

They left the teaching building and were walking towards the canteen. Xu saw three young people coming towards Jin juefeng.

They were dressed in avant-garde skull shirts and jeans at that time. The front one had a wisp of hair dyed in seven colors, just like a parrot. The two young people behind him, judging from their momentum, should be his followers and also have strange clothes.

Because of the seven colored hair, there is a boy named parrot. His real name is Liu Zhi. He is Jin juefeng's little follower. Because I didn't go to university and mixed up in the society, my appearance is a bit fluid, but people are very loyal.

Later, he served several years in prison for helping a friend fight and stabbing someone by mistake.

In his previous life, after Xu wanwan and Jin juefeng were together, he always called her by his sister-in-law.

He and Jin juefeng are classmates in high school. Because they both like riding motorcycles and have similar interests, they can be regarded as Jin juefeng's younger brother.

"Boss!" Liu Zhiyang shouts with his arms.

Jin Jue Feng stopped and looked at the three boys running over.


They bowed and nodded to Jin juefeng with great respect.

At that moment, Xu wanwan felt that he was watching Hong Kong movies.

Jin Jue Feng's hand is usually carried in his pocket. It's really like a boss.

"What are you doing here?"

Liu Zhi said with a smile: "if the boss comes to study in my area, can I not come to see him? Originally, I was waiting for you to come out for dinner at the school gate, but instead of waiting, I came in to meet you in person. "

Jin Jue Feng glanced at his clothes and sneered coldly: "can you three come in honestly?"

Liu Zhi Hei hei: "turn over, turn over the wall to come in."

Jin juefeng knew that you had this kind of virtuous expression: "roll over the wall again."