Indeed, the food in the cafeteria near the hospital is terrible.

Xu wanwan took the bag with warm eyes.

Jin Jiefeng's KFC is like the warmth in the snow.

"Thank you." She choked.

"Eat while it's hot." He patted her on the shoulder.

Xu wanwan opened the bag. There was a hamburger and a pair of chicken wings in it. She gave Jin juefeng a chicken wing.

Jin Jue Feng didn't answer: "yes, it's all yours."

"Have some with me." Xu wanwan looked at him.

This time, it was her turn to say that to him.

Looking at Xu wanwan's red eyes, Jin juefeng took the chicken wings.

He ate with her, and neither of them spoke.

After eating, Jin juefeng looked at her skinny grandmother on the bed and said, "I was brought up by my grandmother. Last year, she died."

Xu was stunned.

Jin juefeng never mentioned it to her in his previous life.

Jin juefeng continued: "after my full moon, my mother gave me to grandma to take care of her career. My father was busy in the factory. When I was born, he didn't have time to come back and have a look, let alone grow up with me... It was grandma who taught me to eat, talk and use chopsticks

Every detail of my growing up, even if she has Alzheimer's disease later, she can still remember it clearly.... "

Speaking of the back, Jin juefeng's voice choked faintly, so he stopped talking. He put a lost smile on his mouth to restrain the pain in his heart.

For the first time, he was open to people.

Jin Jue Feng is always full of pride and conceit. It's the first time for Xu to see such a frustrated side.

In the previous life, when grandma died, her relationship with Jin juefeng had not developed to this stage. Therefore, he did not tell Xu wanwan about this.

Therefore, Xu wanwan was moved to hear Jin juefeng's active talk.

He is a man who keeps everything in his heart.

What people see is always his arrogance and indifference.

He hid his inner softness.

To be frank with her shows that he has absolute trust in her.

Xu wanwan was warm in his heart and said, "I was brought up by my grandmother, too."

Jin juefeng looked at her.

Two people look at each other, the feeling, only have the same experience will understand.

Xu wanwan said: "when my mother gave birth to me, my father had a car accident and amputated his limbs. She had to take care of my father, so she had to take me back to the countryside for the time being. Although I am a grandson, my grandmother has always been partial to me. If you have anything delicious, give it to me first, then to the koala

Later, when she was old, she couldn't remember many things, but how could she remember every bit of my childhood... "

At this point, Xu wanwan came from grief and couldn't help crying.

She cried so sad that her whole body was shaking.

Jin Jue felt deeply, covered the back of Xu wanwan's head and pressed her head gently towards his chest.

"It'll be fine." He said.

For the first time, he spoke with such a warm tone, like a trickle, pouring into Xu wanwan's heart. It should have been warm, but it was too warm that Xu wanwan's tears flowed more.

She stretched out her hand, hugged Jin juefeng's waist, and buried her face in his chest. Tears immediately wet Jin juefeng's thin shirt and wet it on his body.