"What would you like to eat?" Asked Jin Jue Feng.

"They'll arrange dinner later." Xu wanwan said.

"Can the food here be delicious?"

"It doesn't matter. Make do with it."

"I'll arrange it." Jin juefeng took out his mobile phone and called home, "Sister Liu, stew some chicken soup, fry some dishes and send them to XX police station, about six people..."

When Jin juefeng hung up, Xu said in a low voice, "do you want your family to deliver food?"

"What's the problem?"

Xu wanwan

No problem. I just feel very moved.

"It's too much trouble." She is polite.

Jin Jue Feng glared at her: "it must be very sad for my aunt to suddenly happen such a thing. Have some good food and good meal, and hope to make her feel better. "

She knew what he meant.

Not only for her, but also for her family.

"Well." Xu wanwan gently pulled his lips, "thank you."

"I don't want to hear these two words." Jin juefeng knocked on her head with a warm tone, "but it's good to see you smile."

Xu wanwan

She smile, because you, like a touch of winter sun, always appear in her most need of support, warm and determined to shine on her!

As it was getting dark, Wu Peiping and Wu Peifang stayed in the interrogation room.

At this time, Liu Rong and Zhenzhen twisted two big baskets to deliver the meal. Jin Lei arranged for them to put the food in a room and help them later.

Jin Lei leaned on Jin juefeng and sighed: "boy, why don't you care so much about my elder?"

Jin Jue Feng straightened Jin Lei's body and said with a smile, "if you don't love the young, you can't respect the old."

Jin Lei

Smelly boy, who protected you to grow up all the way!

"Seriously." Jin Lei put her hand on Jin juefeng's shoulder and envied, "boy, seeing you so warm, I want to have a boyfriend."

Jin juefeng touched his nose: "girls have boyfriends, you only have brothers."

Jin Lei

This knife is too fierce!

Jin Lei shakes her fingers and lights Jin juefeng: "OK, the wings are hard... OK, Jin juefeng, wait for the drumsticks. Don't rob me!"

Both of them love to eat chicken legs. In the past, Jin Lei always gave Jin juefeng her love.

"Yes." Jin juefeng said indifferently, "I can eat it or not, but you can only eat one, and the other one is for wanwan."

All his drumsticks in this life belong to that girl!

Jin Lei

It's obvious that it's Li Wei. Suddenly, it's a mouthful of dog food!

I'm not my daughter-in-law, but I forget my aunt, heartless little wolf dog!

Jin Lei angrily enters the room.

Xu wanwan is helping Liu Rong and Zhenzhen to set up dinner. The table is full of color, fragrance and flavor.

Thinking about Jin juefeng's heart, Xu wanwan felt warm.

At this time, it's good to have him by my side!

Chicken soup exudes an attractive fragrance. Jin Lei takes Xu wanwan's arm and says gently, "wanwan, do you like chicken legs?"

I understand.

She picked up the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and gave the chicken leg to Jin Lei.

"Auntie, eat it."

"Thank you. It's very nice of you to be late." Jin Lei reaches for her hand, picks up the chicken leg and bites it down. Oil, immediately flow a chin.

She thought, the presence of outsiders are not, she will not have to maintain the image of high cold.

However, the goose was just at this moment. As soon as Wu Weixiong, who was brought to eat, came in, he saw Jin Lei biting on the big chicken leg and letting the oil flow down his chin.