But he thought, Fengda took off his clothes and put them on Xu wanwan, so he wore a thin T-shirt. How can he be so willing to be a man.

"Wolf" heart to learn!

Jin juefeng had to put on his windbreaker.

Jin Lei rubbed her nose.

What a setback!

Boy, you are not generally despised by your future mother-in-law!

Wu Peiping took Xu wanwan and left.

Jin Lei patted Jin juefeng on the shoulder with sympathy: "sometimes it's a sin to be too handsome."

Jin Jiefeng

Born, he can't help it!

On the way, Wu Peiping didn't say anything. When Xu was ready to go to bed, he opened the door.

"Ma." Xu wanwan has already gone to bed, "don't you have a rest?"

Wu Peiping, with a low face, went to the bedside and said, "I'll go to sleep after a few words with you."


Wu Peiping sat down by the bed and looked at Xu wanwan. My daughter, who is wearing pajamas and has long green hair, is really getting more and more beautiful. When it comes to the age of attracting boys' attention, it's time to be a mother.

"Late, late." She went to take Xu wanwan's hand and said, "it's getting late. Mom won't beat around the Bush and tell you straight. Late, you and Jin Xiaoshao seem to have a good relationship. "

Xu wanwan

I know my mother so well that I knew she would say this.

"Not bad."

"It's ok..." Wu Peiping said, "is it really OK?"

"It's bad." Xu wanwan smiles.

"You know what I mean." Wu Peiping's face straightened.

"Mom, you think too much." At this time, Xu wanwan can only deny.

"It doesn't matter if I think too much. Don't think too much." Wu Peiping looked deeply at Xu wanwan, "wanwan, you know better than me what our family is like and what Jin Xiaoshao's family is like. Jin Xiaoshao is very attractive to girls, but her mother doesn't want you to have too much contact with him, and doesn't want you to have that kind of relationship with him. "

Xu wanwan

"First, you are still young, and you are in such an important period as senior three. You can't distract yourself from other things. Second, the young masters of rich families are basically fickle, and Jin Xiaoshao is no exception. "

Xu wanwan

Jin Xiaoshao, are your ears hot?

"I saw with my own eyes... He was holding a girl, who was still wearing his pajamas... Oh, it's not decent at all." Wu Peiping is not happy.

Xu wanwan coughed and scratched his ear socket.

Mom, if you knew that unruly girl was your daughter, you wouldn't shit her?

Wu Peiping didn't care about Xu's cough. He continued: "it shows that he has a girlfriend, but this evening, he took off his clothes for you. It's too abnormal. His behavior is obviously beyond the scope of normal friendship. "

Xu wanwan laughed: "Mom, isn't he a gentleman?"

"Don't be poor!" Wu Peiping glared at her, warning eyes very fierce, "what I said is true, he has a girlfriend, why do you still do such intimate behavior, no matter how gentlemanly you have to be excessive.". It's neither windy nor rainy. What can I do for you? It's clear that I have ambition for you. "

Xu wanwan

Mom, you really have eyes.

"It's so beautiful, but it's so playful..." Wu Peiping said with a sigh,

(Jin juefeng: I'm sure I'll be wronged One day!)