Xu wanwan took over the bear, her little body was immediately submerged.

The bear is too big for Xu to walk. Jin juefeng takes it. With a bear in one hand and Xu wanwan in the other, he walked towards the gate of the amusement park in the red sun of late autumn.

"Happy?" Jin Jue asked softly.

"Of course." Xu wanwan pasted it on Jin juefeng's arm.

Not only realized the dream, also had him, certainly happy.

"But..." Xu said later, "it's a little strange."


Xu Wan Yang Mou: "how do you know, all the thoughts in my heart."

Jin juefeng said: "I am God."

One day, he happened to see Xu wanwan's weekly notebook.

She wrote that she wanted to sit on the merry go round and ferris wheel with her favorite people at her best age. If she could, she wanted to cuddle with her favorite people in the sky and see the prosperity of the city

At that moment, Jin juefeng kept it in mind and had already thought about giving her a gift.

There are not so many hearts in the world, but they all care about you, so think of it and do it.


Xu sneaked back to the bedroom.

Big teddy bears take up most of her bed.

She held the bear, lying on the bed, sweet do not want to move.

"Late, late, are you back?" It's Wu Peiping calling her.

Xu wanwan quickly put away xiaohuanxi and ran out to answer, "I'm back, mom."

"Jianning's ordered some pickles. You can send them to her."


Xu went to get the pickles and sent them to Jianning's home.

There is only one street between the two families.

Xu wanwan hummed all the way. Several neighbors said hello to her and said, "wanwan, what's so happy? Is there a big business at home?"


Is her happiness so obvious?

Of course!

Jianning saw Xu wanwan's first glance and asked in surprise, "are you five million? Your mouth is almost rotten."

"Five million is nothing." Xu wanwan lay down on Jianning's bed, looked at the ceiling and giggled again.

"Ten million?" Jane would rather lie down beside her.

Xu wanwan turned over and pressed on Jianning's body, hugged her tightly and kept laughing: "what I have is priceless."

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

She was carried out of breath.

"Hey, I'm not Jin juefeng. I'm going to strangle me."

When it comes to Jin juefeng, Xu will laugh even more happily.

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

"Crazy, crazy." Jianning struggled hard to get out and pulled Xu wanwan out of bed. "Well, what's the matter? You're so happy. Tell me quickly and let me have a good time."

Xu wanwan leans on Jianning, gentle as water.

"Ning Ning, I..."

"What's the matter with you?"

Xu wanwan picked up Jianning's face and laughed with tears in her eyes: "I'm in love."

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

She chuckled, "don't you love all the time?"

Xu wanwan giggles.

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

It's true that people in love are fools.

However, seeing Xu wanwan's happy, sweet and happy expression, she fell into the honey jar and was infected.

"I had a great time with Jin Xiaoshao today, didn't I?"


"Just be happy." Jianning hugged her, "Hey, you look so sweet, I want to fall in love."

"Talk, AKI is really good."

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

"Mrs. Xu, you haven't given up yet."