Zhan Tianye glanced at her and directly pulled Xu wanwan's arm.

"Ah, let go of me, pain!" Xu wanwan exclaimed.

What he pulled was her right arm. The deep pain made Xu wanwan's face deformed.

Zhan Tianye let go.

"You are sick!" Xu wanwan was furious and really wanted to skin the rude guy.

"You're sick." Zhan Tianye said coldly.

Xu wanwan

"Take you to the hospital." Zhan Tianye said, walking towards an off-road vehicle not far away.

Xu didn't follow.

She reached out to help the bicycle on the ground, but she had no strength all over, and she couldn't lift it with one hand.

Zhan Tianye took a few steps. He didn't hear the sound of footsteps behind him. He turned around and looked at Xu's struggling bicycle.

He is indifferent to the expression, a smile is not, and even some light mockery in the eyes, because Xu wanwan's stubborn.

Xu wanwan usually looks at the gentle and stubborn, and is also a small master who does not admit defeat. She knew Zhan Tianye was looking at her. She just endured the pain on her arm and helped her bike up.

It's just that the chain is broken. I can't ride it.

Xu wanwan is going to push away his bike and find a place to repair it.

Zhan Tianye looked at her coldly, but at the bottom of his eyes, there was a deep feeling.

Have personality!

At this time, Zheng Xuezhi's voice rang: "evening, what's the matter with you?"

Xu wanwan just fell to the ground. His down jacket was stained with some dirty snow. Zheng Xuezhi was very surprised.

"I fell down by accident." Xu said with a faint smile.

"Where did you fall?" Zheng Xuezhi examined her body with concern.

Xu wanwan shook his head.

Zheng Xuezhi saw not far away, indifferent son, expression slightly changed, immediately reprimanded: "Tianye, you see wrestling at night, do not help it?"

The corner of Zhan Tianye's mouth drew a cold and cynical radian: "if I don't help her, can she get up?"

Xu wanwan

Oh, thanks to you.

Zheng Xuezhi's expression relaxed when she heard that she had helped her. She saw that the chain of Xu wanwan's bicycle was broken, and her eyes were bright: "late at night, your bicycle is broken. You're in a hurry. Let Tianye take you back."

"No, auntie. I'll just find a place to repair the car and get it." Xu wanwan said that he was a little panty.

Originally, she had no strength when she had a fever. Just now, she had a quarrel with the man who robbed money. She just tried her best to help her bike up. She was tired after saying a word more.

Zheng Xuezhi recognized the weakness in Xu wanwan's tone. Looking at her red face, she reached out and touched Xu wanwan's forehead: "ah, wanwan, you have a fever. Tianye, why are you still in a daze? Come and help her to the hospital. "

Zhan Tianye then put down his arm and went to Xu wanwan, holding out his hand.

"No, No." Xu wanwan hid.

Zhan Tianye took back his hand.

Zheng Xuezhi

Come on, this wooden son is also the product of zhugusheng.

Zheng Xuezhi hugged Xu wanwan and helped her toward Zhan Tianye's SUV: "you are welcome when you are sick. Go to the hospital quickly. It's not a small thing to catch a cold this winter. "

Xu wanwan couldn't make any effort, but she couldn't hold on to Zheng Xuezhi. She just got him into the car.

Zheng Xuezhi closed the car door, turned around and looked at Zhan Tianye: "if you can't get to the hospital at night, I only want you to ask. It's not small. I know something. "