"Bah, you look at your house full of bitches, and you want others to flatter you. You're not going to be in prison, or you're going to be paranoid."

"You're talking about a room full of bitches." Zhong Cuifang has a bad temper and is about to hit the man.

Others urged the fight.

The two men were separated by the crowd and jumped up to scold each other.

The middle-aged woman said, "you set up the second family. Your own brothers are all right. Aren't you cheap? Is it not cheap for your eldest daughter to be someone's lover, to be scratched and put up photos everywhere? And you two girls... "

"What's the matter with my two girls?" Zhong Cuifang drank each other's words, head a high, arrogant smile, "my second wench every exam is the top three of the whole grade, she's good, envious of you, right. It's not like those two in your family, who only give you duck eggs. "

"Oh, you can talk with your face. You are really in prison and don't know what's going on. Your second girl is in the top three of the whole grade. She's laughing to death. You can go to school and ask. What's her number in the exam now? "

"She took the second place in the whole grade, and she took the second place in the mid-term exam. All the places she sent to a university were hers!" Zhong Cuifang said with an air.

"Zhong Cuifang, why are you so shameless. The second girl in your family came second in the grade. What about the second girl in the evening

Zhong Cuifang

As soon as she mentioned Xu wanwan, she got angry. She didn't think deeply about each other's words. She said contemptuously, "don't mention to me that stupid student who only knows how to sell pickled vegetables. Can her penultimate score compare with our family's ruohuan's?"

Hahaha, all the people laugh.

The woman who scolded her said coldly: "Zhong Cuifang, go and ask your family which place Xu ruohuan got in the exam. There are 30 students in the mid-term exam and more than 100 students in the final exam. It's a good result to laugh at late learning.

It's true that their academic performance can't be compared. One goes down, one goes up, not at the same level.

Hum, I want to be recommended as a big girl. That's the qualification of a late girl. "

Zhong Cuifang turned pale, angry into shame, and rushed to the woman: "you're bullshit. You can scold me. Why do you slander ruohuan's achievements. If she doesn't pay attention, she can't get to more than 100.

The girl who only sells pickles won't be second in the list. "

This time, Zhong Cuifang is very angry, and others can't stop her. She grabs each other's hair, and the other party grabs her, so they fight.

People nearby dare not get close, so they have to persuade each other.

"Cuifang, sister he didn't slander ruohuan. Go home and ask ruohuan. She must have cheated you."

"It is..."

There was a lot of noise here. Xu stood by the window packing pickles. She heard Zhong Cuifang scolding her.

It seems that three months' imprisonment did not make her learn well.

Suddenly, Zhong Cuifang ran out of the crowd and ran straight to the pickle shop.

She rushed in, pointed at Xu wanwan with disheveled hair and scolded: "Xu wanwan, you really don't want to look bad. You've failed in the exam. You're going to slander our family if you're not good in the exam. If you want a face, can you get the second place in the grade with your intelligence quotient like a mentally retarded child? "


Zhong Cuifang's face was slapped solidly.

It's Wu Peiping's fan.

Zhong Cuifang was stunned by the fan.