"I won't lose sleep all night because I was so considerate last night."

"You have insomnia because you can't get used to the hard bed in the hotel." Maybe later.

There is only a small hotel near her home, and the bed is not much softer than the floor.

"It's not as soft as your bed." Jin Jue wind small bad said.

Xu wanwan

There were people all around her. She pinched Jin Jue Feng shyly and advised: "you'd better go back at night."

Jin Jue Feng stopped, and his face was very serious: "if I go back, I may not be able to get out."

Xu wanwan knows the seriousness of the matter.

If Jin Jianjun didn't really mind his entering the entertainment industry, he would not have kept in touch with Jin juefeng for a long time after he signed an appointment. Later, Jin juefeng really made brilliant achievements in the singing world, and has always been the representative of positive energy singers. Jin Jianjun took the initiative to build a good relationship with him.

If Jin juefeng goes back, Jin Jianjun will really confine him and prevent him from participating in the competition.

"So you stay in the hotel?" Xu wanwan said.

"No Jin juefeng looked at Xu wanwan and said, "sleep in your house."

Xu wanwan

I thought it was in my hometown, and I could be unaware of it.

Her mother is at home!

"Wishful thinking." She glanced at him. "How can it be?"

"Absolutely possible." Xu Houwang's voice suddenly came in, "please let me out."

Xu wanwan and Jin juefeng

They looked at Xu Hou in surprise.

Yo, this light bulb, why didn't you consciously go first today!

When he came home from school in the afternoon, Xu Houwang knocked on the door of the pickle shop.

Wu Peiping was calculating his account. When he looked up and saw that it was Xu Houwang, he glanced at him: "you are stupid. You still knock on your own door."

"Mom, I have something to tell you. Come out."

Wu Peiping looked at Xu Houwang's mysterious appearance, put down his account book, got up and went to the door: "what's the matter?"

Xu Hou looks handsome but laughs: "Mom, I failed the mid-term exam."

"Compared with your sister, I failed in the exam." Wu Peiping said.

Xu Houwang

I still remember that when Wu Peiping looked at the papers of his two children, he often said that if you can get half of your brother's grades in the exam, I will burn high incense.

Now it's the other way around.

Xu Houwang suppressed the tingling feeling in his heart and forced him to smile: "so, mom, I... Hired a tutor."

"Tutor?" Wu Peiping was stunned. "Oh, young master Wu, how much do you earn a month? Please teach me."

"Mom, this tutor doesn't need money."

"No way."

"Really, this tutor is a senior of mine. Seeing that my grades are declining, he is very concerned about me. Then he promised to tutor me for free."

Tutoring children's schoolwork is a life-threatening matter. Wu Peiping laughs: "which senior has enough to support and has nothing to look for."

"Well, that's the senior." At the door of his home, Xu Houwang pointed to a young man sitting on the sofa with a smile.

"Auntie." Jin juefeng stood up, and a warm voice called.

Wu Peiping's smile was gone.

He stares at Xu Hou.

You bastard, you lead the wolf into the room!

In just ten minutes, Wu Peiping had looked at Xu's room more than ten times.

Beside the desk, Jin juefeng gave a good guide to Xu Houwang's homework.