Jin juefeng really hurt Xu wanwan. Just now he held Xu wanwan's painful hand. His subconscious action was enough to prove his sincerity.

Late night, I must have accumulated a lot of virtue in my previous life. Only in this life can I meet such a handsome and considerate boy.

Wu Peiping watched the two children go out hand in hand. A neighbor passed by and said enviously, "Peiping, I'm really happy at night. Young master carry a bag, but also lead your home late. I'd rather suffer myself than let your family be free at night. That's what I really like. "

"My girl is not sensible, not sensible." Wu Peiping's mouth is full of criticism, but his heart is comforted.

It's a girl who wants to find such a boy who knows pain and warmth to be her boyfriend!

I hope they can continue to be so good.

The sky is clear, and the weather in early July is not too hot. Occasionally, there is a breeze, which is cool.

Jin juefeng drives his car to langyaba.

Many students have arrived. The monitor is calling the roll.

This is his last shift today.

Jin juefeng and Xu wanwan went over.

"Sign in, sign in." The monitor handed the book to Jin juefeng, "Jin Xiaoshao, after today, it's hard to ask for your signature. You need to sign more."

"This signature must be kept. It may be very valuable in ten or twenty years." There are students next to ridicule.

"I'll have one, too."

"Me too."

All the students on the scene followed suit.

Jin juefeng signed his name. The monitor tore off the page, folded it, put it in the bag, patted it and said, "this is my investment wealth. I'm not good at reading. I'm good at business. Juefeng, do you need an agent? "

"His agent must be me." Xu wanwan put his hand on Jin juefeng's shoulder and said with a smile.

"You're not an agent. You're his housekeeper." The monitor said with a smile, "Jin Xiaoshao, will you keep private money in the future?"

Jin juefeng's eyes were innocent: "what is private money?"

"Oh, Ba, Ba, this ear is definitely ba." The monitor shook his head.

"That's a happy cake, too." Jin Jue Feng didn't think so. He hugged Xu wanwan. "I'm all her. Money is nothing."

All of you:

"I'm going to get diabetes after I'm finished."

"Go, go, go back to the government. I'm full before I start cooking."

There were also lovers in the class. Seeing this, the female students complained: "learn from Jin Xiaoshao."

Boy hum: "why don't you learn from Xu late?"

"You want to break up, don't you?" The girl pouted.

"Divide, I'll go on." The monitor opened his arms. "Fan Mei, I've been interested in you for a long time."

"Go, go." The boy quickly opened the monitor.

There was a lot of fun.

Xu wanwan nestles up to Jin Jue Feng, feeling very sad.

In such a young age, when there is no city to fight with, one day will be less.

A group of people were laughing and fighting there for a while, then they scattered to find a place to open fire.

Jin juefeng embraces Xu wanwan and finds a flat place to take out the ingredients.

There was a stream not far from Bazi. It was not polluted by industry at that time. The water was clear and edible. Jin juefeng and Xu went to clean with the ingredients.

The clear river reflects the surrounding scenery, and the green peaks of the empty mountains not far away are reflected in the river.

"I haven't climbed the empty mountain for a long time. When I was a child, I often went to the mountain to find wild sweet potato to eat." Xu wanwan looked at Jin juefeng, "have you ever eaten wild sweet potato?"