Thank you. My speech is over. "

She bowed to salute.

Instructors stood in the first row, although they were all men, they were all moved by Xu's speech.

Liu Zhi sighed: "if only I could be reborn."

"Yes, if I can be reborn, I will study hard." Wu Weixiong also sighed that it would be easier to test for J University.

Jin Jue Feng, standing on one side, flashed a mist in his eyes.

If he could be reborn, he would never let Jin Jianjun leave him or his mother.

Jin Jiefeng took the lead in clapping.

Great, his little girl.

At this time, a classmate said in a loud voice: "life is precious, if it can be reborn, I would rather choose to be reborn. Wealth can be created, but life can't be lost. "

"Yes, if I can be reborn, I will have a broad vision and rely on wealth so easy."

"What we lack is not wealth, but a chance of rebirth."

The comments under the stage gradually became enthusiastic. It is obvious that Xu's speech is more resonant and wonderful.

Originally very self-confident Gu worry Tong, at this time micro shen Mou Guang.

She didn't expect Xu wanwan to be so powerful.

It's not only the standard of Putonghua, but also the self-confidence, the emotion from the heart, like personal experience. Xu wanwan's emotion is more sincere than that of her speech. Gu Youtong does not deny that she is also touched.

But her expression was still cold.

After the deliberation of the judges, Xu won the speech contest.

This result has won warm applause, which shows that it is well received.

Next, there is the debate, which lasts only ten minutes.

Both sides are on the stage.

There was a lot of discussion.

"Who do you think will win?"

"Right. After all, this is a debate with a clear answer."

"That's not necessarily. We'll see whose words are more important in the end." Some students said, "I'm optimistic about Xu wanwan."

Wang Hai took the stage and presided over the debate.

Zheng Fang will speak first.

Gu Youtong picked up the microphone, which is a very advantageous argument for her side. She is full of confidence.

She looked at Xu wanwan coldly and began to elaborate her own point of view: "if we can't give consideration to both appearance and wisdom, then as contemporary women, we should be wise first. Without wisdom, beauty is nothing more than a layer of smoke, which can be easily blown away.

Wisdom, however, means that the stronger the wine, the more fragrant it will be. So wisdom is more important than appearance. "

Her argument won applause.

Next, it's the opposition dialectics. Xu wanwan will speak first.

"Wisdom is important, but appearance should not be ignored. If appearance is really so unimportant, why do you add the condition of good appearance to many industries? If a person has only wisdom but no appearance, it will only frustrate your career everywhere, and you have to make more efforts than others.

Wisdom is important, but beauty is more important. "

Gu Youtong smiles haughtily, seizing the loophole in Xu wanwan's argument and arguing tightly: "you just said that appearance is only used to decorate wisdom, so it's a trivial decoration..."

"If a person has no appearance, he will lack self-confidence. How can a person without self-confidence possess extraordinary wisdom... "

"Opponents, those disabled and aspiring people, do they have time?"

Xu wanwan

The debate was in full swing.