"Come to City C later." Xu wanwan hugs Jianning.


Jianning hugs Zhuang Xuxu and Tang Nan, and the girls have a good time.

After three people get on the bus, Chen Hao takes Jianning home.

At the end of the lane, Jianning stopped Chen Hao.

"Goodbye." Janine unbuckled her seat belt.

"Jenning." Chen Hao stops her.

He opened the storage box, took out a small gift box from it and handed it to Jenning: "a birthday present for you."

Jenning took it and said "thank you.".

Then he opened the door.

After she closed the door, she gently waved her hand to Chen Hao and turned away.

Chen Hao saw her put the gift into her satchel.

The corners of the mouth, gently smile.

If she likes it, she will open the present on the spot. Only if you don't care what you give, you will put it aside.

Chen Hao breathed slightly, and his expression was confused.

Jianning refused him more than once or twice. He did what he had to do, but still couldn't influence her.

What should he do?

Watching Jianning disappear at the corner, Chen Hao drives away.

Jianning slowly walking in the alley, the shadow of longchen involuntarily floating on her mind.

Today's unexpected meeting undoubtedly caused waves in her calm mind.

She remembered the light touch he put on her shoulder.

In fact, it was very polite contact, but it made her excited.

Like a time, really humble to go to aftertaste these in his eyes for insignificant touch?

Jianning, you advise Chen Hao to let go. You are not another Chen Hao!

A little astringency welled up in Jianning's heart.

"Jenning." Behind him, a gentle voice rang out.

Jenning stopped, but did not turn.

That's longchen's voice.

She's hallucinating.

Janine went on.

“Hi。” Voice close, in the ear, she smelled the faint fragrance floating in the air, heard his voice close at hand.

Jianning's heart beat missed, slowly turned his head, looking at the Dragon Chen standing beside him.

He smiles, softer than the moon, brighter than the sun.

He is the brightest star in her eyes.

"Don't you hear me?" He said with a smile, in a voice too soft to refuse.

Jianning gently suppressed the surge of heart, calmly asked: "how are you here?"

"Wait for you."

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

He simply said three words, but it is her irresistible Gu.

"Wait for me?"

Long Chen held out his hand behind his back. He held a long box and handed it to Jianning: "this is your birthday present I just went to my jewelry store to get."

"My birthday present?" Jane was slightly surprised.

"Nineteen is a memorable birthday and should receive a gift." Long Chen put the box in Jianning's hand, "I hope you like it."

Jenning took the box and was very happy.

She really didn't expect to receive his gift.

At dinner time, he left to make a phone call. Would he just go to arrange a birthday present for her?

With this thought, Jenning's heart beat slightly.

When she unwrapped the wrapping paper, she almost got the box off. Long Chen padded it with her hand in time.

"Take your time." He said with a smile, cordially intoxicating.

She opened the box and saw a platinum necklace inside. The pendant was her Zodiac. It was very delicate.

"It's beautiful." "Thank you, but it's too expensive. I can't take it."