After eating the hot pot, Xu found an excuse to slip away.

She came to a grove behind the school, where lovers are in love. Today is the weekend, sitting in pairs on the grass, stone pier, many lovers fall in love, everywhere is dog food.

Seeing other people cuddle together, Xu wanwan's yearning for Jin juefeng is even more profound.

She sat on the grass, bent her knees, buried her head, tears finally came out.

At this time, if only he could embrace himself.

Juefeng, I miss you so much!

Xu wanwan took a deep breath and wanted to press down his tears.

She raised her head, chin on the back of her hand, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes, and the sunset dyed her face red.

Xu wanwan deeply exhaled and exhaled, forcing himself to suppress his inner vulnerability.

He is working hard and she should be strong.

After breathing for a while, I felt better. At this time, my mobile phone rang.

Xu wanwan lazily took it out, but saw the number of Jin juefeng training base.

It's not dark now. It's Jin juefeng's training time. He never called himself at this time.

She is in need of his comfort now, so he called. Is this really true?

"Baroness." As soon as Xu wanwan got through, he called. His strong heart suddenly became weak in front of the person he loved deeply.

She cried, a little swallowing.

"Did you cry?" Jin juefeng suddenly heard it, and his tone was distressed.

"No Xu wanwan denied it, but his voice became more and more choked, as if he finally had a reason not to be strong.

She heard the soft voice of Jin Jue Feng. He must be very sad to hear her cry.

"My aunt just called me." Jin Jue said, "she told me everything. She said, you should be in a bad mood and want to receive my call. I'll call you

Xu wanwan

Yes, she wants to receive his call, hoping to hear him say, baby, don't be afraid, I'm here.

However, these soft words, to the mouth has become a strong: "I'm ok, you don't have to worry about me, just a false alarm."

She can't pull him back, can she?

Jin Jue Feng was silent at that end, which was obviously very uncomfortable.

In her most dangerous time, he was not at her side. If there is something wrong with her, what should he do?

However, the two sides should not be separated at this time.

After a few seconds of silence, Jin Jue asked, "do you miss me?"

"Yes." Xu wanwan answered without hesitation.

Especially now, think of him to think of the bone, think of him to think of heartache.

Jin Jue Feng's voice trembled slightly: "I have a holiday this week."

Xu wanwan

One day, there was no way for him to come back, but she could ask for leave.

Miss deep into the bone marrow, she wants to hold him, want to be held by him, be loved by him.

Xu wanwan immediately understood and said without hesitation, "I've come to see you."

She knew that, and that's what he meant.

"Well." Jin juefeng's voice was very gentle. "I'll take you to the seaside. You'll ask for leave, and I'll arrange the rest."

"Good." Xu wanwan's mood, suddenly happy.

She's finally going to see him.

"Late, only when I see you well with my own eyes, can I settle down to train." Jin juefeng said in a low voice, "I'll wait for you to come."

"Well, wait for me."

Jin juefeng had a rest on Saturday, and Xu had a reservation for Friday.