Zou Shumin was discharged during the day and specially arranged dinner.

Xu wanwan

"Is it dinner?" My head is dizzy.

Looking at the girl's confused appearance, Jin juefeng felt lovely and distressed. He intimately kisses her ear socket and asks, "are you tired?"

Xu wanwan

The committee member pouted, "that's not true. If it's lunch, I'm afraid I can't even get up. "

"Then you can sleep a little longer." Jin juefeng let her go, ready to get up, "I'll make you breakfast."

Xu wanwan

"It's lunch, Mr. Jin."

Jin juefeng raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was almost 11 o'clock. It was really lunch.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked Wen.

"Whatever." Xu wanwan said lazily, "no strength at all."

Jin juefeng looked at the tired color on her face and bowed his head to kiss: "then you go to sleep."

Then he got out of bed.

Xu Wan Wan wrapped up the quilt and only showed a small head, which was as lovely as a silkworm chrysalis.

"I'm asleep." Xu wanwan closed her eyes, pink lips, she wants to raise the spirit, in the afternoon to pick up Zou Shumin discharge.

Xu wanwan wrapped the quilt together, and Jin Jue's admiration and affection became more profound.

He lowered his head, kissed Xu wanwan's forehead and left the room.

Xu late sweet smile, soon fell asleep again.

Jin juefeng went downstairs and took a small walk in the garden. Then he came to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and checked the ingredients. Jin juefeng has plenty of food in reserve. He gets an apron to tie on and prepares for lunch.

At this time, the door heard the sound of being opened.

Jin juefeng came out of the kitchen and saw Liu Rong holding Zou Shumin into the room.

"Ma." Jin Jue Feng was slightly surprised. "Didn't you leave the hospital in the afternoon?"

Zou Shumin sat on the stool and changed his shoes: "the examination was done in advance in the morning, and I was discharged. Are you going to cook

She saw Jin juefeng wearing an apron.

"Well." Jin juefeng walked over and squatted down beside Zou Shumin, "is the baby OK?"

"All right, all right." Zou Shumin said with a smile, "Why are you at home, today's festival, not accompanied to go out late to play?"

Jin Jue Feng Gougou lips, pointing upstairs: "sleeping."

Zou Shumin

His eyes fell on Jin juefeng's neck and he saw a red mark. He immediately understood that the smile at the corner of his mouth was very warm.

"Let's take it easy." She said to Liu Rong.

Last night, I must have been tired.

Liu Rong gently smile, are from the past, understand.

"I'll go back to my room first." Zou Shumin said.

"Xiao Feng, I'll help my sister-in-law to have a rest and come to cook." Liu Rong said.

"No, I will." Jin juefeng got up and went to the kitchen.

"I'll clean up the house later." Liu Rong said.

Zou Shumin said in a low voice: "just clean up the first floor, don't clean up the second floor, let's go to bed late for a while."

Liu Rong nodded.

Xu late to sleep for nearly an hour before lazily wake up, although still some sleepy, but the spirit of a lot better. I'm going to pick up Zou Shumin in the afternoon. She can't sleep any more.

Xu wanwan crawled out of the quilt, leaned against the window and looked around Jin Jue Feng's room. His heart was full of warmth.

She finally completely into his life, in his private space, into his own breath.

The happiness lost in the previous life is finally found in this life.

It's not easy to get all this.

She and he will cherish it.