The reporter interviewed me, I answered truthfully, and the reporter promised me to publicize our zhiweixuan.

Kill two birds with one stone. Your mother is smart

Zhan Tianye was calm and silent.

"What's the matter, son?"

Zhan Tianye said: "Mom, if the reporter bothers you again, you don't have to pay attention to it."

"Why not? You're not having an affair with Xuxu. " Zheng Xuezhi is puzzled.

"Ma, listen to me and let them go. The more you cooperate, the less quiet you are. "

Zheng Xuezhi

She didn't believe it. "I'm not a big star. What's wrong with me. OK, I'll be busy. Remember to be nice to Xuxu. In a few days, your grandmother and I will come to see you. "


Zhan Tianye hung up.

He sat in silence for a few minutes, then opened the door and got off.

He took out his cigarette and was about to pick it up when a reporter nearby took a picture of him.

Zhan Tianye shot a cold light, pointed at the reporter and said, "what are you doing?"

The reporter said: "you are Zhuang Xuxu's boyfriend, or the boss of development company and security company, right?"

"What's your business?" Zhan Tianye stared at the reporter's camera and said coldly, "what did you just take?"

"Nothing." The reporter subconsciously protects the camera, because Zhan Tianye's expression is a little cold and fierce.

"You patted me, didn't you?"


"Don't you dare take out the film!" Zhan Tianye pointed at him fiercely.

The reporter was bluffing and said with a sneer, "what's the matter with you? Who let you be the famous star's boyfriend, which law does not allow to shoot... Ah

The reporter suddenly gave a scream, Zhan Tianye slapped him impolitely, grabbed his camera and pulled out the film

Zhiweixuan gate surrounded by a few reporters, Zheng Xuezhi out, they surrounded.

"Zheng Dong, what do you think of Mr. Zhan's angry beating of reporters?"

Zheng Xuezhi face surprised: "what, my son hit reporters?"

"Mr. Zheng, why are you not satisfied with the reporter's interview?"

"Isn't young master Ling and Zhuang Xuxu in free love? They are real lovers, so why should you warn reporters not to report casually? Is there any secret about your relationship with Zhuang Xuxu? "

"Mr. Zheng, I heard that Mr. Ling is Miss Zhuang's personal bodyguard. Is that the case?"

"Zheng Dong..."

"Zheng Dong..."

Countless questions, flocking to Zheng Xuezhi micro open mouth, do not know how to answer. Finally, with the help of the security guard, Zheng Xuezhi got on the car and left. In the mirror, the reporters stayed in front of zhiweixuan, trying to interview other employees.

Zheng Xuezhi leaned back on the chair and sighed. The joy of the morning was gone.

Zhan Tianye fighting reporters?

What's going on?

Zheng Xuezhi calls Zhan Tianye and doesn't get through.

"Zheng Dong, do you want to go home?" Asked the driver.

Zheng Xuezhi was a little tired

Forty minutes later, in front of the gate of the villa, many reporters with cameras were wandering. Zheng Xuezhi's head was big when she saw them. She held up her bag, covered her face and told the driver to go back to the villa from the garage.

My God?

It's all right to know where her company is. Even her private residence, these people have made clear inquiries.

It's scary.

Back home, Mrs. Chen was sitting on the sofa, a little unhappy.

See Zheng Xuezhi, she said low: "Xuezhi, you come back."