What about Zhan Tianye?

Isn't he going back to the company?

Is he waiting for her?

Zhuang Xuxu gets out of bed and opens the door.

She thought she could see Zhan Tianye sitting on the sofa, but she didn't. It was as cold as nobody at home.

Zhuang Xuxu looked at Zhan Tianye's door, slightly covered.

She went over and pushed the door open.

The quilts were stacked neatly on the bed, and the sheets were smoothed.

She went to the wardrobe and opened the door. Inside, there was no Zhan Tianye's clothes.

He left without telling her.

Zhuang Xuxu leaned against the doorframe, feeling infinite loss. In a daze for a while, she turned around and saw a box of milk and eggs on the table. She walked over a few steps, and there was a piece of paper under the milk.

It says: eat breakfast every day and take care of yourself.

It's a message from Zhan Tianye.

Zhuang Xuxu's eyes suddenly became hot.

She thought he left quietly. It turned out that he had prepared breakfast for her. He knew that she had the habit of not eating breakfast, and he specially told her. In fact, he is still very concerned about her.

The little loss in my heart just disappeared, and what surged up was the yearning for Zhan Tianye.

Zhuang Xuxu puts down the paper and runs back to the bedroom. He picks up his mobile phone to call Zhan Tianye.

Soon, Zhan Tianye got through: "hello."

He has a low voice and a sense of maturity.

Zhuang Xuxu controlled his choking: "why don't you wake me up?"

"I wanted you to sleep more, so I didn't wake you up."

"I want to give it to you."

Zhan Tianye said softly, "don't send it. It's not the difference."

It's not a difference.

These words immediately warmed Zhuang Xuxu's heart. He still cherishes this relationship and wants to go on with her.

The girl's tone immediately became gentle: "are you not angry with me?"

"I haven't been angry. I just give you time to be calm." Zhan Tianye explains lightly, "it's normal for a girl to lose her temper."

Zhuang Xuxu

So this guy knows all this.

"Remember to have breakfast."


"I'm driving. I'll hang up first."

"Good." Zhuang Xuxu said in a warm voice, "when you go back to work, I will take care of myself. Call me when you're free. "

"Well, bye."


Zhuang Xuxu hung up her cell phone. She sat by the bed and looked out at Canyang. Although the cold war between them is over, Zhan Tianye also cares about her, but in her heart, she still feels that something is missing.

It should be less intimate.

Although they are in the same city, separation is not separation, Zhan Tianye is too rational. Is there no one who kisses them separately? Love is not supposed to kiss me, greasy crooked it?

Between them, it doesn't seem like that.

It seems that she is the one who has to hold and kiss all the time.

Zhan Tianye has little need for this.

But in contrast, Jin juefeng and Liu Zhi are very attached to each other?

Is Zhan Tianye cold in nature, or... He doesn't pay enough, so he is rational.

Such a plain love is not what Zhuang Xuxu expected.

Zhuang Xuxu had breakfast and went to class.

When she came to the garage and saw her car parked in place, she felt a sense of loss again. To the sky, Zhan Tianye is waiting for her in the car, taking her to and from class. Now, this kind of time should not have any more.