"But believe me, it must have been a misunderstanding. Jennie, if I have any interest in Zernike, why should I bother you Long Chenwen said, "you see the heart-shaped door in the garden. I tied it with 520 roses.

I wanted to make love to you at the party. If I still like ZenI, why should I do this for you in front of her? "

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

"I don't want to talk about things with ZenI any more. It's a thing of the past. In the past six months, I have understood what it means to cherish the people in front of me. " Long Chen rubs Jianning's hair, "that's you!"

Sweet words, let Jianning mood, a little better.

She gave an astringent smile, but thinking of what happened between her and Qin Lin just now, her smile dropped again.

Long Chen saw her sadness and comforted her: "when my mother is in a better mood, I'll take you back and explain to her. My mother is an open-minded person, she is angry now, mainly because it is in public.

When she's angry, she'll understand that you didn't mean to. Don't think so much now, eh? "

Jane was rather silent.

If at that time, she was not influenced by Jiang Caini, how could she be so absent-minded that she spilled the wine on Qin Lin.

Why is it long Chen's mother?

Between her and long Chen, it may not be as smooth as you think.


Long Chen sent Jianning back home, and then returned to the venue, the party is almost finished.

Long Qingyun's expression is not very good: "where have you been?"

"Dad, I'll explain to you some other day." Long Chen said.

Surrounded by guests, long Qingyun is not very good, lose his temper: "to accompany your mother, she is in a bad mood."


Qin Lin is sitting in the small room.

She had changed her clothes and was sitting on the sofa with a low face. Jiang Caini's company with her didn't make her feel much better.

In such an important occasion, such a big embarrassment, which for her identity, is not allowed.

Longchen knocks on the door and goes in. When Jiang Caini sees longchen, she smiles and says to Qin Lin, "aunt, longchen is here."

Qin Lin's facial expression this just slightly changed for a while, turned round to come, li long Chen one eye, the eyes some small heavy Li.

"Ma." Long Chen walks over.

"Sit next to me." Qin Lin patted the sofa beside her.

Long Chen obedient sit down, embrace embrace Qin Lin's shoulder, Wen smile: "still not happy?"

"You said Qin Lin frowned deeply, "I've never been so ugly in my life."

"It's not a joke, it's an accident." Long Chen said.

"Accident?" Qin Lin snorted, "why didn't other people hold the wine, but she didn't hold it. When I passed by, she threw it on me? Today is the anniversary, the girl is not the protagonist, but she is better dressed than anyone else. What's her mind?

Does it attract people's attention? So pour red wine on my wife, the chairman of the board, to attract the attention of the whole company? It's a wicked idea. "

"Ma, Jenning must not have been in that mind. It must have been an accident."

"How do you know?" Qin Lin asked.

Without waiting for long Chen to reply, Jiang Caini said softly: "Miss Jane is very kind, which should be an accident."

Qin Lin looks at Jiang Caini and is surprised: "Caini, you know that girl, too."

"Yes, I've known you for many years." Jiang Caini said lightly, "we played together a few years ago. Longchen should have known me before."