"Money is just a number. Whether it was an accident or not, I spilled red wine on my aunt. Her cheongsam is very precious. I should pay for it. I don't want to be an irresponsible person in her eyes. " Janine stopped and said, "I hope my aunt can change her view of me."

Long Chen understands Jianning's mind.

Therefore, the money that the company returned to Jianning was actually his own money. When he saw Jianning looking up the information of the cheongsam, he guessed that Jianning wanted to compensate Qin Lin for the cheongsam.

If, he directly paid for the cheongsam, as Jianning compensate Qinlin, Jianning certainly do not want to.

But if Jane is not allowed to pay, she will be very upset.

Long Chen finally thought of the method of returning the liquidated damages.

Jane Ning's mind is simple, she should not have thought so far-reaching. She used that money to buy a cheongsam to compensate Qin Lin, she will be at ease.

Long Chen said, "OK, I'll take you home tomorrow."


"Well, to our house."

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

She wanted to ask Qin Lin out, but when the words came to her mouth, she swallowed them again.

Anyway, she and long Chen together, his family, she must face.

"Good." Jianning should go down in the end.

The next day after class, Jianning followed longchen back to Longjia.

Jane Ning looks very dignified in a fresh suit.

"Is that ok?" Jianning asks longchen.

Long Chen Wen laughs: "you look good in everything you wear. Don't be too nervous. Don't be afraid of anything with me. "

Looking at long Chen's eyes, Jian Ning nodded gently.

The car drove into the long's garage.

Two people get out of the car, long Chen opens the trunk and carries out the beautifully packed box. In addition, Jianning also bought Qin Lin a set of top-grade cosmetics.

Long Chen one hand is carrying these, one hand is holding Jian Ning, walk toward stair mouth.

Long Chen told Qin Lin last night that Jianning was coming home today.

He thought that Qin Lin would have a great reaction. As a result, Qin Lin had no other attitude except some indifference.

Longchen leads Jianning upstairs to the living room.

The richness of the villa makes Jianning a little nervous.

Longchen's hand is warm, but her hand is cold.

"Don't be afraid." Long Chen shook her hand.

Jenning gave a smile and a "MMM".

Seeing them, the servant came over and saluted longchen and Jianning: "young master, madam is in the small living room."


Long Chen leads Jianning to the small living room.

The door is falsely closed, long Chen loosened the hand of Jian Ning, knocked.

"Come in." Qin Lin's voice came from the room.

Long Chen pushed the door open.

Qin Lin is sitting on the sofa reading, hearing the sound of the door, eyes light moved over. She was wearing pants, her hair curled up, her face was not smiling, and she showed a bit of hidden sharpness.

"Mom, Jane's here." Long Chen said.

Qin Lin Mou light lightly falls on some tight Jian Ning body. After long Chen opened the door, his hand fell on Jian Ning's waist. Qin Lin's eyes, jump across a touch of cold.

If it's true, the boy has two hearts.

"Auntie." Jane said with a smile.

Qin Lin's expression, impolitely cold down: "don't call me auntie, call me Mrs. Long or Madam can.". Only girls I know will call me auntie. "

Jane Ning: "I'm not sure."

His face turned pale.

She didn't expect that her friendliness was disgusted by Qin Lin all of a sudden.