Shen Guoan suddenly goes crazy. Shen Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan both realize that something is wrong. Yan Kuan looks at Shen Xiaoxiao. They look at each other and see it clearly from each other's eyes.

As parents, all they can do for their children is to ensure their children's safety. Moreover, Shen Guoan's evil sect is very. If they don't do it now, it will be difficult to do it in the future.

And as long as you move fast, you can't save the child.

Lin Jiahui and Gu Yuehua, standing outside the roulette, have long been frightened and screamed. Lin Jiahui yelled at Shen Guoan:

"Shen Guoan, what are you going to do? Release brother Jue, release brother Jue."

Regardless of Lin Jiahui's roar, Shen Guoan still held the child in the air. Just now he was still forbidden to move, and the blood seemed to break through the seal and continue to spread.

In fact, Shen Guoan is also worried, because he is also standing in this blood at the moment. Of course, it is on his own son Shen Jinhe.

"That's your own son. You're scared, too."

"No, you're wrong. You forced me to do it. I wasn't ready to do it to Jin He, but who made you Jin he's daughter? And I spoiled him for more than 40 years. It's time to repay me."

Shen Jinhe was face down and was still in the blood, so he didn't struggle for a long time. He didn't even shout out, so he was told here.

Ouyang Jue is similar to Shen Jinhe, but Ouyang Jue is in a coma all the time, so naturally there is no cry.

The two people just lay on the ground and made a stepping stone for Shen Guoan.

"Stop talking nonsense and put the last stone on it."

Shen Xiaoxiao is stingy, but Yan Kuan is ready to attack at any time.

Shen Xiaoxiao slowly took out the red bead, which Xiaobao accidentally picked up. At the moment, when the red bead was exposed in front of the public, Shen Guoan said:

"Sure enough, it's red, yellow, blue and green. Put it on it."

Shen Guoan's attention has been watching Shen Xiaoxiao's actions. At this time, Yan Kuan suddenly runs up. Because there are skeleton soldiers everywhere around them, it is impossible to break through. Therefore, Yan Kuan jumped up directly, regardless of whether he would feel distressed or not. Shen Xiaoxiao cooperated very well to do a squat, Yan Kuan stepped on her shoulder, instantly higher than all the skeleton soldiers, and ran directly to Shen Guoan's position from the heads of the skeleton soldiers.

He didn't seem to be afraid of the erosion of blood. He stepped on it directly and shot at Shen Guoan immediately.

Shen Guoan reacted very quickly. He still held two children in his hands. Looking at Yan Kuan's shoes, and even the soles of his feet were bloody, but the man didn't shout and dared to fight him at this time.

Yan Kuan is not really so stupid. Since you can step on someone's back as a stepping stone, he can do it naturally.

The pain under your feet is naturally unbearable, but the opportunity is too good to miss.

Shen Guoan has two children in his hands. He is naturally timid when fighting, but his skill is really good. He can draw with Yan Kuan with one hand. It can be seen that his kung fu is first-class.

Moreover, Shen Guoan can also escape from armor. It seems that he really has the protection of King Kong. Yan Kuan finds that he has been in the upper hand every time, but the fist hit Shen Guoan is as hard as hitting a steel plate, and even the reaction makes his hand hurt.

The two of them came and went. Watching the passage of time, the blood under their feet began to flow uncontrollably. After spitting out the blood in their belly, the four Jiaos were also submerged by their own blood.

The corpse under their feet was slowly covered with blood, leaving only a tiny piece of skin.

Lin Jiahui was crying and crying, but there seemed to be something around the wheel to prevent her from being deeply isolated outside. She saw her lover who had protected her for half a century die here.

The big dark guard had just arrived here when there was a strange image in the sky. Naturally, he saw the boss fighting against dark one and dark two.

However, Yan Kuan was merciful to the two people. They only hit the shoulder armor. The wound was not small. For the wear injury, however, the man felt no pain like a machine. When he saw them appear, he immediately exchanged hands with them.

Outside, there were seven dark guards and dark one and dark two. They also tried to break into the wheel several times to save them, but they were also blocked by something transparent.

Naturally, they are anxious and inexplicable things that can't even be pierced by bullets. They really have nothing to do.

However, dark one and dark two bleed too much. Even if they are strong, they will not be the joint opponent of seven people in such circumstances.

And the bodyguards outside occasionally joined. When they saw that the two puppets were losing, they naturally all attacked and tangled with seven people.

It may be hard to deal with dark one and dark two, but it's still easy to deal with these unprofessional bodyguards.

As for Gu Yuehua and Lin Jiahui, one is lying on the edge of the roulette, and the other is lying on one side with only half a breath left, which is not at all groundless.

Shen Xiaoxiao watched them isolated from the outside, and watched their dark guards struggle with those bodyguards.

She suddenly realized that even if they won, it would not be easy to run out safely in the end.

Naturally, she also saw Yan Kuan's feet. The soles of her feet even showed deep white bones. What she saw was shocking. The skeletons around her stood in place and surrounded her.

She was worried and inexplicable. She looked at the child and her husband on the other side, but she stood here. These skeleton soldiers were invulnerable. Although they didn't kill her and didn't take the initiative to attack, they surrounded you like this, which made her angry teeth itch.

Yan Kuan can't take Shen Guoan, and Shen Guoan can't defeat Yan Kuan with one hand.

Just now, Shen Guoan has made great efforts to continue the sacrifice. At this moment, the time passes minute by minute. Once he misses it, it's really too late.

Shen Guoan looked at Yan Kuan and hit him hard. Yan Kuan reacted very quickly and hid on his side. He just escaped. Shen Guoan actually held the child in front of his chest as a shelter. When Yan Kuan kicked back on his side, he saw the child close his feet immediately, but his feet were already white and deep, and it was very difficult to stick to it.

This foot suddenly retracted again. He couldn't stand stably at all. Shen Xiaoxiao watched Yan Kuan fall back. This fall could fall directly into the blood.

Shen Xiaoxiao exclaimed:

"Yan Kuan"

