"Mr. Ma, I think we must pay enough attention to this matter, not to mention the wechat software product. Only the company behind it has made such great efforts to promote it so solemnly, we should be vigilant and deal with it carefully!"

A senior executive over 40 spoke. He was an old man of Tencent. He joined Tencent in 1999 and successively participated in the battle between Tencent and QQ and hundreds of large and small companies and thousands of social products in the social field.

In his opinion, the reason why Tencent can always be a victorious general is that it despises the enemy strategically and pays attention to the enemy tactically. Whether it was Sina UC in the early years, Microsoft MSN or Kaixin and Renren, which compete with QQ space now, Tencent pays enough attention to the enemy.

The senior executive is quite qualified, so as soon as he spoke, many senior executives present echoed and agreed.

"Huizhong is an extraordinary company. It has developed its current scale in less than two years. It has the ability and strength second only to bat in China. We must pay enough attention to it!"

"Yes, although Fang Zhe, the founder of Huizhong, is only 23 years old, from what Huizhong has done in the past, they are quick, accurate and ruthless in doing any business, or they don't do it. If they want to do it, they must be the first in the industry. Now Huizhong has suddenly created such a wechat, which was covered up before. It is very obvious that they have ulterior motives and wolf ambition!"

"Huizhong now has many game users around the world. If they can introduce these users into wechat, they can cultivate a social software with more than 100 million users in almost a short time. If the function of wechat really hits the social pain point of users, it is likely to cause virus transmission and avalanche effect, so that Huizhong can quickly grow into a new social giant !”


Many executives agree to pay attention to this matter. Similarly, some executives feel that they are too nervous and make too much of a fuss.

"I don't think you need to worry so much. Have we seen so few competitors in the past? What are Alibaba's Wangwang, google Hi, Microsoft's MSN and Netease's bubble? Which of them is not a big company? How much effort they have made in these products and how much resources they have failed to promote, but now you can see what these products are like. None of them can be promoted in us Tencent has gone through two rounds. "

After saying this, the executive looked at everyone looking at him and added:

"I'm not saying that Tencent has no potential threat in the social field, but that we should have sufficient confidence in our social product barriers and moat. Huizhong can buy tens of millions of users even if it spends hundreds of millions now, but how many users will be left after two months? I'm afraid we can only know if we have seen their wechat products. Here's how Before, we don't have to make such a fuss! "

"Yes, we don't need to be too nervous about this. Tencent has also experienced many storms and waves over the years. In the social field, we have defeated Baidu, Alibaba and even Renren, which imitates the foreign Facebook model. We have also defeated them. Even if Huizhong can't develop overseas, we can still be afraid of him in the domestic social market?" an executive echoed.

"I think our top priority is to look at the wechat product first. Although we have just seen the wechat product introduction and evaluation on the PPT, only by looking at the product can we find out its history and see whether we should pay enough attention to it!" an executive gave some substantive suggestions.

Many executives in the conference room express their opinions. Mr. Ma, who sits in the chair, just listens to their speeches quietly, which is also the habit of Tencent's executive meetings. Generally, Mr. Ma will speak only when other executives are about the same.

After a while, President Ma finally opened his mouth:

"Huizhong is indeed a company that can not be ignored. Although we had a confrontation with Alibaba and Baidu in the social field in the past, this is the first time to compete with Huizhong in the social field. In the past, we competed with it in the game field and the game platform. Now its hands are extended to the social field, so we can't afford not to give them a lesson !

However, before that, we really need to carefully investigate and analyze the wechat product to see if it has enough competitive potential. The product department will submit a detailed research report as soon as possible. In addition, everyone will use the software when they go back. If it really has enough potential, Tencent must be prepared to fight a hard battle and kill it as soon as possible In the cradle.

However, our mobile QQ on the mobile terminal naturally communicates with QQ on the computer, which is equivalent to nearly 1 billion potential mobile QQ users. Although there are less than 50 million people using mobile QQ at present, it is more limited by the current domestic mobile phone market environment and network environment. I don't think wechat can have much advantage over us! "

The top leaders set the tone, and the executives attending the meeting suppressed their opinions and differences. To be honest, their emergency meeting was indeed a little hasty. Although they knew that Huizhong had entered the field of mobile social networking with wechat, after all, the time was very short. Even Tencent had not conducted research on this product, let alone the real competitive advantage of this product.

The reason why they held the meeting in such a hurry can only be said that President Ma attached too much importance to Huizhong. If you want to change to another small company to make this product, you may be like kaixin.com, renren.com or YY. Only after these products can have tens of millions of users will they enter president Ma's sight, Otherwise, the whole of China doesn't know how many new social products appear every day. I don't know if Tencent and Ma want to change Tencent's life in the social field. Tencent and Ma should always pay attention to it, so there's no need to do anything!

However, facts have proved that President Ma's concern is reasonable. Under the overwhelming and vigorous advertising strategy, the total number of registered users of wechat in the world exceeded 30 million in just one week, which is equivalent to an increase of 23 million users in the world in one week!

Among them, the total number of registered users of WeChat in Chinese mainland has increased from 400 thousand to about 2500000, which is 3/4 worse than that of a social product, and the lifeline of a social product in the industry is still one hundred million.

The Internet industry has a feature called winner take all. If WeChat and Tencent's QQ are directly on the front side of mobile chat software, there are only two kinds of results, either WeChat wins or QQ wins. Other situations can only be the transformation of another side, and other social segments, tiktok, jitter, and so on. Almost all survived in this way. After the failure, few users used Feixin and Mi chat, which directly fought with Tencent wechat.

Fang zhe knows that Huizhong and wechat will face a tough battle in the future!