Who is Mr. weichi? He has lived in the flowers, and he is very sensitive to this kind of thing. He immediately feels what happened.

After the insinuation failed, he ran to find out.

"Go away, egg."

Xiao Ting waved him to go. The more she sat, the more upset she was. She used some food casually and went to bed.

At this time, it's not the same thing to stay in jiuwangfu. Is she going to leave?

But she can't go, just like that. Anyway, she can't leave the ninth prince.

Otherwise, if jiuwangye is crazy, she can't bear the responsibility without her.

Of course, there is another point

This day is very quiet, quiet to Xiaoting do not know, what year is this evening?

No one came to trouble her, no one came to care about her, so she suddenly thought, to care about others.

So she called two little girls and went to the direction of Xiao's house.

Xiao Ting's unexpected arrival surprised the old lady.

Xiao Ting has a firm attitude to see Xiao Mei by name. She doesn't care about anyone, but it doesn't mean that she really has no temper.

Xiao Mei has gone too far this time.

Want her life, also want to let her be destroyed innocent, is really the most poisonous little woman.

When the old lady saw that she called Xiao Mei with her first name and surname, she couldn't hang her face.

She naturally knows what happened in the Imperial City in recent days. Is this girl coming back to ask for a crime.

She winked at the eldest lady. The eldest lady came forward to tell Xiao ting that Xiao Mei did come back, but she didn't stay much and left.

At this meeting, she didn't know where Xiao Mei was.

If you don't know your daughter's mind, the eldest lady is going to report to the government. It's a terrible thing that your daughter doesn't go home at night.

Xiao Ting doesn't believe it. She thinks Xiao Mei hides when she hears the news of her return, so she asks hongshao and lvya to look for her. But Xiao's house is so big that she can't find it after a circle. At this moment, Xiao Zhan comes back.

"My dear daughter, why are you back? Do you miss your father? " Xiao Zhan rubs his hands. He just heard that Xiao Ting is back, so he comes back in a hurry.

Xiao Ting has no good spirit of white her this cheap father one eye, the heart way: really what thing all don't worry about, born daughter all want to kill each other, he is still there bubble beauty.

"Did Dad see Xiao Mei?"

He laughed awkwardly. He seldom came back. He didn't meet any daughter.

The eldest lady was also surprised when she heard that Xiao Mei had many friends, but now she didn't even bring a servant girl and half a servant. She just disappeared from the mansion. What's the matter?

She felt afraid, but she didn't dare to say it.

If you accidentally disrupt the daughter's deployment, it will be miserable.

When Xiao Ting came, she stayed to listen to the elders.

Jiuwangfu, jiuwangye was ordered to enter the palace. As soon as he came back, he saw Wei Chi's cold heart and deep-seated eyes.

From time to time to his body Piao, that inside meaning is too obvious, nine Wangye want to ignore all can't.

The ninth Prince followed Li Mo, who had not seen him for a long time, and he lost a lot of weight.

Entering the study, the ninth prince took a seat on the throne and motioned them to sit down and say.

"Wei Chi's heart is cold. Put away your careful thinking, or Ben Wu won't mind washing your brain for you."

"Er..." Wei Chi's heart was cold and he was choked for a moment, and his brain was instantly clear.

After receiving the warning from the ninth prince, he immediately straightened up and sat down at the next head.

The ninth Prince's eyes glided over him, then moved to Li Mo, and said, "look at your expression, or nothing?"

Li Mo stood up and said with shame, "my subordinates are incompetent."

"Get up, you go down to the south of the Yangtze River. It has calmed the imperial city for many days. That's enough."

The ninth Prince pondered for a moment, and then said, "Cheng Yunyi, now is not the time to move him."

Li Mo could not hide his loss, but he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Wei Chi asked, "does the Lord intend to let him be arrogant all the time?"

"I think you are more arrogant than him."

Nine Wangye clear eyebrow sweep, way: "will they give you also have a few days, can have the result?"

"My subordinates are incompetent." Wei Chi's heart was cold and his face was black. Finally it was his turn.

Jiuwangye that day after saving Xiaoting and weichi, he also caught the old man who knew Lingshu.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Three of them entered the darkroom.

Here were several people, a man in black, half dead hanging upside down in the air, the whole face congested seriously, eyes changed color.

It's a little scary.

But they didn't even look at him. The ninth prince went straight ahead and came to the inside.The old man was chained to his limbs and head by a strong iron chain. He sat cross knee now, very peaceful.

Gray hair scattered in the chest behind, very close.

Close your eyes, there is no strange and invincible at all.

In front of them was a spacious stone platform. The old man sat there calmly, and didn't even blink at their arrival.

Wei Chi was very scared of him, so he stopped the ninth prince from coming forward and said: "prince, stay away from the demon way."

"No harm."

Wei Chi is cold in the heart. He doesn't mean to be afraid. He knows that he has doubts on that day, but he doesn't know how he talks with Xiao ting.

How much do you know?

"I've come here to ask you a few questions."

The ninth Prince is carrying his hands. His tone is light. He has no attitude of asking for advice, but he will not be overbearing.

It's very peaceful.

"Who are you, what is your master's name, and where are you?"

The old man finally opened his eyes. There was a flash of light in his gray eyes.

He curved his mouth slightly and said, "Chu Li, the ninth Prince of the Empire, I didn't expect it to be you!"

His words were a little puzzling, but Wei Chi's heart was cold.

Did the old man see something? No, it's impossible

"The spirit is not allowed to interfere in worldly affairs. Who do you learn from and where do you go?"

The ninth prince was not moved and continued to ask.

"Cough..." Maybe he hasn't spoken for several days, and the old man's voice is getting hoarser.

Some mellow nasal sounds.

"One last question, why am I not afraid of that kind of fire?"

The old man raised his head and stared at him for a long time. Finally, he laughed three times. He didn't explain much and continued to prepare to close his eyes.

"Mr. Wang, the old man has a very hard mouth."

Wei Chi was cold and discontented. No matter who the old man was in front of, he was always in a high position. Now he even ignored the ninth prince, which was really irritating.

What else is he going to say? He hopes that the ninth Lord can give the old boy something.

Suddenly, there was a flash of cold light.

A sword light flashed, and the old man's head flew out neatly, until it hit the shadow wall behind him, and then it rolled down.


The sound of the sword's sheath pulled his mind back.

The ninth Prince turned and left.

But Wei Chi and Li mo were speechless and shocked.

"Lord, just kill people like this?"

Wei Chi was cold hearted and still didn't believe it.

Staring at the head that fell to the ground, some mysterious.

Li Mo nodded foolishly, "if you think about it, he's useless, isn't he?"

"Because it's useless, so kill it?"

Wei Chi was cold hearted and tried to make his logic close to this side.

Li Mo is also speechless, at the same time, he is shocked, "the Lord didn't kill him like this before!"

As we all know, the ninth Prince is indifferent to fame and wealth, and he is indifferent to being banished as a fairy, but the other side of his decisiveness is unknown.

Nevertheless, he is not a murderer.

Wei Chi is cold in the heart and doesn't speak any more. He must tell Xiao Ting about it and see what she can do.

This must have something to do with Ali's constitution.

Is there something in this world that can change a person's character and way of doing things.

Li Mo waved for people to clean up here, then looked at another stone room and said, "where's the little girl?"

Wei Chi's heart was cold. He knew what he meant and said, "take it to the Lord. If it's useless, it's not too late to deal with it."

In fact, the attitude of the ninth Lord just now is very obvious. People here can't see the sun tomorrow.

"All right."

Not long after, in the study, the ninth king returned to his former appearance.

"Lord, what should I do with this little girl?"

The ninth prince seemed to think of such a thing and said, "throw it to the princess. She wants it."

That day, before Xiao Ting was in a coma, she once said that she would let the ninth Prince take all the living people back.

And she forgot.

Ya Ya looked more and more haggard and said, "where's sister Xiao?"

"The princess is not in the palace at the moment. Is there anything to say?" Jiuwangye's intuition is that this is not a simple matter.

"Then I'll wait for her here."

Ya Ya is very familiar, obviously already know Xiao Ting's identity.

But there was still no sign of fear, so he sat down in the chair next to him.

The ninth Prince didn't rush her, so he waved to let Li Mo and Wei Chi go down to have a rest.

After they quit, the ninth prince sat there motionless, only occasionally the sound of turning the pages sounded.Yaya is curious to look at everything here, including the ninth prince.

"What are you looking at?"

Nine Wang Ye light voice sweep to come, some don't like, this little wench courage is really big, so open and aboveboard stare at him to see, also don't know to avoid suspicion.

Ya Ya holds a small chin, look very clear, way: "looking at you!"

"I have flowers on my face?"

Yaya shook her head. "I'm looking at what kind of person you are."

"Can you see that?" The ninth Prince is still calm.

"No Ya Ya was a little disappointed and then said, "but I know you like sister Xiao."

The ninth Prince did not say anything and did not ask her.

"Sister Xiao told me something about you. Although it sounds absurd, it's warm."

"It's said that you've been together for more than a year, but you haven't made it up yet. Is that true?"

Ya Ya stares at him curiously, and never stops talking again.

"Are you Royal men so tolerant?"


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