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Gao Jianguo's current work is directly assigned after the army has changed jobs. The ticket inspection at the county long-distance bus station is an iron rice bowl.

But although the bowl could not be broken, the rice in the bowl was too shallow. His salary really could only barely keep the family alive.

Seeing that Gao Mu wants the college entrance examination and Gao Lu wants the high school entrance examination, a pair of children are getting older and older, and there are more and more places to spend money.

In particular, Gao mu, with his current results, it is estimated that it is difficult to enter a serious University. If he repeats or goes to a private university, he will need a lot of money.

The pressure on Gao Jianguo is naturally increasing, so the couple pondered for a small half a year, and finally decided to smash their iron rice bowl and go to the sea.

"Has the resignation report been approved?" Zeng Shufang asked knowingly.

"Yes, it was just approved today."

Gao Jianguo nodded. The couple had been brewing for more than half a year and would communicate almost every day.

"Go to the sea, Dad, are you going to change your job?"

Even Gao Lu put down her duck legs in surprise.

"What job did you change?"

Gao Mu also asked, but the expression on his face was very flat, no surprise, no joy, and kept turning the roast duck in the bowl.

"Can't I drive? I'm going to help others drive trucks and run long distances. When I have a chance in the future, I can also buy a truck myself. Logistics should be a good industry in the future."

Gao Jianguo's choice to leave the long-distance station and help others drive is carefully considered in combination with his own actual situation.

Although it's hard to pull goods over a long distance, the income is considerable, and the treatment is much higher than the current dead salary. Moreover, the food and accommodation outside are reimbursed by the car owner, which can save a lot of money.

This is the biggest temptation for the Gao family who is extremely short of money.

Therefore, no matter how hard and tired he is, he has to fight for the family. Now the family always depends on him to fight on his shoulder.

right enough!

The track of history has not changed at all. Except for the fire hazard just dealt with by him, nothing has changed in their home. My mother goes to work in the tea factory and my father goes to the sea to help others drive a truck for a long distance.

Everything looks wonderful. It seems that the economic environment at home will slowly get better.


Only Gao Mu knew that all this was just illusory beauty, and the actual result was not what they expected.

as like as an apple is to an oyster!

Zeng Shufang went to work in a tea factory. In just a few years, she broke her eyes and body. Gao Jianguo suffered a major car accident a year later and collided with a car on the way to pull goods.

Not only did the truck catch fire and burn into a broken shell, but also caused one death and one injury to the passengers in the other party's car.

Because he was unable to pay compensation and the truck owner ran away, Gao Jianguo could only be imprisoned.

As for insurance, it doesn't exist. The car owner has no awareness of insurance at all.

Gao Jianguo's prison disaster was a bolt from the blue for the Gao family. There was no pillar at home, and all the pressure immediately fell on Zeng Shufang.

This burden not only completely crushed her body and heart, but also brought a great blow to Gao Mu and Gao Lu.

In order to reduce the burden on his family, Gao mu, who failed in the college entrance examination, gave up the opportunity to repeat his senior three. Under the introduction of his relatives, he went to Shanghai and worked in modu to make money to fill his family.

The most seriously injured is undoubtedly Gao Lu. Because of the great changes at home, her academic performance was super excellent. In the eyes of her teachers, she was determined to enter a key university, and her performance plummeted.

After graduating from high school, Gao Lu did not continue to study. She found a simple job in her hometown and lived the simplest life with Zeng Shufang at home.

What makes Gao Mu most ashamed is that Gao Lu's marriage life is not satisfactory, and the relationship between husband and wife is very bad.

The once proud daughter of heaven has become a small spray that destroys all sentient beings.

This pile by pile, one by one, makes Gao Mu regret his life and return to the file. Gao Mu's greatest wish is to change all this.

However, although he has decades of experience in later generations, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, which is of no use for the time being.

Fortunately, time still has a great advantage for him.

Zeng Shufang temporarily went to work in the tea factory, which would not affect her body so soon, and Gao Jianguo was at least safe a year before the accident.

There must be some small bumps, but Gao Mu doesn't need to worry about them. Gao Jianguo, an adult, can cope well. What he can't cope with is the big car accident.

As for Gao Lu, as long as Gao Jianguo is not in prison, there will be no mess in her future. There is no problem in taking an examination of a good school, being a good student, finding a good job and changing a wonderful life.

Therefore, the crux of all the problems and the key time node is Gao Jianguo's car accident.

It's only a year or so from now. Making good use of this year and how to turn the world around is one of the things he has to deal with.

It is not difficult for Gao Mu to survive this disaster safely.

It's not difficult to say, because he only needs to stir Huang gaojianguo to drive before things happen.

However, can you hide from the first day of junior high school? Can you hide for more than 15?

If he often walks by the river, he can't keep his shoes wet. As long as Gao Jianguo still drives a truck for a long distance, he won't have a small chance of a car accident. Maybe the next crisis will be greater.

Therefore, for Gao mu, only when he carries the burden of Gao family can he solve this problem once and for all.

"Driving a long-distance truck? Dad, don't you have to be away from home often? Will that be very hard?"

Gao Lu's problems one after another. Her daughter is her father's little cotton padded jacket, so she still loves Gao Jianguo's father.

"Hard work is certain, but the income will be more than now. In this way, it will also be good for our family." Gao Jianguo smiled and said lovingly, "when the family has money, we can buy whatever you want."

As the pillar of his family, he always feels that he owes a lot to his children.

"Really? That's great. Thank you, Dad."

Gao Lu smiled. It was good. The little cotton padded jacket's heartache was abandoned for the time being.

Although she is more mature than ordinary girls, she is only a junior high school student after all. Gao Lu is still very young in general, and her observation points are superficial.