Wang Feifei calls Wen Meiyu. Needless to say the content of the phone, Gao Mu knows what they will say?

However, since he told Wang Feifei something, he expected that she would tell Wen Meiyu everything. He didn't want to keep it a secret.

What he cares about most is how Wen Meiyu will respond when she knows his current situation and his ideas

Will you agree to his renewal?

I didn't talk to Wen Meiyu directly, but through people who have only met once and are constantly familiar with Wang Feifei.

Its purpose is only to avoid direct conflict and have room for maneuver and euphemism.

"There's a chance, but you have to promise me a few conditions."

Wang Feifei put down her porridge. In fact, she won this opportunity for Gao mu.

"Just have a chance. Don't say a few conditions. I'd be happy to take me to climb the mountain."

Gao Mu was very happy and wanted to order a small white boat.

"What a mess. What mountain shall I take you to climb? There is no so-called mountain in Shanghai. Do you want to climb Sheshan?"

Gao Mu's words confused Wang Feifei.

"Hey, hey, what did you and Mr. Wen say yesterday? Let's listen."

Now that there is a chance, there is hope that it can be solved peacefully. Gao Mu doesn't want to end up in ashes.

"There are two main problems with you. One is that you still have more than a month's college entrance examination, and the other is that you have to stay here to make money during this time. Right?"


"You don't want to give up. Do you want to have both fish and bear's paws?"

If Gao Mu is willing to give up one of them, he doesn't have to worry about it. He either loses his wealth or his education.

But the greedy desire to share is the biggest trouble and headache. I don't know how to deal with it.

Wen Meiyu's attitude must be partial to education, but she also knows that Gao Mu is certainly unwilling to give up wealth.

It's really urgent. According to Gao Mu's character, it is counterproductive.

"Of course, people are not greedy and waste their youth. I don't want to give up the college entrance examination like making money. If there is a way to make money without affecting the college entrance examination, I'm willing to pay any price."

Gao Mu's words are almost in Gao Mu Wang Feifei. As long as she has a way, she can mention the conditions at will.

He is willing to be the fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by beautiful women.

"OK, first, I want to see the real evidence of your making money tomorrow. You must show enough evidence to prove that everything you tell me is true."

Wang Feifei stretched out a finger as slender as jade.

"This is no problem. If you want to have time tomorrow, I can take you to the securities company and show you my account on the spot."

Gao Mu thought for a second or two and nodded.

Have you lied? What you said is the truth. Real gold is not afraid of fire. As long as Wang Feifei is willing, his account can be visited with her at the opening time tomorrow.

The premise is that Wang Feifei should have time without affecting her work.

"I'll ask for leave. Don't worry about that. Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow."

This is the basis of all conditions. If we can't determine whether Gao Mu makes money or not and whether what he says is true, the latter conditions don't need to be mentioned at all.

"What about the second?"

One must have two.

"Second," said the slender jade. "Xiao yu'er can promise to help you continue to ask for leave, but you must live in my house."


There are really many question marks on Gao Mu's head. Wen Meiyu promised to help him renew his holiday. Why should he live at Wang Feifei's house?

What does it matter?

Will Wang Feifei's family agree?

"There are a lot of question marks, aren't there?"

"Well, why?"

"One of the purposes of letting you stay with me is to supervise you at any time and try not to let you disappear from my sight. Second, I will supervise your review for xiaoyu'er. For example, I can help you solve some problems you don't understand like yesterday. Moreover, I know many little brothers and sisters who finished the college entrance examination last year. They will give you the best help in the sprint I'll give you some adrenaline. "

Wang Feifei stared straight at Gao Mu and carefully observed all his changes.

She came up with this idea, that is, in order to keep Wen Meiyu's charm from embarrassing her, she let herself "intervene" and ask for trouble.

In addition, curiosity killed the cat. After just one night's contact, she was full of infinite curiosity about Gao mu. No man or boy could bring her such an impact.

None of the thinking young Junyan she knew could bring her so much curiosity like Gao mu.

She is willing to ask for trouble and help Wen Meiyu fight half the trouble. She just wants to keep Gao Mu's trouble close to her and observe what kind of "trouble" he will have and what kind of things he can do to surprise her.

"Oh, isn't that good? How are you?"

According to this statement, Wang Feifei is equivalent to replacing Wen Meiyu and other teachers and putting his senior three classroom at Wang Feifei's home.

"It's no trouble. It's just one more mouth, one more pair of chopsticks and one more bed." Wang Feifei spread her hands: "however, if you're embarrassed, you can pay me tuition fees, accommodation fees, meals and so on. I don't mind."

"Of course it should, but, just..."

Gao Mu has to pay for living in a hotel. He has no opinion on this. Moreover, it is a great good thing for him to have Wang Feifei help him review.

From yesterday's problem analysis, we can see that Wang Feifei has a good foundation and has not forgotten some knowledge of senior three for so many years. It can really help him at this time.

And the help of the newly graduated junior brother and miss, which is also a great temptation.

Moreover, this can also reassure Wen Meiyu that even if Gao Jianguo and Zeng Shufang find the truth, such conditions will reduce a large part of the stimulation.

From these aspects, Gao Mu is willing and wants to nod his head.

"What, do you have any scruples to say? There's no need for a big man to pinch."

Gao Mu's hesitation didn't make Wang Feifei very happy. She paid so much and sacrificed so much, which gave Gao Mu benefits

If this guy doesn't promise, he will get benefits and sell well. He will definitely eat half the bowl in his hand next second.

This kind of good thing is not allowed, isn't it an idiot? It can only be matched with white porridge.

"I'm worried that if you bring me back to your house, will your family have a problem?"

A day or two may be no problem, but if you decide to take this move, Gao Mu's time at Wang Feifei's house must be very long.

It's entirely reasonable to have opinions and ideas at home!

"Ha ha, don't worry, I'm not married and I don't have a boyfriend. There won't be your worries."

Wang Feifei covered her mouth and smiled.

"Oh, I'm talking about your parents."

Gao Mu didn't associate it with other men at all. This aspect has long been subconsciously shielded.

"Ah, they, they, you don't need to worry. Put ten thousand peace of mind. They won't object."

Wang Feifei's eyelashes moved slightly and a cunning smile flowed out.

"In this case, as long as Mr. Wen agrees, I have no problem."

Gao Mu began to eat all kinds of breakfast smoothly again.

It's like before the college entrance examination, he went to Shanghai to find a make-up teacher like Wang Feifei to strengthen his study.

The purpose is to shock at the last moment and try to get into a better university as much as possible.

Although there is some nonsense, at least it is a reason to say it.

"That's settled. Have you finished... Are you full? Let's go when you're full?"

For the first time, Wang Feifei didn't chew and swallow carefully, and soon wiped out her share of breakfast.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Although Gao Mu is fast here, he needs too many things. Half of them haven't moved yet?

"Call xiaoyu'er. Do you think she's not worried? You still need to communicate with her about this matter, especially how the school should deal with it. Can you discuss it?"

We will act with great vigour and speed. Now that we have agreed, we will quickly implement it.

What kind of breakfast? It's just a waste of time.

"Oh, all right! Waiter, pack."

Think that Wen Meiyu and Wang Feifei have been talking on the phone in the early morning. This strategy should also be discussed by them. At this time, they must be waiting for his reply.

For him, I tried my best to come up with such a way to have the best of both worlds.

If this plan wants to be implemented smoothly, Wen Meiyu must bear a lot of pressure for Gao mu.

For what?

Just because she is a head teacher, a teacher?

The internal reason will certainly not be so simple. Two people who don't need to put pressure on him are so hard on him.

Indeed, what face does he have to continue to eat here? How can he make others wait?

The call between Gao Mu and Wen Meiyu took a long time and ended in half an hour.

On the phone, Gao Mu first confessed his mistake to Wen Meiyu, and then repeated what he had said to Wang Feifei.

be the same in essentials while differing in minor points!

After talking to Wang Feifei on the phone, Wen Meiyu didn't sleep and kept thinking about Gao mu.

Sometimes even she couldn't figure out why she did it. For a high priest and one of countless students, she didn't have to force herself to this point.

Simply ask him to come back. If he doesn't come back, inform his parents and wait for the school to deal with it.

She doesn't have to carry so many pots, and she doesn't have to help him fool around according to the students' ideas.

However, Gao Mu gave her a special feeling. Subconsciously, she was willing to do what Wang Feifei said.

Therefore, it's much easier to receive his call now, without blaming and complaining.

After discussing the specific matter, he hung up the phone.

Before leaving the phone booth, he received a page from Zeng Shufang.

So he called back, grabbed the topic, asked about some business licenses, and finally told Zeng Shufang that he would continue to stay at Ma Yiming's house for a few days.