When Gao Mu and Ma Yiming took master Guan to Wankelong, Wankelong did not continue the misery of not having a guest before.

In addition to Gao Jianguo and other five people in the supermarket, Gao Lu Zhen Naifei plum garden also came back. At the same time, there was a young male guest in the store, who was picking things between the shelves at this time.

The truth is, his heart is wailing.

So many people served him alone, did not make him feel warm, did not feel the feeling of supreme VIP, but frightened.

It's not that he's picking things, but that he's being picked. He's the only attractive item in the supermarket.

"Old man, this is my parents, this is..."

The first thing I did when I entered the store was to introduce a large group of people to Mr. Guan.

After a slightly awkward greeting, Gao Mu specially said to Zeng Shufang and Gao Jianguo: "Mom and Dad, haven't you been asking who helped to handle the business license? It's just that the old man helped to say hello. It's all his credit that we Wankelong can try business today."

"Ah, oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry to meet you today. My boy is too strict. He hasn't told us that you are the one who helps."

Gao Jianguo just wondered how Gao Mu knew an old man and introduced him so solemnly.

It turned out to be his great benefactor?

If it weren't for the help of the old man, Wankelong still doesn't know whether it exists or not?

They owe the old man a big favor.

"It's all small things. It's not worth mentioning. You're a good boy. We forget to make friends."

He really just said a hello when he did such a favor. Compared with the Longquan sword sent by Gao mu, his help was too cheap.

"Old man, I don't know where you live. Find a chance for our family to invite you to dinner. Thank you very much."

Zeng Shufang is the person who ran this thing himself. She knows the difficulty best.

Especially for a housewife like her, she couldn't have done anything without the help of her sister Zeng Xiang.

Moreover, she knows that with the help of the old man, not only the problem of business license, but also other things are solved efficiently. Even some specialized departments still take the initiative to handle business at home.

It's not only enthusiastic, but also efficient. Zeng Xiang was surprised and shouted unbelievably.

"I don't need to eat. It's really a little busy. It's a coincidence that I came here today. I just met this boy outside and learned that your store is open today, so come and have a look."

Guan Laozi is looking at Gao Mu's face. He has no interest in Gao Jianguo's dinner appointment.

"Hey, you said the boy was still not sensible and didn't know to invite you in advance."

"Don't we still have a trial operation? When we officially open, I will definitely ask the old man to guide!" Gao Mu explained with a smile. He quickly found a supermarket membership card No. 066 from the counter and gave it to the old man: "this is our supermarket membership card. It was originally given to you next time. Since I met it today, I'll give it first."

"Well, you can accept this. How much cheaper can I buy?"

If the recharge card or red envelope, the old man will not accept it. He is not polite to accept the membership card of liuliudashun.

"This is your VIP card. You can enjoy a 20% discount for life."

Gao Mu made a gesture of eight.

"80% off. This is good. Ah, isn't it expensive for me to buy these things?"

The old man took the snack bag in his hand.

"It's all right. If you're really uncomfortable, give me the small ticket and I'll refund it for you in a moment." Gao Mu said with a smile.

"Hahaha, forget it. You can do such a thing. I'd better have an old face." the old man put the bag on the cashier: "deposit it for me first. I always feel at a loss if I don't buy anything back at 80% discount!"

With his hands on his back, Gao Mu wandered around the shelves. Gao Mu followed him with a basket and was at his disposal at any time.

"Boss, his shopping is 20% off. Why didn't I? If I'm right, I should be the first guest in your store?"

The young guest was always on his back. He was more comfortable after the old man came in.

The conversation between Gao Mu and the old man also came into his ears. At this time, he was carrying a bottle of farmer mountain spring worth one yuan for bold inquiry.

"Ah, don't worry, our supermarket is open for trial today. There must be preferential policies." Gao Jianguo's response was also quick: "originally, this membership card can only be given if it costs more than 500 yuan. But you are the first customer of our store, so you are given it for free."

Although the card was simple, looking at the bottle of farmer spring, Gao Jianguo still had some meat pain.

At least he's more comfortable to buy two bottles!

But I don't know that Gao Mu is very satisfied with Gao Jianguo's response and practice.

Let dad stay to help open the supermarket. It seems to be the right move.

"With this card, I can enjoy a 80% discount when I buy things here? Is it a 80% discount?"

"Don't worry, your card is 80% off. It belongs to the senior VIP level. There are not many cards in total."

Gao Jianguo fooled that although the number of sheets was small, the first 100 were all this discount.

"Hey, 80% off is really good. Here, here's a dollar."

In order to verify the authenticity of Gao Jianguo's words and verify Wankelong's credibility, the young guest handed a coin and this VIP membership card to Zeng Shufang sitting in front of the cashier.

Zeng Shufang, the boss's mother, thinks she can scan the code cashier and change the change.

Although the business is small, it is also the first business of Wankelong. It is of great significance!

At eighty-eight cents, Wankelong finally opened.

Inexplicably, the eyes of Gao Jianguo and Zeng Shufang were suddenly ruddy. It was not easy. They finally opened.

Looking at the farmer spring and the change of one and two cents, as well as several sincere hospitality faces, the young guest suddenly said, "I'll buy something more!"

Then he returned to the shelf with the shopping basket and began to take things with a clear goal, which he had seen and studied before.

Zeng Shufang's hands covered her mouth. She was in a complicated and excited mood. This was how she did business.

Gao Jianguo nodded gratified. He didn't give the eight eight card in vain. He was a sensible man.

Gao Lu also waved his fist excitedly: "Yeah!"

Ma Yiming, Zhen Naifei and Li Ziyuan looked at each other, quite helpless.

an utterly inadequate measure!

"Mom and Dad, come in quickly. Look, this is our supermarket. Isn't that a good name? Wankelong. Tens of thousands of guests come to buy things every day. Can business not prosper?"

With a careless voice, people who didn't see it knew that Gao Jianmei had arrived.

Zeng Shufang looked at the supermarket door in surprise: "did you inform me?"

Gao Jianguo was more surprised than him: "I didn't say!"

"Didn't you tell them to come when it was officially open? Why did you come today?"

"How do I know?"

They looked surprised and went to the gate. Before they took two steps, the Gaojia shareholder group led by Gao Jianmei appeared in front of them.

Gao Jianmei and Fang Dajing, Gao Jianjun, Gao Laozi, and Fang Xiaoai, the daughter of Gao Jianmei and Fang Dajing.

Several people walked into the supermarket with a smile. They were all dressed up carefully from their clothes.

"Mom and Dad, big brother and sister-in-law, little sister and husband, why are you here?"

Gao Jianguo said hello in embarrassment and asked in embarrassment.

"Second brother, do you think we won't know the supermarket is open today without notifying us?" Gao Jianmei sneered proudly: "at least we are also the shareholders of the supermarket. How can we not arrive at such an important occasion?"

"It's not that I didn't inform you, but today is a trial operation, not a formal opening, so I didn't inform you."

Gao Jianguo explained that it was mainly explained to his parents.

"In the final analysis, it's not that you haven't treated us as shareholders. Even if it's a trial operation, you should inform us."

Gao Jianmei is a reasonable and unforgiving character. She catches the conversation and doesn't say it well. It's impossible.

"Mom and Dad, you sit here first."

Zeng Shufang was afraid that Gao Jianguo would be annoyed by Gao Jianmei. She deliberately touched him on the shoulder, and then went up to help the old man and his wife to the bench to sit down.

"It's still cool inside. It's too hot outside."

Grandma Gao Mu wiped the sweat on her head. She started from her hometown early in the morning. It was bumpy and hot all the way. At their age, she was very tired.

"In laws, drink some water to quench your thirst. Have you worked hard all the way?"

Zeng Xiang came over with two bottles of normal temperature mineral water.

"You are fragrance, Shufang's sister."

Grandma Gao Mu has a good memory. She hasn't seen her for many years. She recognized Zeng Xiang at a glance.

"My in laws have a good memory. We haven't seen each other for five years. You can recognize it at a glance. How are you..."

Anyway, there was no business in the store. She also had time to talk with her two in laws.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Ziyuan said in Zhen Naifei's ear, "I don't think Gao mu, the rich second generation, can realize it. Look at this scene, eh..."

"Isn't it already open? That's a good phenomenon."

Zhen Naifei's feelings are actually the same, but she won't say it like Li Ziyuan.

"Let's go back. It's meaningless here. Their relatives don't need our help to receive them?"

Li Ziyuan wanted to leave long ago. The more he stayed in this place, the more embarrassed he became.

"Wait a minute. Since you're here, it's inappropriate to go now."

Zhen Naifei thought and shook her head. Gao Mu was too calm. With her few contacts with him, she thought things might turn for the better.

"Well, I'll accompany you."

Zhen Naifei insisted on staying, and Li Ziyuan was embarrassed to go alone.

"Come on, let's stop sitting around and buy something. A 80% discount can be a lot cheaper."

The former Zhen Naifei could never say such a thing. Now Zhen Naifei has no economic oppression.

"Yes, remember what you promised me? I cashed it today."

Li Ziyuan and Zhen Naifei have supermarket membership cards in their hands, both of which are the top 100 players.

"Feifei, Yuanyuan, do you want to buy something? I'll accompany you!"

Ma Yiming was also very bored. Seeing the actions of Zhen Naifei and Li Ziyuan, he immediately said that he would join.

"We girls go to the supermarket and buy our things. What's the matter with you as a big man?"

Li Ziyuan asked reluctantly. At this time, they don't need the labor force to carry things.

"Hey, hey, I can pay for you."

Ma Yiming took out his supermarket card and showed off naked.

"Cut, isn't it a supermarket card? When we don't have it? Enjoy a 20% discount? Here, we have two."

Li Ziyuan disdained to take out his membership card and despised Ma Yiming more. Can you show off?

"Cut, Liziyuan, it's better for girls not to cut around." Ma Yiming put on a posture that he can cut, but others can't cut: "do you think our cards are the same? See? No. 01!"

"Yi!" can't cut it, just change a disdainful modal particle: "the number is great?"

"You're wrong. What's great is not the number. What's great is that the card with this number has money. You don't need to pay for things, not only 80% off."