A CD-ROM operation was carried out, the dishes and chopsticks were cleaned and the kitchen was cleaned together.

Finally, he sat on the sofa and hugged: "didn't you say you had something to find me? No, just let me identify your cooking level?"

"Of course not." Wang Feifei reversed her body, put her hands around Gao Mu's neck, put half her head on Gao Mu's shoulder, put her mouth close to her earlobe and kissed her: "show you something."

"What? It's so mysterious."

Gao Mu's hand took Wang Feifei, who was ready to get up, and didn't let her leave for a long time.

Wang Feifei giggled: "if you don't let go of me, how can I give it to you?"

"Tell me something first, and I'll let you go."

"Let me go first, I'll give it to you directly, and you'll know what it is."

"Ladies first, you say first."

"Yes, ladies first, so let go first!"

It was another bad and wonderful conversation, deadlocked.

"Well, I'll take you to get it?"

"If you want to eat my tofu, just say it. What excuse are you looking for!"

Wang Feifei took the opportunity to push Gao Mu away and hopped into her room. Before she came out again, she was blocked by Gao Mu at the door.

"What the hell is it?"

"Here, open it yourself."

A large envelope was stuffed into Gao Mu's hand and pinched gently, which was similar to a greeting card.

"I haven't had a birthday either. Why did you give me a greeting card?" he said slowly and quickly unpacked his bag: "notice? How could it be with you?"

The envelope contained the admission notice of mordu University, but his volunteer contact address was home?

How did Wang Feifei get it?

He hasn't been confused enough to write Wang Feifei's address, has he?

It's possible now, but there was no current relationship between the two at that time. It's impossible to write their mailing address here.


"Hey hey, magic Capital University is mailing a notice these days. I went to school and brought it directly for you."

About Gao Mu's admission to mordu University, she knew it clearly for a long time, but she didn't tell Gao Mu clearly.

Today, I directly gave him the notice, which gave him a little surprise. At the same time, it was also to prevent Gao Mu from running back to get it after the notice was sent to his hometown.

"Yes, I still underestimate the relationship between you and Mr. Wen in modu." Gao Mu shook his admission notice: "you can intercept even this. Now I fully believe what Mr. Wen said. If my score is a little poor, you can let me enter modu."

When Wen Meiyu said it was possible, Gao Mu believed 80%, but now he fully believes it.

But I still have questions in my heart. As ordinary graduates of Wang Feifei and Wen Meiyu, how can they have such a great influence after leaving school for so many years.

It is impossible for ordinary alumni to enter the school. Similarly, retaining the admission notice is not what you want to stay.

"Of course." Wang Feifei narrowed her eyes and said proudly, "we have always been very confident. It's just that you don't trust us."

"Well, I trust you 100% now. When does school start?"

"There are more than twenty days left. You have plenty of time to prepare. Do you live on campus or outside?"

"Live on campus for the time being. Whether you live off campus or not depends on the situation."

Gao Mu doesn't want to be too prominent, and if he lives on campus, he can better observe and understand the school and better contact the teachers and students of the school.

"Well, I'll prepare things for you. Don't worry. I'll find someone to adjust your dormitory. Let's arrange a single student apartment for you."

Wang Feifei began to take charge of everything.

"And a single student apartment?"

Gao Mu asked in surprise. Wang Feifei's current state is really as good as that of the housekeeper.

"Of course, you can still live in the international student apartment."

"Live in a building with foreigners?" Gao Mu frowned, not happy: "forget it. I know Mr. Wang, your former alumni still has a great influence in modu, but I still want to live a normal college life. We don't engage in specialization, just be an ordinary college student."

College life for Gao Mu is the first time that a big girl goes to a sedan chair.

From his heart and from the perspective of life experience, he still hopes to have a serious experience in all aspects.

"OK, I see. Boss Gao wants to experience the ordinary life of ordinary students and want to live a grounded life."

Gao Mu teased her teacher Wang, and she hit back at boss Gao.

"I'm an ordinary person. I'm a descendant of the poor and lower middle peasants. I'm all in the air."

Although he has some money, which has exceeded 99% of the people, Gao Mu has never regarded himself as a rich man.

From his point of view, he is far from the rich.

"Yes, I see the rustic air on you. It's very rustic. Is it comfortable now?"

"Comfortable." Gao Mu replied, "how are things with them? Have you got any useful information?"

Compared with his admission notice and future college life, Gao Mu is more concerned about Shao and tan.

"Don't worry, I've asked people to inquire. Yesterday's feedback has found people who are consistent with the information you provided. Now I'm checking where they are. I'll tell you as soon as I have the exact information."

"Well, it's hard. It takes a lot of money for you to find someone. I'll transfer a sum of money to your card tomorrow. You can use it first. If it's not enough, ask me to get it."

Gao Mu once kept Wang Feifei's two bank cards with a clear account number.

"No, just find someone. Where do you need to spend money?"

Wang Feifei refused.

"It's not for you, it's for someone you trust."

"I know what you mean. Don't worry. I asked him to help me find someone to give him face. He can't ask me for benefits."

"What kind of people can you hold so dead?" Gao Mu asked in surprise: "even if he doesn't want it, doesn't he need to trust other relationships behind him? There is also a need behind him?"

Human relationship is a network, connected one by one. Sometimes it only needs human relationship, but more often it still needs capital expenditure.

After all, he gave too little confidence. He meant looking for a needle in a haystack. There might be a lot of money.

"Don't worry, the man I entrusted spoke. It's impossible for the people behind to ask him for benefits. So you can't use any of your money."

Her face was full of confidence and smile. If Gao Mu had to spend a lot of money on finding someone, it would be her failure.

"So powerful, who are you looking for?"

Gao Mu's interest in this man has greatly increased.

"I won't tell you. Hey, it's confidential."

Wang Feifei stepped back from the room with a smile, her slippers flew out, her body jumped, and sat on the bed with her hands on her knees.

"Take the money yourself and buy what you want."

With his current relationship with Wang Feifei, in fact, he should often make some small surprises, but Gao Mu is not a person who can make small romance easily.

Therefore, giving money to let her entertain herself is his intention, although there is less feeling.

"No, I don't want your money. It's an accident between us. Just keep this relationship. I don't want to be a canary maintained by you."

Wang Feifei crossed her hands, a big one ×, She is an independent woman.

With Gao mu, although the accident that night had a little subjective initiative, she didn't go for Gao Mu's money.

"There's no exaggeration. How can I give you money to maintain you? I'm like an old man in his 70s and 80s. Even ordinary pocket money is needed for my family, and it's also necessary to prepare school things for me."

Gao Mu continued to persuade him that it was the first time he couldn't use his money. This feeling was not particularly comfortable.

"Don't forget, I'm the chairman with an annual salary of one million."

He is also a chairman who doesn't need to take care of things. If he wants to go, he won't go first. Wang Feifei also earns a million yuan a year.

With this relationship with Gao mu, her feeling of guilt faded a lot.

"Hey, I can't refute what I said!"

A sense of powerlessness to be convinced. If you lose one piece, you must earn back the other.

How can a man be defeated by a woman? His heel moves and the door closes.

After a cry for help, the room was quiet until the next morning.

It was another good day to make progress every day. When Gao Mu got up with a sour back, he found that Wang Feifei was no longer at home.

There was a big breakfast on the table and a note on which Wang Feifei left him a message.

He told him that he had something to do when he went to school. He specially prepared milk and eggs for breakfast to let him have a good rest.

After eating eggs and drinking milk, Gao Mu continued to rest obediently. Today he had no energy to go to school.

Hunger and cold steal the heart and warm the lust.

Some lives are really not easy.