Qiu is no matter. Class matters are Wang Feifei has the final say, and in disguise he gives Gao Mu a lot of free authority.

"Do you know why there are no girls in our class?"

A strange smiling face appeared on Wang Feifei's cheek.

"Why?" Gao Mu asked casually, and the next moment was stunned: "don't tell me this thing, is it your behind the scenes control?"

"Hey, you guessed right again. I arranged it. In fact, I selected all the people in the class for you. I dare not say they are all talents, but the first class must be the strongest among all the classes at present."

Each of these people in class 1 was selected by Wang Feifei and relevant teachers after careful analysis among all freshmen in this major.

Personality and temper are not guaranteed, but learning ability, scores and even professional ability in high school are good seedlings.

She is confident that as Gao Mu knows more and more about them, there should be people he is interested in.

In doing so, she screened Gao mu in advance.

"Black hands!"

Gao Mu patted his knee, smiled and shook his head.

His heart is good and his practice is impeccable, but he doesn't think it's a good thing.

Don't stick to one pattern and bring down talents!

Wang Feifei may not understand what kind of people Gao Mu needs. Her so-called screening may not be to keep good and suitable people. On the contrary, it is more likely to screen out personality talents.

"Isn't it for you?"

Wang Feifei put her "black hand" on Gao Mu's face and flirted with the little man.

"All the girls are blocked for me?"

Gao Mu didn't care about this before, but his attitude changed after he knew that behind the scenes and Wang Feifei, the "black hand".

"You've wronged me, just a schoolgirl. I don't have such a strong desire to control you."

Not only is it not strong, but there is almost none. She has long shown her non marriage doctrine.

Even if Gao Mu has many wives and concubines, she won't care. Besides, she's just a few female students. She's not so "black handed".

The fact is that a limited number of girls do not have advantages in this major. They are normally screened out by Wang Feifei.

Of course, this is because of this, and because she only wants to be good to Gao mu, completely ignoring the happiness of other boys in the class.

"It's not like a girl won't come in. Even if there is one, my monitor won't need a part-time literary and art committee member. I don't know what you think, literary and art committee member!"

make me on the spot!

Let him be a big man, a big monitor and a part-time literary and art committee member, which is his most painful place.

Even now he acquiesced in the position of monitor. When he thought of literature and art, he was very angry.

"Hee hee, I did this on purpose." another unexpected and intentional one was on this: "you mean this literary and art committee member, you deliberately let me work part-time?"

"Yes, it's intentional. Otherwise, do you think if there are no girls, it must be the monitor concurrently?"

Wang Feifei's pride reached the peak, which was her biggest surprise to Gao mu.

Yes, that's reasonable!

Other positions can be determined internally, but Bingsi cotton literature and Art Committee members can't be determined internally. Even if there are no girls, even if there is no one with literary and art cells, isn't it very simple to designate someone casually?

But no, isn't this a new routine?

"Can't you really find the right person? In fact, I can recommend someone to you."

Gao Mu knowingly asked questions and deliberately picked the wrong topic.

"Do you have a suitable candidate?" Wang Feifei said with a smile after looking puzzled. "Are you going to recommend your roommate to take on this important task? Your feelings are very good!"

The irony can no longer be obvious.

"Yes, we have a good relationship. I'm not a sole eater. Of course, we should share the benefits."

The teacher said that Gao Mu really had a candidate who wanted to be a cadre on duty, even Qian Putong, the monitor.

"Come on, literary and art commissar, but I specially left you a killer mace. How can I give it to others?"

It took great pains to come up with such a method. It was not easy for Gao Mu to become a monitor and a literary and art committee member.

There is no reason to let this good thing out. In Wang Feifei's eyes, Gao Mu is also a literary and art committee member, which is the greatest good news.

"Well, I've taken great pains. What's the advantage of me serving as this literary and art committee member?"

As soon as Wang Feifei said it, he listened.

"Starting tomorrow, your freshmen will have a military training for about 20 days. After this military training, that is, about a month later, the school will hold a welcome party."

The annual orientation is due. As for military training, it is a new and iron project.

Twenty days is still a short time. The military training time of some key universities can be longer than one month.

It's terrible.

"Well, isn't it a program for the class?" Gao Mu guessed.

"Well, it's true that there should be at least one program for freshmen in each class, sophomores up, and at least one program for each major in each grade. Of course, whether they can perform on the stage depends on the intention and quality of the program."

It seemed that she was tired of standing. Wang Feifei pulled a chair from the side and sat on the side of Gao mu.

"As you say, it doesn't have much to do with me?" Gao Mu stared at Wang Feifei suspiciously: "a class is just a program. Although our class is thirty big men, it shouldn't be difficult to make a literary and artistic program?"

Even if there is no one who has literary and artistic cells and can perform, a collective poetry reading is also a program!

This confidence, as a part-time literary and art commissar, he is still confident.

"Listen to me, the latter is the key." Wang Feifei smiled: "This year is the first year that Baoshan new campus was officially opened. You are the first freshmen to study here. Therefore, the school leaders should pay more attention to this orientation party than ever before. They have high requirements for the quality of the program. It is impossible to recite any poetry, sing a song and dance casually."

According to previous years, as long as there is someone willing to perform, it doesn't matter whether you sing or dance, sing well or out of tune, dance elegantly and beautifully, or dance with demons.

One purpose, dare to go on stage, dare to show your face and dare to perform.

But this year, none of this will work.

In fact, before the school started, the school leaders had held several meetings for the orientation party.

The purpose is to make this year's orientation party different from previous years and of high quality.

"If you don't sing and dance, what else can you do? It's just lively. Shouldn't it be more lively when the new campus opens?"

He understands that the quality is improved, but students are not professional artists after all. Amateur performances can't be too demanding!

"This year's welcome is nominally welcome, but in fact, we should also take into account the completion and use of the new campus. This party is not only faced with the students of our school, but also watched by foreign guests such as superior leaders on the evening of the party. Therefore, the quality of the program must be high and innovative. Singing and dancing can't always be some old content."

"I see."

Gao Mu suddenly realized that the so-called orientation nature had changed. In the past, he could entertain himself. If the program was rubbish, everyone would be happy.

School leaders may have fun, but they won't sit all the time, mainly the students play by themselves.

Obviously, we can't do this this year. The quality of the program is the first, and the second is to be formal. Hee hee HA is definitely not good.

It's really difficult.

"Really understand?"

"I see!"

"Do you have any suggestions or solutions?"

"Yes, please help." Gao Mu said solemnly.

Since you want to improve the quality of the program, be tall and formal, please ask professionals for help.

"Ask for foreign aid, hehe, if it can be so simple, do I need to ask you?" Wang Feifei said with a bitter smile: "the difficulty is that the leaders of the school not only want the quality of the party, but also require our own program. Even if we can ask for foreign aid, the help can only be limited to technology, and it is impossible for foreign aid to perform on the stage."

It's about the image of the school. Although foreign aid is good, it can't be used.

In some peripheral work, such as stage design, commissioning, use and guarantee of sound equipment, program arrangement or dance arrangement, appropriate use of foreign aid will not cause great problems.

However, the final presentation of the program and the final performance on the stage can only be the students of the school.

"Well, there's no way. Who's asking? Let who find a way!" Gao Mu spread his hands and couldn't help. What does it have to do with him: "if I'm not mistaken, it's similar to the new year's party. It should be the business of the school student Union?"