(thanks for your monthly ticket

Pupil earthquake!

It's a pity that the guest in the presidential suite is not him, but the person he's laughing at.

He was laughing at a man in the presidential suite for eating and drinking. It was so ridiculous.

It's ridiculous.

"Fake, all fake, everything you said is fake. Joke, just him, how can you be a guest in the presidential suite. Are you blind? Can't you see that he is wearing floor goods?" hysterically, the two-color ball pulled his clothes and looked terrible: "I'm responsible to tell you that you must have been cheated by him. Can he afford to pay for the presidential suite?"

As always, the dense problems were thrown out.

He doesn't know how much the presidential suite costs for a day, but it's certainly not cheap. Anyway, he can't afford it.

He doesn't believe that Gao mu, a mainland kid who wears ordinary goods, looks poor and forced, eats like a hungry ghost, can afford to live in the presidential suite?

Gao mu, how can you be better than him?

It's ridiculous!?

However, in addition to women in breast length skirts, what really laughs is the two-color ball itself.

Is it foolish to question that Gao Mu is not a VIP guest and his hotel?

Don't you need money to live in the presidential suite?

Can ordinary people live by brushing their face?

How could Gao Mu have a problem with money? Their hotel has accepted the money. What's to question?

What are you wearing?

What happened to the Mainlanders?

What happened to young?

Gaomu's economic strength has already proved everything, that is, their hotel must treat high-quality customers with high-quality service carefully.

Money determines status, which is the charm of capital society.

"Sir, you can question Mr. Gao. That's your fault."

He is the most polite of the beautiful housekeeper without saying he is stupid.

"Don't talk so much with him, which will affect my eating. Didn't he say he didn't hold an invitation card? Now ask him if he has an invitation card?"

Without speaking for a long time, Gao mu, who has been watching the play, picked up the wine glass and gently blew the red wine in the glass.

Is it OK to use red wine as black tea?

Supervisor Cheng's mouth was slightly tilted and his eyes narrowed. Gao Mu's words suddenly came to his heart.

To be honest, when he saw Gao mu, he didn't feel like a person who could afford to live in the presidential suit, but he spent a long time in the mall and in the hotel, so he remembered a word.

The sea cannot be measured, and a man cannot be judged by his appearance.

Some rich people have money printed all over their body, including on their forehead. For such guests, they have the most trouble and ease to deal with.

Of course, not all people with the word "rich" printed on their forehead are rich. Some people have enough money to print such two words.

The real rich, who can really talk about being rich, are often very low-key and say that he has little money all over his body.

Low key is king!

Such guests are the easiest and most troublesome to serve.

In different order, the meaning is completely different.

The former only needs to do a good job on the surface, and the latter often needs to do a good job on the back services. These services are the real efforts and the services that truly reflect their hotel details.

Real skills are in places you can't see. What you can see is often flower boxing and embroidered legs.

"Sir, please show me your invitation card."

It doesn't matter how much you want. He matched Gao Mu and stretched out his hand towards the two-color ball.

"Why should I show it? Why should you show it to me?"

The two-color ball bites firmly. He has a ghost invitation card. He has heard that Amin sneaked in, but the damn Amin disappeared at the critical moment.

Director Cheng asked for an invitation. A woman in a chest length skirt was more nervous than a two-color ball. The whole person leaned on the shoulder of the two-color ball and kept turning her eyes. She was also looking for Amin.

At this time, in their hearts, only Amin can save them. When Amin is not there, they are extremely guilty.

"What? What?"

Looking around, I couldn't find Amin's figure. Women in chest length skirts could only call in the ears of the two-color ball anxiously.

He didn't know what to do. If he knew, would he die here with a hard mouth and hold on with a trembling momentum?

"Sir, I only introduce myself once. I'm the director in charge of the banquet restaurant. I hope you can cooperate." the smile on my face is still there, and the tone still sounds polite, but everyone can hear what director Cheng means: "Just now you said Mr. Gao didn't have an invitation card, and I asked him to show it. Our hotel will treat all guests equally, so I hope you can cooperate."

The implication is that the two-color ball does not cooperate. In order to show fairness, the hotel must take other means.

In fact, supervisor Cheng is more suspicious of the two-color ball than Gao mu.

In particular, his reaction at this time increased his affirmation. With a wave of one hand in the direction of touching, two staff members soon came over.

It is also a suit, but you can see that this is the existence of security. As long as the two-color ball dares to be a demon, there will be a dimensionality reduction attack immediately.

"Fair fart." the two-color ball whispered. At this time, he still didn't forget to compare with Gao mu. He resented that supervisor Cheng hadn't asked his name and called him Mr. so and so. "My invitation is not on me?"

"Where is that?"

You need to show your invitation to enter the banquet hall. If you don't, you can't come in at all.

"I, I..."

The two-color ball can't find a suitable reason for it. It can't be said that it fell into the toilet!

At this time, the staff on duty at the door was also called by supervisor Cheng.

"Does this gentleman and lady have an invitation?"

A bad man will not be spared, but a good man cannot be wronged.

"They..." the man on duty at the door was the one who almost stopped Gao Mu from entering. He looked at the two-color ball and the woman in chest length skirt for a long time and recalled for a long time: "director Cheng, I don't remember them. They shouldn't come in from the front door."

Recognizing people and remembering the appearance of guests are their basic qualities.

The hair color of two-color ball and chest length skirt is so unique that he can't have no impression. If a person stands at the door and has contact with them, he will have an impression, which he is still very confident.

The staff reminded supervisor Cheng that if he didn't come from the front door, he might come from the back door.

As long as someone cooperates, the two color balls have the opportunity to enter from the employee's channel.

"For the last time, do you have an invitation card?"

The tone of this speech has begun to be impolite. It is completely a question.

"Our invitation card is in Amin's hand. He took it."

The woman in the chest skirt suddenly said, and the joy on her face was not concealed at all. After that, she held the two-color ball's arm in her arms more tightly.

At the same time, he also proudly looked at the two-color ball. The joy in the corner of his eye seemed to say: I'm smart. Praise me quickly.

The two-color ball was also stunned with eyes and a happy face. He said happily and definitely, "yes, our invitation is on Amin. As long as you find Amin, you can see our invitation."

They couldn't find Amin just now. Obviously, this guy noticed something wrong. Like the old fox, he had long hidden.

As long as he hides well and doesn't show up for a while, they can find a chance to leave the banquet hall.

As long as they leave safely, it has nothing to do with them whether Amin will be unlucky or not.

Dead friends don't die, poor friends!

Friends, the key time is to top the bag, play with the pot, and sell it.

Gao Mu smiled, and the beautiful housekeeper smiled with him. Supervisor Cheng's face became gloomy.

the case is entirely cleared.

It's just that under the publicity, it's the last thing supervisor Cheng wants to see. There's really an insider.

"Supervisor Cheng, it seems that there are big loopholes in your staff training?"

The beauty supervisor sent him a cold word.

It's not that she is narrow-minded, and there is no internal work competition between them. It's really because this hair dyeing guy has brought unnecessary trouble to Gao mu.

To bring trouble to Gao Mu is to add trouble to her. Seriously, it is a loophole in her service.

The root cause of all this, skipping the two-color ball, is actually caused by a Ming under supervisor Cheng. He is the supervisor to blame for his mistakes.

Moreover, what she said is not wrong. It is true that supervisor Cheng's training is not in place and such a big loophole is exploited.

Luck in misfortune.

Today, only two little cockroaches came in. If they really mixed in dangerous people and caused real big trouble, it would be really troublesome.

Such a big trouble can't be overcome by her sarcasm.

"It's my fault. Later, I'll apologize to Mr. Gao. Now, deal with these mixed mice first."

Director Cheng's face was embarrassed and black. He continued to ask the two-color ball, "what do you mean, Ah Ming got your invitation card for you?"

"Of course, yes, it's the invitation that Amin got us, so it's always on him. As long as you find him, you can prove that my words are not false."

The two-color ball knows that their only way out now is to insist on Amin, which is "dead without proof".

Even if there is a trap in supervisor Cheng's words, he must jump in now. However, it's better to leave quickly for safety.

So he coughed so calmly, put his arms around the woman in the chest skirt, and turned to go to the gate of the banquet hall.

I sneaked in from the back. Now when I go out, I must "hold my head high" and go to the front door.

However, before the steps were lifted, the way was stopped by two staff members.

Supervisor Cheng said coldly behind them, "guys, where do you want to go?"

"This reception is boring. We don't want to stay. We're going back. Get out of the way."

The two-color ball trembled, and he felt fear.

"Sorry, the matter has not been investigated clearly. You can only come with us. Please!"
