Of course, waiting to die is not Gao Mu's style.

Since he missed it, the facts can't be changed, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have a chance at all.

Without full control, it can also be controlled by the Ministry.

Perhaps for penguin, it is not a bad thing to continue to maintain the state of his previous life, retain the start-up team and continue his development journey.

What Gao Mu needs to do is to get enough equity from others, and then penguin has enough say.

The half of the Empire State building collapsed, he still had the opportunity to rebuild it in other ways.

The new building may not avoid the poor design, firmness and height of construction, and may be better because of new changes.

Happiness and misfortune depend on each other, and misfortune and blessing lie behind each other. It is a blessing or a misfortune that will be known in the future.

"Hello, Mr. Ma. I've heard a lot about you. The boss's men are really good soldiers. Like the boss, Mr. Ma is also a young Junyan!"

Xiao can always stay. There is a reason why he can become the person in charge of China's development after Guo Yingquan.

be all things to all men!

"Hahaha, thank you for your praise."

Ma Yiming glances at Gao Mu proudly. It is normal for Gao Mu to be called young Junyan. He can get such praise today. No matter how sincere it is, he is very happy.


"We have been the best students since high school."

He didn't care about Ma Yiming, but explained to President Xiao why Ma Yiming would be reused from the side, and solved his doubts about Ma Yiming's age.

Sure enough, nothing happened and anyone's success was without reason.

President Xiao is very satisfied that he has bet on the right treasure and guessed Ma Yiming's identity.

"No wonder. It is said that birds of a feather flock together and people are grouped together. It is really reasonable that excellent people will always be with excellent people."

Rainbow fart continues.

"Mr. Xiao, I really doubt whether you are from Hong Kong. How can you say this set of words one by one?"

Ma Yiming laughs. He doesn't like the Hong Kong people he knows!

"Ma is really good. In fact, I am not a native of Hong Kong. In fact, I moved to Hong Kong with my family in the 1990s. So, don't be surprised."

President Xiao smiled and said his identity and background, which Gao Mu didn't know.

"Do you really think Xiao is always praising you? Are you praising himself?"

Anyway, no matter who he praises, Gao Mu sits firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Eh, birds of a feather flock together, and good people are always with good people. It makes sense, Mr. Xiao, you sound like praising me. In fact, you're still trying to say you're good enough!"

Ma Yiming suddenly realized that the Hong Kong guy is also a chicken thief!

"Hahaha, all excellent, all excellent, not excellent, President Gao will not like it."

I don't deny it. Anyway, it can be regarded as adding some impression to him in front of Gao mu.

This visit to Shanghai is not only an opportunity for Gao Mu to find him, but also an opportunity for him to take the initiative. Naturally, he should perform well from the beginning.

"Well, stop complimenting each other. I didn't let you fly all the way from Hong Kong to listen to you. Did you bring it?"

Enough is enough. They are all big men. Some naked words are meaningless.


Gao Mu blew the pause button. President Xiao changed his expression. With a serious face, he took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Gao Mu respectfully.

Without any more words, Ma Yiming immediately entered the office state. Ma Yiming nodded with emotion and said that the efficiency and rhythm of Hong Kong people are very strong. Sure enough!

Knowing that Gao Mu started to do business, although he didn't know what it was, Ma Yiming didn't continue to play treasure even if he was full of curiosity. He also calmed down, turned and sat down, which would no longer affect them.

There are a lot of documents and data. Gao Mu looks at them carefully. As time goes by, apart from the normal breathing sound in the car, there is only the sound of turning over the data.

Ding Li drove around the elevated road slowly, and he had no destination.

Anyway, Gao Mu said that wherever he drove, he regarded it as an opportunity to study the traffic in the magic city and get familiar with the road conditions.

"All the information is here?"

After reading the last page and closing the document, Gao Mu touched his temple and asked.

"I dare not say 100% of the current senior management of penguin technology, as well as the relevant technical talents and the operation status of the company, but more than 90% are there."

The reason why I dare to say that I am so sure is that this information took a lot of time and money and was instigated by professionals.

It is also easy to investigate because the current Penguin technology is relatively simple and there are not many staffing and business modules.

"Well," Gao Mu closed his eyes, played back these data in his mind, and then overlapped with the data in his memory. Some of them are the same, but most of them he didn't know.

There are a lot of important information about the unknown data, such as Xiao Ma's family background.

What started from scratch, really can only be chicken soup, not reality.

Thinking that the corners of his mouth could not help turning up, history is really stubborn. He originally wanted to integrate the two Internet giants in China. Now it seems that it is not easy to achieve this goal.

Finally, whether it can be realized or not, we should also make a huge question mark.

However, as long as he does not continue to make mistakes in the next step, it is not difficult to partially realize this idea.

At present, there will not be too much intersection between penguin's business and horse herders, but with the expansion of the two Big Macs, mutual territorial violations will continue to occur.

The competition will not stop. Entering each other's territory and encroaching on the opponent's territory is one of the driving forces for the two sides to move forward.

Competition is good, but there are also bad aspects. The repeated waste of resources will be very serious.

At the beginning, Gao Mu wanted to integrate the two sides with his own strength, but also to integrate their domestic resources, reduce internal competition and do not waste resources. He wanted to twist them into a rope, hold them into a fist and put the main battlefield of competition overseas.

We should know that although the two giants are majestic at home, their development overseas is not smooth. In addition to the well-known historical reasons such as cultural system, they also missed the best opportunity to go to sea.

This dilemma is exacerbated by the struggle between insiders and outsiders formed by thousands of years of social development.

Therefore, despite the current reality, it is impossible to realize his initial version, but the initiative of time is still in Gao Mu's hands. As long as he still sticks to time and cashes in the new scheme as much as possible, he can reduce competition and achieve joint efforts and win-win results.

Just like the use of QQ in Duobao spell, it is a good mutual aid!

In the future, we can further deepen cooperation, support each other and grow up together.

In order to avoid unnecessary wrong competition and realize the superior trend of mutual benefit and win-win, open and close, Gao Mu will take necessary measures after penguins obtain enough voice.

Clear division of labor, dislocation development, mutual cooperation and reaching the peak together are his strategic positioning for horse herders and penguins.

Penguin's positioning naturally lies in entertainment and communication. In the future, Internet instant messaging, dating community, games and entertainment are all covered by him.

The horse herders will certainly be more accurately rooted in the fields of Internet e-commerce, logistics and finance.

As for the contents of big data, digital cloud and artificial intelligence, they are needed by both sides. Gaomu is prepared to set them separately for common development.

In other words, his horse herder empire is still called this for the time being. It is roughly divided into three important nodes: Penguin's Pan entertainment system, horse Herder's Pan e-commerce system, and big data's technical support system.

There will be countless overlapping integration and mutual feeding between each other.

With the development and growth of this system, under this ecological closed loop, relying on these three platforms, countless fibrous roots and countless branches and leaves will certainly grow

Hey, I think a little too much and think a little too far.

Gao Mu slowly opened his eyes and threw these remote future things out of his mind.

What needs to be solved at present is the immediate problem. This dilemma is not broken. All I thought just now is a mirage.

"What did keying and IDG say? You told me last time that there was still great hope. It's been another week. Is there any good news?"

Put the closed information on the seat and cover it with one hand.


President Xiao's solemn face finally showed a smile, not only because he did have good news to tell Gao mu, but also because Gao Mu opened his mouth and finally didn't have to hold his head.

It doesn't matter how long Gao Mu spends reading materials or how quiet he is.

But the quiet time when Gao Mu closed his eyes after reading the materials was too long. He was in a complicated mood and didn't dare to make a sound.

Although he boasted that he was an excellent person around Gao mu, he was different from the excellent person sitting in the co pilot. He was not like the one who could snore and sleep recklessly.

"Tell me!"

"At the first high tech fair last year, Penguin technology obtained the first venture capital, and released a total of 40% of the shares. The company was valued at US $5.5 million, which is US $2.2 million. Keying and IDG each contributed US $1.1 million, with 20% of their shares..."

How cheap!

As long as $2.2 million, you can take 40% of penguin's shares. As long as you can take these 40% shares for more than ten years, you are the richest man in the world!

Tens of thousands of times of income, how terrible!

Unfortunately, I missed such a good opportunity for nothing. The annual high tech fair is definitely a good meeting and a conference worth visiting.

Gao mu, who has learned a lesson, silently decided not to miss the high-tech fair held every year in Shenzhen, the capital of reform.

Lost the opportunity of penguin, but we can't lose the opportunity of other companies.