Business mutual praise can be, but it should be enough.

"Mr. Xu, anyway, thank you for coming from Beijing today. Penguin's shares are a small matter for your IDG, but they are still very important for our development in China."

The conversation was almost the same, and some problems could not be talked all the time. Gao Mu was ready to get to the point. Before, Xiao and IDG signed an agreement of intent.

Although part of the deposit has been paid and there is a certain guarantee, it is not the final coffin, and there is still a possibility in case.

"It's my pleasure to come to Hong Kong to see you, President Gao."

He can't help it. If he doesn't take the initiative, Gao Mu may always hide behind. Xu Yingjia's visit to Hong Kong to meet Gao Mu was also entrusted by other leaders of the company.

"Well, when our contract is signed, I'll pack a yacht. Please go for a walk on the sea, blow the sea breeze and taste red wine."

There will certainly be a large-scale signing ceremony for the large-scale cooperation, but the share transfer of Huaxia development and IDG can be said to have been carried out quietly. Not only did they not invite external journalists and media for publicity, but also did not even engage in internal small activities.

Gao Mu means that after the red seal is finalized in black and white, as long as the shares are obtained, it's OK to spend a lot of money to hold the yacht, not to mention the ceremony.

"That's a good feeling. I also want to continue to communicate more with President Gao. In this way, this time it's a win-win situation. I can't let you spend money alone. President Gao goes out of the boat and I give out several bottles of good wine. They are all excellent vintage wine I hoarded when I was overseas. Please give me a good evaluation."

Xu Yingjia is really interested in Gao mu. This time, he will share his treasures in Hong Kong.

"That feeling is good."

Gao mu can't wait for a cruise ship. As long as he is willing to spend money, he can rent enough grade locally, but high-grade drinks can't be bought by ordinary people. He depends not only on his pocket but also on luck.

"Mr. Xu, take out the contract. My official seal is ready."

The formal text of the contract has long been confirmed by both parties. What is missing is the confirmation of the boss's signature and the company's official seal.

President Xu didn't come from IDG headquarters empty handed. He brought a formal contract that had been sealed and signed. Today, he only needs Gao Mu and Huaxia development to sign.

"No problem." Xu Yingjia waved to the female assistant around him. A document fell into his hands accurately. One palm pressed on the contract text, but he didn't immediately push it to Gao mu. Instead, he looked at him with a smile and asked, "before signing the contract, I want to finally ask President Gao a question. I don't know if it's ok?"

The meat play comes on and the main play begins.

Gao mu, who had been waiting for Xu Yingjia to ask, was not surprised. The whole person leaned slightly against the back of the chair, stretched out one hand, palm up, and smiled, "Xu always has anything else to ask. Just ask. I know everything and say everything."

"OK. President Gao is straightforward." Xu Yingjia praised loudly. "In fact, this question is not what I want to ask. Before I came to Hong Kong, President Xiong asked me to ask President Gao."

President Xiong, one of the founders of IDG capital, is also the general head of IDG Greater China, Xu Yingjia's immediate boss and the soul of IDG.

In IDG's brilliant investment strategy in China, his vision and means have played an important role. He is not only regarded as a "God" within IDG, but also has a great reputation in the whole field of venture capital.

Once a Gaomu layman, he was so ordinary that he couldn't contact or even understand them.

But now Gao Mu is very interested in these big guys. In fact, not only he is interested in them, but these big guys in the venture capital industry are also interested in him, or Duobao Pinpin.

Because he lived in seclusion and studied behind the scenes, ordinary people couldn't see or touch him, but Shao Yibo received a lot of olive branches there.

Although it is a cold winter for Internet, venture capital with real capital often likes to go out to hunt at this time, which seems to be the most risky.

The greater the risk, the more opportunities, and the greater the possible benefits in the future.

Moreover, in the high-risk and stormy period, not only investors with poor strength, but also various start-up companies with mixed advantages and disadvantages are eliminated.

Under the baptism of great winds and waves, companies that can still live and even strive to develop must be real shining pearls, which deserve their key attention.

China's Internet industry is actually a relatively small market in the global bubble burst. After all, China's Internet has just started, and its market opening degree is not large enough to resist risks.

However, the Chinese government, which strives to join the WTO and wants the country to develop and become rich, and the huge market composed of 1.3 billion people, allow anyone with a little vision to see the future potential of the whole Chinese market.

Huge and vigorous!

The development of China's Internet industry can be expected in the future.

In Shao Yibo's report, IDG, Sequoia and Softbank of Japan have all contacted Duobao Pinpin website and are very interested in investing.

If you change it to other Internet companies, you must be very happy. Even big concessions are possible. Unfortunately, there is a bug like Gao mu. Duobao does not lack development funds at all, at least at present. Therefore, Shao Yibo politely refuses these capital giants.

Although sorry, it can only be so. Gao mu, the big boss, doesn't want to, and his small shareholder naturally can't go against his wishes.

Moreover, Gao Mu's continuous support funds for energy sources do not need him to worry about the driving force of the company's development. Compared with other entrepreneurial Internet companies, he belongs to the one envied and hated in the industry.

To put it another way, the essence of capital is to pursue profits. They want their shares for these capital investments. Although the shares of him and Tan Yangying in the company are small, they do not want to be diluted by foreign funds.

Moreover, it is easier to ask God than to send God. Now he can do most of the Lord. If more people and more capital join, his authority will be reduced by one point.

They can maintain their current state, and they don't want to break the balance.

Therefore, at the beginning, he thought it would be bad for the future of the company and the future internationalization route, but now he has no idea at all. Without Gao Mu saying more, he will take the initiative to push back the olive branch.

"Oh, I can't imagine that this matter on my side has even alerted president Xiong. I'm really sorry. Hahaha, what does president Xiong want to know, president Xu?"

"IDG wants to know what is the purpose of Huaxia development in penguin technology? According to the information I have, Huaxia development is not a venture capital company. Do you also want to enter the Internet?"

In the past and present life of China's development, the person in charge of IDG Hong Kong has been investigated for a long time.

Xu Yingjia knows exactly what kind of company they are and whether they have the ability to join the venture capital industry.

"President Xu is powerful. He can see through the future development direction of our Chinese development at a glance."

Gao Mu nodded his head with a smile and responded with a clear tongue twister.

"Oh, do you really want to enter venture capital?"

Gao Mu's answer still surprised Xu Yingjia. Did he read the young man in front of him wrong?

Venture capitalists seem to have unlimited scenery, but only they who are inside the besieged city know the dangers. One bad thing is that they will never return.

"Yes and No."

What Gao Mu said is still unclear. In fact, he is also wondering what he can say to the person in front of him and whether it will have an unknown impact on his own business empire?

"Oh, what do you say?"

The interest increased again. Although Xu Yingjia was curious, he still maintained his calm face and expression.

"Huaxia development will be involved in venture capital, but it is different from President Xu's IDG capital. We do it relatively small and specific."

"I'd like to hear it in detail!"

Xu Yingjia didn't understand what Gao Mu said. She felt she had caught something. When she thought about it carefully, she didn't know anything.

"Let's talk to Mr. Xu. Our development before the development of Huaxia is very poor. We have been cleaning up some industries before this time. Next, we will take the route of asset light, mainly focusing on targeted investment."

Gao Mu doesn't know how much Xu Yingjia knows about his relationship with the development of China, so he still makes a small detour and wants to hear Xu Yingjia's words.


"We know that President Gao took over Huaxia development not long ago. After taking over, he carried out a vigorous reform within the company. Judging from the current situation, Huaxia development has almost cleaned up the original projects. In other words, President Gao always hopes to do something instead of shareholding and investment with a clean shell company? I don't know what I think , is it appropriate? "

The old Jianghu is the old Jianghu. If Gao Mu talks about it again, he can sort out his own understanding.

"Mr. Xu is powerful." Gao Mu gave a big praise, "that's what I mean, so the development of such a small company in China will not affect a big Mac like IDG."

Gao Mu's meaning is also very clear. The real purpose of China's development of penguin shares is not to compete with professional venture capitalists such as IDG.

"I believe President Gao said this, but the question goes back to the original. What is the real purpose of your shares in China's development of penguin technology, or who do you hold shares for?"

Xu Yingjia has asked very directly. It is reasonable that Gao mu can refuse to answer. After all, it is related to privacy.

But the half signed contract is still under Xu Yingjia's hand. He is unwilling, but he also has taboos.

The last step is to be careful when it is heavy.