"No, no, Mr. Gao. Don't hurry. We've just had a comfortable conversation. Aren't you disappointed when you leave? Mr. Gao, Mr. Ma and assistant Ding don't leave today. Let's simply eat some fruit, drink some tea and talk. I've asked someone to book a hotel. Let's do our host's friendship in the evening. Let's talk while eating."

How could President Xiao Ma let Gao Mu leave at this time? Even if he saw that he was pretending, he must politely and sincerely ask him to stay.

Talk while eating, have a good chat and have an in-depth chat.

"Talk again?"

Gao Mu looked at the sincere President Ma and asked casually.

"Talk again!"

President Ma is very firm.

"Really want to talk again?"

Gao Mu looked at Zeng Zong and continued to ask.

"Really talk again!"

Zeng Zong, Xu Zong and Chen Zong looked at each other, and the chicken pecked rice and lit three big black heads. They were so respectful and respectful, of course, to keep Gao Mu and talk with them.

Talk about other profit models, talk about the future of penguin technology, and talk about the past, present and future of Q goose.

"Then talk again?"

Gao Mu inquired and looked at Ma Yiming and Ding Li, as if asking for their opinions.

"Talk again!"

President Xiao Ma and others are so sincere. They are also good tea, coffee, peanuts, melon seeds and fruits. It's a pity not to talk.

Of course, if we don't talk now, there will be no local dinner arranged by President Ma. This is the most pity.

Ma Yiming is not so greedy. If he wants to eat, he can eat it himself. However, the feeling and taste of this big meal cooked by President Ma and them will be completely different.

If you want to eat the most authentic local food, eat happily and feel comfortable, of course they should invite them.

"Then talk again!"

Now that we have asked around, we all mean this. Gao mu, who was originally a fake model, can only nod and agree with "hypocrisy and affectation".

He didn't want to go. He hasn't talked about the more important core things yet. Can't he give up all his previous efforts now?

"Hey, by the way, let's talk again. Come to President Gao, have a cup of tea to moisten your voice, and we'll talk slowly."

President Xiao Ma took the initiative to pick up the tea cup and motioned to Gao Mu from a distance.

Green tea has the spirit of Baijiu.

Everyone raised their tea cups and everyone was happy!

"What are you talking about?"

Tea is good, but drinking too much water is not good. Although Gao Mu is young and has strong kidney function, he has drunk a large bottle of mineral water to remind President Xiao Ma and others to serve tea.

The stomach is bulging. Naturally, it's better to drink less tea.

"In addition to the model of mobile Q goose, does President Gao have any other business plans?"

Can't wait to rob Mr. Ma. Only Mr. Zeng speaks.

"Yes, yes, but I won't talk today."

If you want to take back the stock, you can take back the stock. If you want to talk about a new plan, you can talk about a new plan. How can there be such a beautiful thing in the world?

Gao Mu shook his head, enough is enough. Some things are not well discussed, so some things can't go further.

"Ah, don't. the suggestion of moving Q goose has given me a lot of inspiration." President Zeng's constipation on his face clearly seems to be full of inspiration. He rushes about in his mind. He can't remember anything after thinking carefully. "I'd better talk more and communicate with each other."

As long as Gao mu can continue to talk, he believes he can reorganize a lot of valuable information from countless fragments.

"Since Zeng always has inspiration, why don't you let Zeng always say?"

Gao Mu gestures with a smile and pushes the boat with the water to give you a chance.


Zeng always lit his nose and was in a complicated mood.

If he could say one, two, three, four, five, how could he show such a compliment to Gao mu? He was anxious because he couldn't think of anything really useful.

"Yes, didn't Zeng always have a lot of inspiration? It's not good to say your inspiration and let everyone listen."

Gao Mu nodded and said with an understatement smile. To be honest, he also wanted to see if his advice could make the penguins' five tigers open, and some ideas in the future gushed out automatically in advance.

"I can't."

There was nothing really valuable. Being pressed step by step by Gao mu, Zeng always fragmented the thoughts flying in his mind and disappeared quickly.

"Mr. Gao, don't be modest. If Mr. Zeng had good inspiration and we had good ideas, we wouldn't be as helpless as before." at the critical moment, Mr. Ma came forward to rescue the embarrassed Mr. Zeng, "please don't hesitate to give me your advice!"

Put your hands together and be sincere.


Touching his chin, Gao Mu was thinking about how to change the topic to his own rhythm. They kept asking him by the nose. It was not a way.

"Mr. Ma, several bosses." at the same critical moment, Mr. Ma Yiming, who has not played a role, gave Gao Mu a big surprise, "aren't you going to take back our shares? What else do you want to hear Gao Mu say?"

Once the shares are received, they have nothing to do with each other. No matter how much you talk, it's nonsense.

Well said, Gao Mu quietly gave Ma Yiming a thumb. Today's sentence is probably the one with the highest nutritional value during the period when he took Ma Yiming from Shanghai to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to Shenzhen.

Also because of this sentence, Gao Mu sighed incomparably that there was no white belt "assistant" at last!

"That makes sense."

Gao Mu spread his hands. He was extremely innocent. It was not that he didn't say it, but that there was no need to say it.

The source of all this is the idea of recovering 40% of his shares pursued by Penguin five tigers at the beginning.

"I... you..."

Mr. Ma really wants to give Ma Yiming a Pooh. Can he talk well? Isn't it good to be a quiet and beautiful man like before?

But he didn't know how to answer such a lie at a critical time.

Besides, they want to get back the 40% shares. Does Gao Mu agree?

Hundreds of billions of dollars, go to the 18th floor of hell?

"Mr. Gao, Mr. Ma. We won't talk about the shares for the time being. Isn't this share still in Mr. Gao's hands? Mr. Gao is the major shareholder of penguin technology. It's reasonable to help us analyze some problems in the company's operation and point out the future operation mode and new business plan for the better development of the company."

Gao Mu and Ma Yiming can't completely deal with the old Jianghu in a few words. One person can't be another.

Take turns!

Mr. Zeng is worthy of being the chief operating officer and has grasped the key to the problem from his perspective.

"Well, it seems reasonable."

Isn't it reasonable for Gao Mu to nod in agreement, but it doesn't mean that he must continue to waste time with them on this issue. His main purpose is not this.

If the way Penguin technology will develop in the future is all said, what else will he take to surprise him in the future?

He seems to know a lot of things, but he knows them on the surface, and he knows nothing about the real core.

Gao Mu is still very clear about the truth of saying more and making more mistakes, so he can't continue.

"So according to President Chen's meaning, you agree with me as a major shareholder? President Ma, president Xu and President Zeng, what do you mean?"

Pressing into the corner is to ask them to express their position. Ambiguity is no longer needed by Gao Mu now.

If you give them benefits and let them eat sweets, you should not show their attitude. In this way, you can know how to talk and talk later.

President Ma looked at each other briefly. They knew what Gao Mu meant and asked them to make a statement immediately.

However, taking back Gao Mu's shares was the ultimate decision they made after a long night of discussion. Just because Gao Mu gave them a profitable idea, it seemed unrealistic for them to completely overthrow themselves and change their original ideas.


"Ma Zong, is it difficult?" Gao Mu leaned back on the back of the chair, and the whole person was very relaxed, which was quite different from the state of Ma Zong and others. "If you are so difficult, I'd better go first. You think slowly and give me a call when you think clearly."

Repeat the old technique!

"Gao is not in a hurry, wait."

President Ma quickly reached out and stopped Gao Mu and others who didn't move a minute.

Same effect!

With a smile, Gao Mu didn't say any more. He just reached out and motioned President Ma to continue. As long as the answer is satisfactory, he can continue to give opportunities and don't go for the time being.

"President Gao, what attracts you about our Penguin shares? Why are you just unwilling to give up?"

"I've already said the reason. Since President Ma asked again, I'll sincerely answer again. The purpose of starting Penguin Technology Co., Ltd. is to make better use of Q goose and better promote my Duobao development."

The same meaning, the same official tone.

"Yes, we understand President Gao's intention." President Xiao Ma nodded. "I'm glad you trust our Q goose software. However, even if you don't have the shares of penguin technology in your hand, it doesn't affect Duobao's use of Q goose software?"

After going deep into the soul, Gao Mugang just started 40% of the shares of penguin technology. When he didn't have these shares in his hand, there was no difficulty in using Q goose software in Duobao spelling?

"Yes," chief operating officer Zeng Zong was still strong and looked at President Ma. "I have a suggestion here. President Gao will see if it is feasible?"

"Oh, what is it?"

Because of his interest, Gao Mu asked with a smile. He wanted to see if Zeng always had any good suggestions. Could he break the deadlock between them.

"President Gao is optimistic about the beauty of our Penguin technology. We are very happy, and we can't blindly refuse your cooperation, which will certainly chill your heart. However, I personally think the proportion of 40% of the shares is too high. None of us has as many separate shares as President Gao. Therefore, it is suggested that President Gao only need to retain 5% of the shares, which will not affect me Cooperation between us. "