e overweeningly ambitious!

Xiaoma and Penguin technology lost such a development goal, which can be described as ambitious.

However, unlike the original announcement of the construction of penguin.com, although this time the ambition is greater and the content is more shocking, the external response to it is not the same as last time.

There are still people who look down on it, but it's much less than the last time.

More people learned the lesson from the last time they looked at penguins, opened their eyes again, and analyzed this plan of penguin technology from a different angle.

Some industry elites with more forward-looking vision have begun to analyze the feasibility of penguin technology's life cycle planning and the meaning of realizing this planning.

More mentally active, they began to wonder whether they should also participate in these industry segments listed by Penguin technology, or whether they can become their partners while Penguin technology layout?

After all, once Penguin technology has achieved these grand goals, it does not need to be fully realized. As long as one or two of them are partially realized, the huge Penguin warship will be born.

Once the size of penguins has developed to a level that people look up to, the peripheral supplies they depend on for the first time will naturally become beneficiaries.

Where interests lie, thinking is within reach.

Naturally, there are two distinct factions in the whole Internet industry because of different views.

One group is not optimistic about penguin's huge ambition. They think that this plan is too advanced and involves too large and complex scope. With the current domestic environment and penguin's ability, it is more like a mirror, which is not good-looking and easy to use.

While not optimistic, some competent people put forward their views on this plan of penguin and suggested that President Xiao Ma should calm down and recognize more reality.

The food should be eaten one by one. The goals can be achieved one by one. There is no need to put such a big table all at once.

It's a waste of money to eat!

The Internet is supposed to burn money, but there is a lot of money that can be burned, and you can't burn it indiscriminately. If a bundle can burn one result, there's no need to throw ten bundles at a time.

Many people support penguins to play big battles and engage in big strategies. Whether they want a share or are really optimistic about the development prospects of penguins, they have expressed enough trust in Xiaoma and his team.

As for the fund dilemma raised by the skeptics, they are also busy giving advice one by one.

There are many people with ideas, and the discussion is lively. The good and the bad are mixed, the useful and useless, and the jokes are very complicated. Later, it is more like a farce of forum netizens.

However, in this chaos, there are still sober people who can clearly see what the real purpose of penguins is?

Why can we do things with a low profile? Why is it so high-profile?

Some capital with international strategic vision have different perspectives from ordinary Internet users and even Chinese Internet leaders.

In particular, some have been paying attention to penguin technology and have been "hooking up" with President Xiao Ma privately.

For example, MIH in South Africa, IDG who wants to go back, etc. of course, Gao mu, the behind the scenes major shareholder, is certainly indispensable.

In fact, Penguin technology quietly opened a new round of financing when there was a heated debate outside,

In the past year or so since Gao Mu became the major shareholder of penguin technology, President Xiao Ma once again took out 20% of the company's shares for major financing.

Under the planning of Gao mu, 20% of the shares were equally distributed to IDG and MIH capital, each with 10% and a price of US $10 million.

Yes, just after a short year, the market value of penguin technology has reached the level of US $100 million with this financing.

Liang blind the eyes of all the big men!

Such a huge market expansion is naturally fueled by Gaomu.

As a major shareholder who controls 40% of the shares, and has not provided advice on the company's development, he has played a great role in the company's business expansion, so his voice in penguin technology is booming day by day.

He asked President Xiao Ma to spread the news, mainly to IDG and MIH, two international capitals, and clearly told each other that this financing was the last financing before the listing of science and technology.

At the same time, it is also the most important financing. The capital involved in this financing will not only be the long-term partner of penguin technology, but also the biggest beneficiary of the explosive growth of penguin technology.

Since they have always been optimistic about Penguin technology and want to go back, this is the last and most important financing. IDG and MIH cannot want to lose this opportunity.

Even in order to enter the game, they will put all their eggs in one basket!

This is the biggest advantage of rich and wayward bosses.

It was after seeing the cards in their hearts that they called Gao mu, the major shareholder, to stir up the situation. At the beginning, they showed the idea of continuing to increase capital and shares.

And in order to express their determination, they pushed the valuation of penguin technology to a terrible height of $50 million.

Whether 10 million or 50 million, Gao mu, who controls 40% of the shares, is a number game.

Similarly, for the entrepreneurial five tigers led by President Xiao Ma and holding more shares, they are happy to see the success of such a digital game.

Anyway, the higher the valuation of penguins, the greater their benefit.

Gao Mu is sure to eat MIH and IDG.

Originally, President Xiao Ma and others only took out 20% of the shares. As a result, Gao Mu not only did not dilute, but also continued to increase capital and shares. It was still not capped. He wanted a family to win all 20% of the shares.

This is not the rhythm of eating into a fat man in one bite, but the rhythm of eating and vomiting.

It's hard for IDG, who is determined to win, especially regardless of face, to eat penguins.

Ten percent is already the lowest bottom line. How can Gao Mu divide up part of his equity? So he added 10 million to Gao Mu's valuation of 50 million US dollars. Naturally, the condition is to win all 20% of his shares.


Although MIH comes from the southern hemisphere, they are not free to eat. No, the arrogant style of Gao Mu and IDG naturally aroused the pride of MIH.

They are not afraid of competition, money and style.

Since everyone is so optimistic about Penguin technology and dares to be so crazy when the Internet is still winter, let's go crazy together.

As a result, MIH pushed the valuation to $70 million, adding $10 million to one finger at a time.

No one loses. Everyone adds $10 million to $10 million on the condition that they want to exclusively take 20% of the equity.

The practice of horse herders, IDG and MIH is crazy!

The hearts of President Xiao Ma and others are not happy. They resist the impulse to rush out of the door and set off fireworks and firecrackers, and put on a look of embarrassment.

Hesitation and procrastination make it difficult to make a decision.

Anyway, with the cooperation of Gao mu, they are not in a hurry or worried at all.

Indeed, since Gao Mu is playing the number game, it is impossible to play it like this. International capital such as IDG and MIH is not someone who wants to fool, but when he wants to fool.

This is also a coincidence. Under the superposition of various conditions, it creates a feeling that it seems to "play with them in the palm of the hand".

Naturally, we should make good use of it. We can't miss the opportunity and don't come again?

Gao Mu has Gao Mu's plan. IDG's Xiong Zong Xu is not a fool. Naturally, they know what they are doing?

At the beginning, it seemed good to transfer 20% of penguin technology's shares to Gaomu at a very low price, but now it seems that it is their decision to transfer it to Gaomu.

Just a year later, they want to win another 20% share of penguin technology at an unknown price. It is also their decision after careful consideration.

One in and one out, although it makes money in pure finance, the potential loss of digital wealth is very large. This kind of operation is extremely coquettish in the eyes of outsiders.

However, they did not care about the face, did not accidentally despise their eyes, and still resolutely participated in the competition.

There is no right or wrong in their IDG investment. In addition to the investment philosophy of business, another main reason is that Gao Mu is a catfish stirring the muddy water.

In particular, general manager Xu Yingjia has made a lot of contacts with Gao Mu before and after. He has suffered losses and reaped benefits. He has a deep understanding of Gao mu. At the same time, he also appreciates and recognizes him.

Although Gao Mu fooled away the 20% share of penguin technology, it was also a good investment to let them IDG take a stake in fengma express. It took about a year. Due to the financial support they gave, fengma Express has achieved initial results in the layout at the provincial capital level in China.

Just from the perspective of benefits, the current bee horse express is still in the pure money burning stage. It is too early to produce benefits and bring sufficient financial income to their investment.

However, referring to the development process of European and American logistics industry, they are very optimistic about the development of fengma express.

In particular, Gao Mu inadvertently revealed some development plans to him. He knows where the future prospect of fengma express is and what the outbreak point will be.

Therefore, although there is no financial income, the premium of equity investment is obvious. As long as the time is ripe, once fengma express is listed, it will inevitably bring huge dividends to their IFG.

It is with the template in the front, so they boldly want to go back to penguin technology, which Gaomu is more optimistic about.

Even if they see the real purpose of Gao Mu's pushing up the valuation, they dare not gamble on it. They can only jump with a smile when they know it's a pit, but also tell others that they are willing to jump, happy and happy.

With IDG's heel, there will be MIH's heel.

Therefore, if Gao Mu is not afraid to play off-line and close when he sees the good, the financing valuation of penguin technology may not be stuck at the stall of $100 million.