After the big meeting, there are still small meetings to be held.

News is that the less words, the more important things, the less participants, and the more important content.

Wang Min and Minister Che looked at each other at the same time. There was no need for any communication. Everything was packed calmly as usual, and it was reasonable to leave with others.

Wang Min, in particular, specially consulted Gao Mu before leaving, with a modest attitude.

"Gao mu, how do I feel that Wang Min is a little aggressive?"

AI stayed in the end, and when everyone left, she inadvertently reminded him.


The eyelashes were slightly picked, and Gao Mu smiled and asked.


AI tidied up her clothes and bounced back.

"OK!" Gao Mu's mouth fluttered. "Since you say there is, there is."

"Dress up, you can dress up." Xiao AI suddenly realized that Gao Mu had seen through everything and was playing with her. "I'm leaving. Anyway, take it easy and don't be late."

Carrying the bag, shaking his head and waving his hands, he walked away gently.

"Don't protect yourself at night, don't protect yourself at night!"

Gao Mu was the only one left in the house. Instead of leaving in a hurry, he sat down again.

The door shook and the flashing fluorescent lamp flashed for a while, as if trying to "go out", but finally tenaciously survived and continued to illuminate.

Only one of the four "foot" chairs is supported by Gao mu, which is completely relying on the center of gravity of the body to maintain the balance of the chair.

Press one hand on the table, shake the direction, squint at the faint street lights in the campus outside the window in the distance, and unknowingly it is already night.

Xiao AI's loss of life at night called him a little sigh. In the twinkling of an eye, three years later, he is a senior. How many feelings can he entangle with the university campus?

How much of his college life can he spend?

How long does he need to hold things related to the school?

Gao Mu is also worried about whether he can often appear in schools and classes as before?

It's time to arrange things after turning around. Let go of what should be put as soon as possible. In fact, it's also a relief for him.

The first thing to bear the brunt must be the position of the student union, a position of great power in the eyes of many people, a position with countless eyes, and a seat with a little chicken ribs for him.

Time is not fast or slow, but the long history of his development has undergone earth shaking changes. After two years of consumption, he has stepped into a position that can be completely put down.

Since there are so many people staring at him and so many people want the position under his ass, he simply takes the initiative to give way. Surrender is also a virtue of Chinese civilization!

But before leaving, he had to finish a few things in his hand.

No matter who the successor is, it's good to leave a beautiful and complete disk for the successor after leaving.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Over the past year, Gao Mu has a remarkable feature, that is, his ideas have changed quickly and implemented quickly.

Fortunately, most of the results of his changes are good, and they are constantly revised on the road of development.

"Sleep, what can I do without sleep?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a lazy coquettish anger.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot the jet lag."

Although there was no outsider, Gao Mu shook his head with a bad meaning. It was just nightfall on the other side of the ocean.

"Eh, no, classmate Gao doesn't want to catch traitors? I've only been abroad for one day, so you'll do it?"

The lazy voice woke up a lot, and the tone was wrapped with a trace of danger.

"I'm dizzy, Mr. Wang. I'm in Shanghai. The high-tech technology of catching adultery by telephone is not good."

Mr. Wang is still so unruly. Of course, it's only when we talk to him alone, which belongs to the two of us.

"That's not necessarily. It's normal for you to worry about my beautiful appearance. If I were a man, I wouldn't want to let her go abroad alone?"

There is a kind of flirting called complaining.

"OK, I see. Do you blame me for not accompanying you to Los Angeles?" I know what I mean. I'm very upset. "I'm not good this time. I'll prepare my passport early next time."

Wang Feifei's energy in the past two years has been completely thrown on the 18th Bund.

This time I went to Los Angeles because of my business needs on the 18th.

Unfortunately, the decision was full, and Gao mu, who could have gone out with her, was stuck because of a passport.

Going out of China and going to Europe and America is Gao Mu's inevitable road, but until now, his farthest journey is still Hong Kong, and the cross ocean journey still exists on paper.

"Whether to give me a chance next time or not, my girl's mood."

Wang Feifei turned over lazily and glanced at the electronic clock on the bedside table. She needed to make up her sleep at 4 a.m.

Although I left the company and devoted myself to my career, I have been busier and busier in recent years, and I have less and less private time together.

Either she has something or she has something. It's easy to stagger.

"No, no retaliation!"

"Go to your revenge. Tell me. Why did you call at this time?"

She won't believe that this is a pure greeting call. She knows too much about Gao Mu's virtues and absolutely goes to the three treasures hall.

"Hey, hey." the hypocritical cover up is really unnecessary, and Gao Mu didn't force an explanation, "that's the case. I want to resign the post of president of the student union..."

I told Wang Feifei everything I thought, for a lot of reasons.

"That's it?"

Call her at this point to wake her up, just for that?

Wang Feifei grabbed her messy hair and covered it on her forehead.

"Well, I think it was mainly your credit to get this position. Now I want to put it down. I must ask your opinion first."

Gao Mu's attitude is very sincere. That's what he thinks.

"It's not necessary. It's your business. Just decide by yourself. Hey, whoosh, Gao mu, you're so strange today?"

Lying in bed, Wang Feifei's eyes widened a lot, and people were more awake.

"How strange?"

He's very formal, okay? It shows his respect for Wang Feifei.

Has the final say on what your character is, and what is not? You are not surprised to ask for advice today.



"Well, don't you still need to breathe for our father?"

"Can't you? The big boss is not a child. I still need to send a message in the middle. Don't you know my father? No, what? It's my father. It's my father."

Fell into the pit and soon climbed out.

"What's your father's, my father's, sooner or later."

"Stop classmate Gao. We have reached a consensus on this matter for a long time. How? Do you want to go back?"

The feelings between Wang Feifei and Gao Mu are so complex that she wants to escape, but she can't say what she wants to escape?

"Stop, your father is your father?"

The test failed and he quickly stopped. Gao Mu didn't know why Wang Feifei had such an attitude towards the relationship between the two this year.

It doesn't exist to say that the relationship is bad. Although the time together is decreasing, as long as it is private, it's a lot.

But as long as further exploration, this is the result, which will cause Wang Feifei's great rebound.

"You just stop. You tell your headmaster Wang that I won't be involved in this. I'll hang up if there's nothing else. Don't disturb the teacher. I'll have a beauty sleep."

"Well, go to bed and don't bother you."

Then he took the initiative to hang up the phone and win the last trace of face.

No one could have imagined that the tall boss who wants talent, Yan Youyan and money would be in such a dog licking state in front of Teacher Wang next door.