Chapter 174. A Secret Meeting between a Devil and Assassin. (1/2)
Today was a day that could potentially affect the future of the entire world. It marked an auspicious meeting between me and two assassins. It took quite some time to arrange this meeting as they were always busy.
The location, a random back alleyway in the city they’d arranged. More specifically, a hidden back alley bar one could find after descending a set of stairs behind a certain building. It was late into the night, 11:00 PM after my shift at work.
Inside a soundproof room where the contents of our discussion would leak to no one. I took things that seriously as what I would do here could very well result in a global war.
“So, what is it you wanted to meet me for that required this degree of secrecy?” A red-haired man with scarlet eyes seated opposite to me asked calmly. His wife was outside keeping a lookout for us so it was only the two of us here. What would be spoken in this room would remain between the two of us. The fewer variables in the equation, the better.
“Well, it isn’t something that needs to be taken care of urgently, however, the longer it is put off, the more urgent the situation will become,” I explained.
“Oh? What could it be that you would specifically require the assistance of assassins? You’re a completely normal civilian, are you not?”
“Yes, I am… however, it is a matter that could affect not just me, but the entire world. Personally, I don’t give a damn about the world or how many people die as a result of the matter I am about to discuss, the only thing I care about is my own best interests. This matter relates to an event a few years down the line.”
“A few years down the line? What event could that be?”
“An event that will completely cripple the global economy as we know it. Many countries will face irreparable damage they will never be able to recover from unless a new monetary system is implemented. Global debt will skyrocket to levels unheard of in a very short period of time.”
When those ominous words left my mouth, Rosa’s father’s eyes gleamed with a razor sharpness to them.
“You expect me to believe you? That a mere high school brat can predict such an outrageous event? Has the idea of assassins gotten to your head, boy? Do you think you have some fun weapons to play with or something and you’re bored? Assassins aren’t for children to play with, you will only get cut if you wield a weapon beyond your means, boy.”
“I knew you would say that, which is why I have arranged something to convince you of my words. I won’t be able to convince you right away. However, if everything plays out as it should, what I’m about to give you should serve as enough. Consider this a gamble if you will on my part. Whether it pays off, only time will tell.”
“You’re going to give me something?”
“Yes, but you must promise not to open it until after the upcoming election this year.”
“Which election?”
“The federal one in this country that will take place in a little over ten months from now.” I took out an envelope from inside my jacket pocket with the name of the country written on it.
“Oh? An envelope? This is what you’re giving me?”
“Yes. Only open it after the election. You must not open it before. The simple act of seeing the contents may very well alter the end results. Nobody can ever see the contents of this envelope before then. You must promise that you will guard this with your life, keep it where only you know of, and only open it at that time. Nobody may even know of this envelope's existence. Do you understand?”
“Hoh… that’s quite the intriguing thing to say.”
“If I am wrong about the major contents of this envelope, you may kill me. There may be small deviations, but I believe the final outcome should be set in stone as long as nothing major happens before then.”
“Oh? So you’re not just pulling shit out of your ass to waste my time? This is something you’re willing to stake your life on?”
“Yes. I only take on wagers I’m confident in. The final outcome is what I’m certain will come to be. There is no way anything I do would change the outcome of the results of this. However, what you do as an assassin definitely could, which is why I ask you to not open this.”
“Why the need for this to be done in person though? Could you have not sent it over in an encrypted file and provided me with the password at a later date?”
“And have it potentially be intercepted and have the encryption cracked? No thank you. Even sending this online could change the results. That’s how sensitive the information contained in that envelope is.”
“I see. You really sound like a paranoid time traveler.”
“And if I am?”
“What? You’re saying you’re from the future, boy? That you’ve returned to the past? Haven’t you been reading too many stories lately?”
“Perhaps. But if the contents within that envelope are correct, I’m sure you’ll find it hard to laugh later on.”
“So, boy, what is the nature of your request, and what are you willing to offer as collateral in the event I decide to accept your request after I open this envelope?”
“My request is… to kill all the researchers of this institution.” I slipped a piece of paper over the table with the institution's name and location on it before I continued, “All of their research data and samples must be destroyed at all costs. It must be done professionally to ensure nothing leaks or escapes from this institution, so you must go in properly equipped for the job.”
“Boy… this is by no means a simple task.” When he saw the institution's name he grinned menacingly at me. “This could easily be enough to start a war if things go south. You think I can go and accept such an insane request so easily?”
“If you don’t, your own livelihood may be affected.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Many people will die as a result of their research.”
“What is their research exactly?”
“An... experimental bioterrorism weapon”
“What! But that’s been banned by an international treaty!”
“Shhhhh. Of course it’s banned, but there are certain countries that want to rise to power at all costs. They’re simply biding their time while they accumulate the power to do so. This particular bioterrorism weapon is still in its infancy phases and isn’t really that big a threat to people’s health per se. Though I say that, it will still result in the deaths of millions across the globe, but the true threat isn’t to the health of the people. The true target is the health of the global economy.”
“How the hell can a bioterrorism weapon be used like that?”
“It’s actually quite clever the way it plays out in the end. As long as they can mitigate the damage to their own country’s economy and dish out even more damage to every other country’s economy through the implementation of government policies to counteract this bioterrorism weapon, they can come out on top. They can do so because of the way their country operates compared to others.”
“Anyway, there are thousands of hidden little intricacies to the plot they came up with using this bioterrorism weapon. It’s designed in a way to make it seem like it would make a bad bioterrorism weapon when looking at it from the perspective of the olden days. However, times change, and as do the methods of warfare evolve with each successive generation.”
“The events in the next few years are only a prelude of what is to come. I don’t believe there is any way to permanently prevent it, it is but an inevitability as a result of human nature’s unbridled desire for power. The most that can be done is to delay it. One day, humans will be confronted by the threat of biological warfare in ways they never imagined possible.”
“Someone is secretly plotting something nasty for the world’s superpowers, plotting to overthrow the status quo that has been established in this world. Perhaps for personal gain, or perhaps they’re simply bored. Who knows? It’s none of my business anyway, nor do I care what happens to this world.”
“The only thing that matters to me is that I can live out my life in peace. Their little game will ruin my peaceful life to an extent at least. I’d like to delay their plans if at all possible. At least until Rosa finishes her education degree and can be hired as a teacher. It would be in your best interest to cooperate if you care about your daughter’s future and really don’t want her to become an assassin.”
This is the prologue for volume 4. Honestly, there won't be anything actually political. It's just setting up for a series of events far down the line in the future that could take place maybe around volume 9 or later.