Chronicles Vol. 3 The Saintess


“The following are the restored copies of declassified records released by the Ministry of Health. Translation efforts are still under progress.”

“Entry #2

-… healing process is oft complicated work as such it takes a great deal of time and resources. Hastening such an intricate process is no easy task, however it is possible, I know it to be. The visions of our holiness, brought of a world beyond ours has shown me. In one instance, imbibing fluid red as freshly spilt blood confined in glass flasks was enough to stave off the march of lord death himself. In some cases it was applied directly to the injury itself. Mortal wounds, loss of vital fluids it mattered not they were all restored. And in another form the decoction was green, its name different yet the effects were much the same. There were myriads of these so-called “Potions” each with their own pick of colors that held many effects. Invigorating potions of clarity that boosted one’s magical powers, draughts that granted land-dwellers the blessing of the seas, brews of fire that allowed champions to brave lakes of lava, philtres that mended arms and armor, spirits that coated one’s body protecting them from harm.

Nigh endless were the possibilities that only a madman could dream of, I saw in materialization. If they were realized once in another world, it can be realized twice, here and now. To deal death, I can, a plenty. To save life, can I, but once?

The elven rangers that pledged themselves in service of our creator wontedly tarry with unenlightened brutes that make home in these sacred coverts. Though they won’t be felled to such base beasts, it is not rare for them to suffer slits and stitches. Superficial they may be, these elves were not blessed with corse we were gifted, that knew no harm too great to renew.

Any damage they sustained was slow to heal, a consequence of their deficient access to viands until now. To them the most I can accomplish is to deaden the flesh, numb the pain with venom. However it is yet a false relief, only a veiling of the harm.

The pellar of the trolls who worship our lady knows curative salves and herbs. I must seek him out. If I am to recreate potions, he knows where I can start…

Entry #5

The session with the Witchman was indeed productive. Salves he makes and the wraps he fashions were not what I seeketh but what goes into the creation of those dressings were what I after. His wisdom revealed that distilling certain healing properties of plant life was possible with careful application of alchemical practices but it required a suitable medium to embody it, a base. Water was abundantly available and readily receiving of these remedials but not just any water was sufficient for not all water was equal. The purest was not the answer, for they lacked something essential. From his experiences only the wai that springs from the hearts of mountains had the properties fit for absorption. The spirit of the lake may aid me in discovering such sources. However water was not a base alone. Strong spirits could also become base, though there is great variation in production of these. For now, the foreign goods will suffice. I shall begin the distillation posthaste. Alternative was the use of magicks. The trollish rituals I do not understand. It is yet another option to explore for another time.

Entry #9

Many mixtures have I tried yet none possess the qualities I search for. Remedial, most definitely, but nowhere near swift as I aim for. I have looked into other potential sources of healing. The nectar of the honey bearing insects have shown promising results. Regrettably they are far too viscous. And any combination with other fluids often causes dilution of its restorative potential. I must take action. Look more deeply into the process of healing.

Entry # 13

An injury is never quite the same, each unique. But there are common damages. I must aim to repair those damages.

Natural healing is the most fascinating process I have borne witness to. Once the skin layer is ruptured and vascular tissues damaged, the healing process immediately begins. Though almost all of the actions take place in parallel, there is some semblance of steps - an order.

I must find a way to accelerate these steps.

Entry #15

The apitoxic venom possesses strong acidic features without envenomation. If applied under right dosage it may be useful as a debriding agent. Dissolve necrotic tissue and defilements. However it induces extreme pain to the recipient, especially onto an open wound. A mix of neurotoxin to temporarily block the pain receptors perhaps…?

Entry #16

The honey bearing insects create different nectars depending on their diet of flora. I have made requests for lady Dryssia to introduce herbal flowers into their flower fields. Until then I may have an idea on how to assist in the coagulation process. Our silken webs if finely spun into filaments may aid in stopping the loss of blood. With a small adjustment to their structure, they may become a staunching dressing. Plaster for which the body can begin to restore the flesh. I must study its application further.

Entry #18

A temporary setback, it seems some medicinal herbs can be toxic to the honey insects, they seem to avoid them in particular. And ones they do harvest from have a middling impact on the resultant nectar’s healing properties. Regardless I am not without progress, I have discovered another potential substance. The nursing jellies of the insects are densely packed with nutrients. These jellies are fed to larvae that are to become a new hive queen. I have acquired samples of their jellies to extract nutrients from. With how rich these jellies are, dilution is less likely to be an obstacle. With some processing these can become catalysts for healing.

Entry #19

The fluid venom of the webslingers naturally has a mixture of silk that hardens in exposure to air. In its liquid form it still retains some of its bonding capacity. I might require help from Victoria and her brood. A shame, I wished to claim credit for the accomplishment for myself only. But this work of mine is greater than either of us. The first batch does not show the bright red color I seek rather it is quite sickly yellow. The brew it hisses in exposure to air…

Entry #22

Test #1

Formulae #1

Subject: Giant rat specimen 001.

Trauma: Sufficiently large wound created by sharp instrument in the abdominal region. Large amounts of blood loss.

Application: Topical.

Result: Wounds have closed within seconds. Intense struggling suggests extreme pain. Alas the apitoxin has caused significant burn injuries upon the skin layer. 

Outcome: Partial success. Subject has made a recovery from the wound. However excess of apitoxin has caused further complications. Analgesic properties are insufficient.

Must adjust the ratio of apitoxin and the neurotoxin.

Entry #23

Test #3

Unnumbered Formulae

Subject: Giant rat specimen 004.

Outcome: Terminated.

It appears that I mislabeled one of the batches I used. The specimen has been subjected to pure acid. Death inevitable.

Entry #25

Test #5

Formulae #4

Subject: Direwolf

Additional note: Volunteered assistant. Possesses number of scarring upon the snout area.

Trauma: Superficial wounds.

Application: Topical

Results: Injuries healed quickly.

nteresting note. When applied to scar tissue the apitoxin reacts violently, dissolving the deformity and forming a new layer of skin. Estimated time for the process is within a minute. No signs of distress shown on the subject, analgesics effective. New tissue appears to be healthy.

Outcome: All wounds healed successfully. Additionally treated scarring upon the snout area. Make a note.

Entry #29

A success! After many attempts Victoria herself has provided a blend of venom that contains silk structure stable enough to be used in curtailing the outpouring of vital fluids. The silk congeals once the liquid is exposed to air, but remains in its fluid form in presence of blood and warmth. This allows for it to become an immediate sealant for grand wounds without hindering the liquid the access to the site of injury.

The production of the silk however comes not without a compromise. According to my fellow, it shan't not last a day before disintegrating. Hardly a problem for the tonic for it acts in a manner of seconds. But if the volume of healing liquid is insufficient, it may pose a unique challenge…

Batch of draughts following the fourth formula seems to have taken on a milky green color. It is one of the colors I seek. Perhaps I’m getting closer?

Entry #30

Test #6

Formulae #5

Subject: Giant rat specimen 008.

Additional notes: The specimen was brought in by the Direwolf patrols. Poor handling.

Trauma: Multiple puncture wounds caused by curved fangs. Significant damage to the left carotid artery. Massive loss of vital fluid. Minimal response to external stimuli. Subject unconscious. Death imminent.

Application: Topical

Results: Administered half the recommended dose to each site of injury. The fluids hiss and then form milky white incrustation sealing the wound. It turns red upon soaking blood, however it seems to have succeeded in coagulation. Due to insufficient administration the healing process is taking longer than anticipated.

Dispensed additional dose of formula #5. Fluid is absorbed by the incrustation readily. Acidic nature of its base form assists in breaking down the silken plaque, allowing entry for external fluid to enter the wound. Once dry it then hardens again, resealing the injury.

Subject remained unresponsive for approximately four minutes before regaining awareness.

Further observation results pending.

Outcome: Undecided. Success.

After a day of observation the specimen has shown increased vigor. The sealant layer appears to be flexible enough to allow movement, even under strenuous activity. After seventeen estimated hours, the silken plaque has crumbled away, leaving only a bald patch on the skin layer, no signs of scar tissue.

Subject appears to have made a full recovery.

Entry #41

Test #18

Formulae #9

Subject: Elven ranger.

Additional note: After much work I have earned enough trust to start trials upon my intended patients.

Trauma: Minor scratches on the face and limbs, fairly sizable lacerations in the flank region.

Application: Topical, Oral.

Results: Topical application successful, wounds have healed marvelously. Oral application for supplementary vital fluid recovery unsuccessful. The subject has shown gag reflexes to scent of the fluid. After a mental preparation, the subject has made an attempt at consuming the liquid. Subject then immediately sprayed the fluid onto my face in a single spritz.

Outcome: Partial success. Topical administration successful. Oral administration failed.

Make a note. Complaints received: Scent has been noted to carry similar smell to rotting carrion, set afire.

The taste has been equated to that of a regurgitated vomit.

It appears that the Araneae do not have the associated dislike towards the scent or the taste. The rat specimens have not shown any aversion to the formulae mixed into their feed. I must find a way to mask these somehow.

Entry #44

Test #19

Formulae #9 Variation in production #3

Subject: Elven ranger.

Additional note: Added wood ash, purified charcoal. Dried birch tree bark soaked into the resultant batch of brew. Significantly darkened coloration.

Trauma: None

Application: Oral

Results: Similar aversion due to scent. Somewhat lessened it appears. Still some dislike towards the taste. Although psychologically damaging, subjects are able to consume low volumes of the draught.

Outcome: Though I dread it, it appears that I must redevise my formulas to be more fit for humanoids. Start from the ground up.

Entry #48

Test #39

Formulae #13 Variation in production #7

Subject: Elven rangers, Trollish hunters.

Additional note: Use of rose hips extracts, Bloodmoss and rich honey has made the color of the brew a bright red. Added brew of Mille flower and Golden Vane. Finished with a ground mix of Salvia and Lamica. Sour taste of Silver Anne cuts through the bitterness of Grendol weed. Addition of seeds of frozen whisker to improve scent. If the current batch does not achieve expected outcome, acquire Lava lily and Sundrop flower.

Application: Oral

Results: Resounding success! Floral scent has been universally approved to either be attractive or neutral. Taste has been improved significantly thanks to the sweetness from honey and golden vane. Finally, something that deserves to be called a potion.”

“Our staff at the Royal Conservatory are committed to restoring the rest of the documentation and translating it. For we believe the unassuming potion mentioned in the article is the predecessor to the ‘Asclepius’ series of healing potions that the public has come to know and rely upon. As for the author of the documents, we have mounting evidence to believe it was writ by none other than the Grand minister of the Ministry of Health herself, her holiness, Cardinal, Paxton - Priest - Joseph, once known as the first Bride of Death. Though to you our dear guest, she may be recognized by her more colloquial title among the public, The Saintess.” - The Description of the exhibition.


Anyway, few days prior, one the artists I follow released a nice music video that I really wanted to share, give it a listen. It is completely coincidental that the name of the song also happens to be the shorthand of my username Aura. Don't read the comments or the Video's description for a spoiler free, sterile impression, trust me.

Read this once you've given it a listen.

The voice is provided by a voice bank Solaria, created by Eclipsed sounds and is scheduled to be released on Jan 19th. Think Vocaloids like miku, gumi bear. Don't even think to pretend you don't know what those are, you fuckin weeb.