Yannuo noticed that Ji Yinbing no longer directly called yannuo by name. But she couldn't call out the title of master.

Yan Nuo was stunned by Ji Yinbing's more respectful and no longer attached tone. His heart, and quietly cut a hole, out of a trace of bright red blood.

"Drink ice." A mouth, Yan Nuo found his voice is hoarse.

His voice meal, see Ji Yinbing still looking at himself, eyes so calm. That's not a little postpartum woman, should have eyes. Even if she was angry or complaining, she was better than the calm after her heart died.

Yannuo was flustered.

"Soup..." he was at a loss like a hairy boy. He said in a hurry and incoherent way, "the soup you want, spareribs soup, radish spareribs soup, I just cooked it." Said, Yan Nuo and some embarrassed, "may put more salt, you, you try."

Ji Yinbing looked at the soup in his hands.

Bitterness and grief spread in her body.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't.

If in the past, Yan Nuo spoke to her in such a tone and cooked a soup for her, she would be very moved. But now, yannuo's behavior, in the eyes of Ji Yinbing, has changed its taste.

There was a trace of irony in her calm and cold eyes.

Yannuo heard her say, "what is this? After a slap, would you like a candied fruit? "

Yannuo looks down.

"Not me." He was wronged and distressed.

His innocent appearance is even more ironic when Ji Yinbing looks at him.

Ji Yinbing said, "well, it's not you."

Her tone was startlingly calm.

Ji Yinbing said so in his mouth, but he certainly didn't believe himself. Yannuo knew this. He understood that if he wanted to get Ji Yinbing's forgiveness and trust, he would not succeed overnight.

Maybe it's a long flow of water, accompany for a long time, in order to resolve the pain in her heart.

Yannuo settled down, lowered his voice, coaxed Ji Yinbing to eat, "since you believe me, then drink some soup first to warm up." He took the soup and went around to Ji Yinbing's bed. He said with a smile, "drink ice. You can taste it. If it's good, I'll make it for you next time."

Ji Yinbing doesn't talk.

Yannuo put the small bowl of soup on the bedside table.

He took out a small bowl and filled it with soup. As he cooked it, he said, "I think there's a lot of noise in the confinement center. You can go out with me. Didn't we buy an apartment before? We went to live there. During this period, I will take care of you. I'll find a cook to cook the dishes you like. "

He asked her carefully, "look, is that ok?"

Ji Yinbing was silent for a long time.

Yannuo is not in a hurry to hear her reply.

He posed to feed Ji Yinbing and soup.

Ji Yinbing hid. How happy she was with yannuo's touch, how disgusting she is now.

See her Dodge, Yan Nuo Leng next.

He was a little annoyed, but he kept his temper under control.

Ji Yinbing said, "I'll do it myself."

"... good."

Ji Yinbing took a sip, some soup, some salty. Yannuo can be made like this, Ji Yinbing is surprised. But now she is in a bad mood, not in the mood to praise him.

Ji Yinbing has no intention of looking up. He sees yannuo squinting his eyes and looking into his eyes. That vision, that shadow, he must be thinking about how to get her back to country I.

Ji Yinbing suddenly put down his spoon and said, "go back."

Yan Nuo thought that Ji Yinbing was calling him back to country I. his cold face was even colder“ I want to go back. I want to go back together. "

Ji Yinbing said, "I mean, go back to the apartment."

Yan Nuo Leng next, and then face a joy, and then, and then show the color of doubt“ Really? " He always thought Ji Yinbing would not agree so easily.

In order to convince him, Ji Yinbing explained, "there's a lot of noise here. Listening to the crying of those babies, I think of my children..." when it comes to children, Ji Yinbing is silent. Along with the silence, there is yannuo.

A moment later, yannuo said, "OK."

"Change all the furniture in the house to something brighter." Ji Yinbing said, "I want to see something brighter."


Yannuo is going to call and ask the people in the furniture store to send them directly to the apartment. Ji Yinbing said, "you go in person. When you get to the shopping mall, open a video for me. Let's choose together."

Smell speech, Yan Nuo Mou color immediately becomes cold.

He did not turn his eyes, staring at Ji Yinbing, he said, "you are lying to me." Yannuo's tone is like an ice cone, cold to the bone.

Ji Yinbing naturally showed a puzzled expression. She asked yannuo, "what are you cheating on?"

A lot of words poured into his throat. Yannuo was able to speak out, but when Ji Yinbing said that, he couldn't open his mouth. He shook his head and said, "nothing." Yannuo got up and said, "I'll go to the mall, your mobile phone must be turned on, waiting for me to call you a video."

Ji Yinbing turns on his mobile phone in front of yannuo.

Yannuo left.

Less than half an hour after he left, Ji Yinbing changed his clothes and went through the discharge procedures. She appeared at the gate of the confinement center with her suitcase, waiting for a taxi to come and take her to the airport.

A black car, parked in front of Ji Yinbing.

Ji Yinbing thought the car was coming to pick up people, so he moved aside. At this time, the window rolled down, Ji Yinbing looked up and saw a handsome face that had become ice dregs. This face, so familiar, used to be relative day and night.

She was so cold that she turned around and left.

The door was kicked open.

The man in his nineties strode out of the car, catching up with her and holding her in his arms.

"Didn't you say you would wait for my video in the ward?" Yan Nuo's voice, Yin measured, like the murmur of the devil, rings gently beside Ji Yinbing's ear.

The delicate body in my arms is shaking slightly.

Ji Yinbing is speechless.

Yan Nuo's eyes are full of pain. He tightens his hands and holds Ji Yinbing more tightly“ Come back with me and don't try to leave again. "

Ji Yinbing was pinned on the co pilot by him.

Yannuo buckled her seat belt in person.

Ji Yinbing looked at the crowded traffic in front of the car and said with a sneer, "yannuo, the child is gone."

"I know."

"The child is gone." She only repeated that sentence.

Yannuo was quiet for a moment before he heard his voice, "... I know."

"Yannuo, we can't do it."

Flustered, yannuo said coldly, "maybe."

"You know, we can't do it."

"I said maybe!" Yannuo suddenly stepped on the brake.

Ji Yinbing bumps her head forward. She thinks her head will hit the glass, but yannuo quickly reaches out and blocks her head. Her forehead, hit his palm. The palm of a rough hand is cold. Yannuo used that hand to pull Ji Yinbing's face. He asked her, "how can you go back with me?"

Ji Yinbing's lips are tight.

She said, "maybe when I die, you can go back with my body."