"Ah Ying, didn't you hear the cry? A woman's cry, she's still talking. " Yuan Ting is like a psychopath. She is going to collapse.

Zhu Cuiying scolded a sentence, "neuropathy, where have voice!"

Then she went to bed.

Yuan Ting thought she had heard it wrong. She curled up in the quilt and was about to fall asleep when the voice rang again. Yuan Ting was so scared that she had no time to analyze where the sound came from. Yuan Ting is really afraid, she opened the quilt and ran to the next bed, woke up Zhu Cuiying.

Zhu Cuiying was very impatient and asked her, "are you sick?"

Yuan Ting nervously asked her, "Ah Ying, do you hear me? The woman is still crying!" Yuan Ting did not dare to admit that the crying woman's voice, especially like Ji Yue.

Zhu Cuiying listened and said, "No."

Smell speech, Yuan Ting's face becomes snow white completely.

"No! The voice is still there. Listen to it again Zhu Cuiying scolded a neuropathy, fell asleep, no longer care about her. Yuan Ting is really going crazy. She doesn't care about anything else. She goes to clap the door and asks the police on duty for help.

"Help! Help! There's a ghost in my room

In the middle of the night, a lot of swearing came from the same building.

A few minutes later, the prison police came to their cell in a rage. At this time, the voice disappeared. They searched the room, but they didn't find the so-called ghost or suspicious items. They finally criticized yuan ting and left.

When working the next day, Yuan Ting told everyone that there was a ghost in her prison. Everyone regarded her as a psychopath, and no one believed her.

Waiting for several days in a row, Yuan Ting's prison has changed.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, she would hear Ji Yue's cry. When she took a bath, she would hear Ji Yue's laughter again. When she woke up from sleep, the word "death" was engraved on her chest, and she didn't know when it was engraved!

Yuan Ting, crying, finds the prison guards and shows them the dead character on her chest. When she sees the inscription, the police all think that Yuan Ting's spirit in prison has been stimulated and she can't accept the cruel reality, so she becomes crazy. She is a masterpiece of her own self abuse.

No one believed yuan Ting's words. Everyone regarded her as a psychopath. Over time, even yuan Ting had to doubt whether she was crazy.

Winter has left, and spring has stepped into junyang city.

On a sunny day, after lunch, Han Bing took off his thick winter clothes and changed into a thin jacket. CAI Jie asked him where he was going. He only said that he was going to meet an old friend. CAI Jie asked him if he would come back for dinner.

After thinking about it, Han Bing said, "I don't think so."


Han Bing didn't ask the driver. She drove to the women's prison. His visit upset the prison police who came to receive him. Han Bing saw the discomfort of the policeman, and then said, "I'm just a person who comes to visit the prison. This comrade, you don't have to be nervous."

After listening to Han Bing's words, the prison police are still nervous.

"Secretary Han, please sit here and wait for a while. I've already informed the people inside to go to her." Although Han Bing has retired, people still call him Secretary Han when they meet him.


Han Bing's identity is different after all. As soon as he sat down, the prison policeman who entertained him brought him a cup of tea“ Maybe it will be a while. Secretary Han, have a cup of tea first. "

"Yes, thank you."

The policeman was also clever. He didn't stay much, so he closed the door and left.

Today, Han Bing is not the only one to visit his relatives and friends. However, after he entered, the meeting room was cleared and only one was left.

Yuan Ting's name rang out on the radio in the prison factory building.

Yuan Ting stopped her work and was taken to the meeting room by the police. Along the way, Yuan Ting was thinking about who wanted to see her. Is it the old lover who has kept her for many years, or the younger friends she made in the entertainment industry?

In fact, she was quite surprised. After the disclosure of what she did, she has become a cancer in the entertainment industry. Who dares to associate with her when she fawns on her younger generation? I'm afraid the mention of her name will affect their future.

Yuan Ting has had a bad time recently. She has been suspicious all the time. She even thought about whether Ji Yue's ghost came to see her.

"Here we are."

Yuan Ting entered the meeting room. The meeting room is divided into many small compartments. Yuan Ting enters the room and finds that she is the only one in the room. She walked inside and saw that there was no one in the opposite house. Until she reached the innermost part, Yuan Ting could see the person sitting on the chair.

It turned out to be Han Bing.

When Yuan Ting saw Han Bing, she was stunned.

Han bingruo raised his head with feeling. When he saw yuan Ting, his eyes were also in a trance. Yuan Ting has only been in prison for more than a month. She seems to be several years old. On her face, where is the charm of the past?

However, Han Bing has always hated this person. Seeing that she has come to such an end, her heart is calm.

Yuan Ting just sat down on the chair with a sad smile.

Staring at Yuan ting for a moment, Han Bing picks up the walkie talkie on the high platform in front of her. Yuan Ting narrowed her eyes, then stretched out her old right hand and picked up the walkie talkie. Yuan Ting's lips moved and she didn't speak, so did Han Bing.

Yuan Ting looked at the man opposite, thinking about her youth.

When she was young, she really loved Han Bing.

At that time, Han Bing's family was poor, but he was more proud than everyone else. He is good-looking, promising and upright. Such a person is most attractive to miss yuan Ting, who is not engaged in her own work. Yuan Ting has been very promiscuous since she was a teenager. Her father is powerful and dotes on her. She has developed a character of lawlessness.

When she was young, she took a fancy to the boy, made a show of it, chased him, and got it. So suddenly kicked Han Bing this iron plate, Yuan Ting is really angry and angry, but also more like. She knows about Han Bing and miss Ji Jiawu, but Ji's family is a medical family, and Yuan Ting is not afraid of their fame.

Yuan Ting often harasses Han Bing because of her power, power, beauty and figure. But Han Bing doesn't get oil and salt at all. In his two eyes, there is only the fifth lady of the Ji family. Yuan Ting can't stand that season Yue, a pair of delicate white lotus like, Yuan Ting looked at the trouble.

At that time, in order to separate Han Bing and Ji Yue, she did a lot of bad things, but Ji Yue's silly Bai Tian believed in Han Bing's heart and never doubted Han Bing. Unable to move their feelings, Yuan Ting had to ask her father for help.