"Young master Chun is very handsome"

"So handsome... it could cause the downfall of heaven and earth"


Chun ignored all the murmings from his schoolmate. He walked the hallway like a prince.

When there is a prince, there's always a king.

"Did you hear that Young master Ming Jie will go to class today?!"

"Young master Ming Jie!"

"Is he here for the announcement of the Headmaster?"

"No. He's here for the recruitment"

"Recruitement qwwertptvalfgdkl jskdnla..."

Chun is about to sleep on his desk when his faithful follower (I mean ȧssumed follower) barge in.

"Young master! Young master!"

Chun just furrowed his brows.

This monkey... tss.

"Young lord, do you need me to eliminate him?"

"I wish but... tsss"


"What is it?"

Chun rest his face on both of his hands, relaxingly. This act made him a sėxy lazy ethereal beauty. It made this follower to pause for a minute.

"It's recruitment day---"

"Recruitment?" Chun lazily adjust himself and sit crossed arms, having that cold snobbish charm.

"Yes, young master! The recruitment for new Shadow Guards in the royal palace that will be held here which will lead by the first General!" While saying that 'this follower' got his eyes very sparkling.

Who would want to get acquainted with the First General? Everyone would want even the hot blooded youths of there school.


"As expected from young master Chun, not even a reaction. Sigh"

First general huh... Chun smirked while thinking that.

"Young master? Are you here for the recruitment?" Fa Jin asked Ming Jie for his unannounced appearance.

"No. I'm here for the first general,"

Young master, don't say it like that. Many would misunderstand you.

Fa Jin helplessly look at his young master.

"How is it?" Xi Chen asked his second in command, Ryo.

"General, the candidates are around 5,986, 30% are female while 70% are male. Compatibility rating is around 5%"


Xi Chen drunk his black tea with his regal and mighty posture. Such a beautiful embodiment.

"Young Lord, you aren't going to join the recruitment?"

"It's just a waste of time, Art"

"But master---"

"Art. Remember your mission"

"Yes, Young Lord"

Then the voice inside in Chun's head went quiet.

Another peaceful minute for him.

Everyone was having a ruckus outside while the beauty itself was enjoying the silence inside their classroom.


Watching the calm scene outside the window, the falling of white blossoms and the fluttering of the leaves caused by the wind.

So soothing in the nerves.

"Young master! Aren't you going to the hall? The recruitment is held there. Why go to the garden?"

"Shh. You go first, I'll follow later," Ming Jie calmly stated, dismissing the annoying follower.

Feeling this relaxing mood in this garden is really good.

Ming Jie is not really here for this reason but he want to admire the true beauty across this garden. For his illogical and unvocal inspiration.

Ming Jie look up at the second floor, there he saw those blue-green colored eyes. A rare eye color but the most dazzling one.

He smile at the youth from across but he got only the youth's lazy look.

There he goes again. Chun thought while looking at the annoying white haired man at the bottom. Ruining the soothing atmosphere.

Sigh, I thought he stopped his teasing.

Suddenly someone knock at the door of the classroom. Breaking Chun from his trance.

(Because maybe he loves attention from Chun)

"Long time no see, Chun," Kiro said with his wicked smile plastered on his handsome face. Well not as handsome as Ming Jie nor Xi Chen.

Chun just lazily stared at him. As usual, Chun was used to this petty tricks of him..

"No greetings? Or a bro hug?"



"C-cough, be thankful that I did not bring any follower of mine to bully you. Me, my great self is the only need for this and qwiekodbslbxijxkwos sjdidnjwosbxkk,"

Sigh, as usual before he start his bullying, he gonna do his long speech. I'll gonna take a nap for the mean time.

Chun laid his head at his desk, ready to fall asleep when he was brought back with a loud bang.

"You're not going to listen?! Then taste my fist!" Kiro angrily stated and threw a punch at Chun.

Chun unmovingly stared at him. Unfazed with his rage, just a flick of Chun's fingers, Kiro went down.

Kiro was unable to move from being plastered at the floor. It's very heavy, like a 500 pound sack of rice.

Chun stood from his chair and lazily pass by Kiro, not bothering with him.

Well, that's the usual scene he got when facing Chun. Kiro always get face planted at the floor. It proves that he need to cultivate and practice more to surpass this monster.

And soon Kiro will get the approval of Chun.

