
A spark burst out of the fire because of the firewood, and gradually died out in the air.

"This is today's harvest. There are one green chest and three white chest."

Blood rose sits in front of the campfire with four treasure chests in front of her.

Su Xiao is not interested in the four treasure chests. He just wonders how the blood rose will be distributed. It can not only attract other contractors, but also benefit the main defenders.

"As you can see during the day, everyone knows who contributes more and who contributes less.

There are only four treasure chests with more wolves and less meat. In this way, you can divide the park coins you open equally, and allocate the equipment and items to the main defenders. "

blood rose scanned all around and seemed to ask people's opinions.

When a contract maker makes a gesture, he must open his mouth. He can be held by his companion and choose silence.

In addition to Su Xiao's four people, there were thirty-nine contractors present. The four treasure chests issued more than 1000 yuan at most, and they didn't even plug their teeth.

This is actually the "comfort Award", which makes these contractors feel more balanced. After all, they have consumed a lot of bullets, and they also need to buy Park money for bullets.

When the treasure chest is opened, it is not surprising that four treasure chests will issue 1600 yuan in total. In addition to the yuan, two pieces of equipment and three pieces of materials will also be issued.

[leg bone of love]

origin: attacking giant

Quality: Green

category: Weapon (obtuse)

durability: 2323

attack power: 10 ~ 17

equipment demand: power more than 10 points.

Equipment effect: crush attack (active) of beloved. Use full body strength to cause a devastating strike to the enemy. The damage is determined by strength attribute.

Score: 16

Introduction: Fanny, I love you. Please make my leg bones into weapons after I die, so that I can continue to accompany you. If you meet a bad person, you can use me to swing him, including your future husband.

Price: 1900 Park currency

[skull shield (white shield)]

[bone marrow of the scale-free giant (white material)]

[high strength nail (white material)] × 2

Obviously, the most valuable one is the leg bone of love, the white shield is also good, followed by the bone marrow of the scale-free giant.

Su Xiao loses interest after a few glances, and turns to the blood rose, which means to start your performance.

Blood rose is a little sad at this time. Although she can be sure that several people don't care about these items, it will be very troublesome if they don't distribute them well.

"Why don't we divide it by" attack and defense contribution value "


Dust sneers.

"I want you to give me that shield. I only need the bone marrow of the unsullied giant."

Blood rose's face is not very good-looking. It's a matter of certainty that the green equipment is returned to Su Xiao. The dust also defaults. If the big guy gets angry, it will be broken. Who will guard the front? It's OK to keep the blood rose for a while. I can't keep it for a long time. I want to keep it all day long. I live in a dream.

[the bone marrow of the scale-free giant] although the score is under the shield, this thing is valuable to the team. If we get lucky to work out the structure, we will make a lot of money. Every time we enter the derivative world, we can make a lot of cannon fodder.

Blood rose picked up the leg bone of love and handed it to Su Xiao. After Su Xiao received it, he would not look at it and put it into the savings room. This thing has no effect other than selling it.

After a negotiation between the blood rose and the dust, the bone marrow of the scale free giant finally belongs to the blood rose. I don't know what they talked about.

Eun Tu smiled but didn't speak. I watched your door's beep expression. When dad was fighting, everyone was fawning, but his position plummeted after the fight.

"Now that I've finished the assignment, I'll be back on time tomorrow morning."

Blood rose stood up and motioned to the contractors headed by her to follow her. She should try to avoid the contact between these people and the dust. Although these contractors are not too strong, they are also combat effectiveness.

Now there is not much difference between those who support blood rose and those who support dust. The performance of blood rose in defense and her excellent command ability make these contractors support her again.

"I'll go back to the boss, too. See you later."

After that, Chen also took people away. Only Su Xiao and en Tu were left beside the campfire. As for the three people who were ten meters away from Allen, there was no one to pay attention to them. The identity of the prisoner put an end to the communication with the protagonist, especially Allen, who was hostile to evil.

"Almost as you expected. When do you start?"

There was a strange look in the eyes of the benefactor.

"Prepare now."

Su Xiao takes out all kinds of food in the saving space, the cured barbecue, a barbecue rack, and even a few lobsters that are 40-50 cm long.

"How many Park coins did you spend? There are not many lobsters of this size in the park."

"About 80 yuan."

"Local tyrants."

Su Xiao will choose better food when conditions permit, and he also knows how to cook when he lost his parents very early. A person needs to know a lot about life, and there is no protection and instruction from his parents when he is in his teens. In addition, his environment makes him feel the evil from the world. He knows better than all people how bad people are.

In that kind of environment, it's a wonderful mind not to become a perverted killer.

With the dagger flying, lobster and other seafood being handled, Su Xiao began to cook food after making some charcoal fire in the fire.


The roasted meat was soon burnt yellow and bright, and the unique fresh flavor of Lobster came.

Seeing that Su Xiao's skillful technique was a little sluggish, the murderous man could cook food, and the taste seemed pretty good.

The aroma of the barbecue attracted three pairs of bright eyes.

Alan stared at Su Xiao's string of barbecues. The smell of the barbecue constantly stimulated his sense of smell and taste. Alan even wanted to rush forward and grab the barbecue for a few bites.

Life on the walls is hard. Five years ago, when his home was destroyed, Alan never ate meat again. Only nobles or officials can enjoy meat on the walls.


The sound of swallowing saliva came to Ellen's ears, and Ellen turned to find that it was his best friend, almin.

What a torment it is for teenagers to eat bread or potatoes all year round.

At this time, even Sanli's eyes are bright, just like a wolf who has been hungry for a long time. But Sanli's idea is special, and she is thinking about how to rob.

Gluttony is one of the seven sins. Is it so restrained? The ranking of gluttony in the seven sins is even higher than the desire for silver. "Alan, where do these people come from? What's the strange insect? It smells good."

Almin, who grew up inside the wall, had never seen a creature like lobster.

"Ah ~, yes."

Alan stared straight ahead, probably not hearing what almin was saying.

"Several soldiers of the Training Corps have worked hard. Would you like to have dinner together? Please rest assured that this is the beast that my companion hunted outside the wall. It's totally legal."

The benefactor made an invitation.

What a sad word "legal" is in his mouth. After the wall of Maria was broken, it has become illegal to eat meat without permission. The meat must be turned over to the gendarmerie for food exchange. It is found that those who eat meat without permission will be put in prison.

Is it funny to go to jail for eating meat? No, it's sad.

However, there is an exception, that is, the Investigation Corps can eat meat. The Investigation Corps often go out. It is normal for them to hunt and sacrifice their teeth by the way.

"Good, good."

Alan can't help but stand up and follow almin. Sanli hesitates. She feels that the man who uses the knife is very dangerous. The other side even gives her a cold feeling when fighting. But Alan has already stepped forward, and she can't let him go alone.

Soon the three of Allen sat around the fire, watching Su Xiao's barbecue.

A bunch of barbecue was handed to Allen and others. None of them ate it, just watching Su Xiao.

Su Xiaomei's first choice, these three people still some vigilance, simply he picked up a bunch of barbecue to eat first.

Well, the meat is a little old.

Seeing that Su Xiao had eaten first, Alan and almin began to eat. After two bites, Allen's eyes widened.

He has never eaten such delicious food!

Allen can't even eat meat in the wall, let alone all kinds of spices. Barbecue kebabs from the Chinese street captured the stomach of the three in an instant.

"Don't worry. There are many more. It's fruit drink. It's delicious."

Su Xiao took out a few bottles of low-grade fruit wine and gave it to the three people. After a sip, the three people were fascinated by the sweet fruit wine with a little spicy.

"How many degrees?"

The benefactor appears through the imprinted message. The two people are close, so they can send the message without knowing the number of each other.

"Eight degrees, the taste of the wine is not very good. It contains a small amount of caffeine. They should never drink alcohol. It's enough."

Ente secretly thumbs up.

Su Xiao looks at the delicious Allen, and the fire is reflected on Su Xiao's face.

If things don't go well, this is Allen's last meal.