Three kilometers to the east of Dapu fortress.

Su Xiao walked out of an underpass. This was a prepared retreat route, opened up by two allies.

On the whole, the plan is very smooth. As for killing and wearing the heterogeneous fortress, Su Xiao never thought about it like this. It can't be done by himself.

The heavy armour troops are very troublesome. If they are in a spacious place, Su Xiao has many ways to deal with those iron pimples. As for the buildings in the building, especially the fortress, the best way to deal with them is to withdraw. All kinds of undecided control effects are really a headache.

Su Xiao is not afraid of the control ability that needs to be judged. In other words, the heavy armour troops are not really strong in control ability. They affect the enemy through concussion and make the enemy accumulate damage in the body, so that the paralysis and force loss effect will appear.

Looking at the wooden box in his hand, Su Xiao was relieved. The task only needs five time and space crystals. This time, he got nine of them, which was overfulfilled.

Open the war channel, Su Xiao begins to release the news.

White night (dawn adventure group): "got it, nine."

Ghost sister (Sanren): "crazy doctor, you come out."

Ghost sister (Sanren): "you come out to my mother and chase me with a group of ironclad monsters. I know you're here. Come out to me!"

Mad doctor (behind the scenes cooking shit adventure group): "it was an accident."

Luoni (Sanren): "the shit is coming out behind the scenes. Everyone laugh at him."

Crazy doctor (behind the scenes cooking dung adventure group): "J is not good to die. He's looking for a fortune to buy the adventure group and change its name to scroll. It's urgent."

King Kong (Sanren): "is withdrawing, the base camp assembly."

President (casual): "it is expected to return to the base camp safely in one hour. Now there are 150 survivors."


The war channel is very busy, mainly ghost sister is greeting the crazy doctor, and the name of the crazy doctor's adventure group is very personal.

From the words of the mad doctor, Su Xiao guessed that the mad doctor, the dean and Mr. J were all offenders, and their team was called the gentleman alliance.

The three men had apparently jumped out of the hole of the violator. The gentlemen's alliance was notorious. It was obviously inappropriate to name the new group by this name, so Mr. J went to change the name of the group.

This product has been renamed twice, so it's changed into a "behind the scenes shit cooking (behind the scenes) adventure group", ready to dissuade the mad doctor and the Dean, and then turn into a single adventure group. Isn't it wonderful.

Su Xiao knows Mr. J better. This guy used to be a clown before. He is very cheeky. The Dean belongs to the one who wants to be cheeky. He pinches his nose and withdraws. The mad doctor is on the line with Mr. J. both of them are holding the team title of "cooking shit behind the scenes". No one can agree with him.

The return trip was very smooth. When Su Xiao arrived at the base camp, there were only ten people left in the base camp. The foreign side didn't raid their own base camp. They didn't pay any attention to the surprise attack.

After a shower, Su Xiao began to deal with the wounds on his body. Due to the death of poisonous claws, the spores on Su Xiao's shoulder had already fallen off, and the wounds cut by the axe were not difficult to deal with. He went back to the base camp, which was "skin injury".


The falling area, near an abandoned base camp.

Smoke from the metal wreckage, once the headquarters of the order, was now empty.

It's very quiet around. There's a layer of broken armor. It's a little dark inside. There's a forefinger in it. It's lying alone. The blood on the forefinger has dried up.

I don't know if it's an illusion. This index finger actually moves.

A beetle crawls near the index finger, ready to nibble. Suddenly, the beetle's body dissolves and turns into a wisp of smoke.

The smell is very strange. In the earth cave not far away, a rodent crawls into the cave. Its nose is red. After a while, it runs to the interlayer of armor.


after the rodent screams, it loses its voice. After a few seconds, a slight chewing sound appears.

The smell is more intense, and dozens of rodents successively drill into the interlayer of armor.

Ten minutes later, a hand with only bone protruded from the interlayer of armor plate, and a figure slowly stood up. He was only a bone, with granulation and film on the bone. The eyeball in the skull was directly exposed to the air, and looked very permeable.


Inside the base camp of reincarnation Park, main cabin.

More than 100 contractors gathered here, and in the center of the round table, there are nine spatiotemporal crystals.

"Let's start. It's a staged victory."

The president with a pale face opened his mouth. As soon as his voice fell, the crystals of time and space on the table disappeared.

[announcement: War task 1: power condensation of time and space (completed). ]

after the end of this world war, the task reward will be settled. ]

[a total of 9 time-space force condensates have been obtained, which is more than 4 needed for war missions. ]

permanent spatial coordinates are being generated ]

[in checking the number of our surviving people ]

[the check is completed, because the resulting time-space force condensate exceeds the 4 required by the task, all of your contractors can make the following choices. ]

[1. Return to the reincarnation paradise immediately, 75% of merit settlement reward and 100% of war task reward. ]

[2. Compete for the core of the world. If completed, the merit settlement bonus will be increased by 20%. ]


Two options are in front of us, and the benefits of four more spatiotemporal crystals are reflected at this time.

Permanent spatial coordinates are to be generated, which means that the base camp will not be guarded and the movement restrictions will be lifted.

"I'm going to withdraw. Who is with me?"

Widow west mouth, King Kong side is very surprised, he just want to ask, he received the dean's brand news, let him not speak first.

"I have only the skull and no hands left. I can only ask for mercy."

The poison master had only one head and part of his trunk, and his hands were bitten off by different species.

"And me."

"Count me in."

A total of seven contractors opened their mouths. They basically lost two or three large parts and kept them. They could only join forces with others to act. In the words of poison master, they were asking for mercy.

In addition to the poison master, eight of us chose to return, and the spatial fluctuation appeared. These eight returned to the reincarnation paradise one after another.

"Widow, are you still here? In a moment, the permanent spatial coordinates will be formed, and then they will not be able to leave. "

King Kong's brain is on vacation again. The widow takes a look at him and doesn't speak. There are many kinds of emotions in this look, but the price of peach blossom luck is a little high and deadly.

"Of course, she didn't leave. She cooperated for a few days. The poison master is a very loyal person. Of course, it doesn't matter if she didn't guard the base camp together. That guy is definitely the first one to leave. After so long, no one took the lead. It's hard to say something."

The Dean was very resourceful. When the widow West began to talk, he thought about what was going on.

The ghost sister who is very vengeful doesn't withdraw. She won't be angry with the mad doctor, but she hates the heavy armour army. Even if she is bottled now, she can't do that.

150 people, 8 people who have been unable to fight, and the remaining 142 people have not. In the view of some of the lunatics, the idea of not dying in this world is the second one. They have been besieged by different races for many days. Even if they don't exterminate the different races, they can't get well.

[Note: permanent space coordinates have been generated. Our base camp is about to change shape. It is expected to take off in 3 hours. ]

war task 2: core of the world, activated. ]

PS: (push the title of a friend's book. I can connect to it.)