Morey and the moon apostles rode on the back of the elk. The white moon elk looked up, as if to signal its master to quickly refuse the next thing.

In fact, Apostle Yue wanted to, but under the gaze of Su Xiao, wood, SIAS, and Morey's small fist, Apostle Yue could only learn from it. From this, we can see that Morey's overall view is stronger than that of Apostle Yue. At present, there are only two choices, luring the enemy or meeting the enemy.

Su Xiao originally planned to lead the enemy, but he was unanimously opposed by wood, sin Yas and lilim. Their attitude was very clear: "you lead the enemy, and then you fart."

It is worth mentioning that sin Yas also had the idea of leading the enemy, but was unanimously opposed by Su Xiao, wood and lilim, and euphemistically indicated that if he insisted on going, he would kill him on the spot, and sin Yas immediately gave up and chose how much the minority should obey.

This scene of unity and fraternity made Morley and apostle Yue's skull ache. What made their brains buzzing was that they were both "honored" and temporarily members of the team.

"Yes, when we return home triumphantly."

"Let's go. Don't be a secondary."

Morey urged the Apostle Yue. She had long found that the Apostle Yue was not only a special residence, but also could spend a long time in a certain place. Just last night, the Apostle Yue worked as a beautiful girl soldier in her dream all night. Her dream words almost made him laugh to shock.

On the back of the elk, Morey held a scroll tightly in his hand. It was the life-saving prop carried by the apostles of the moon. It was because of this that they dared to attract blood monsters.

According to Su Xiao's estimation, the blood monster can move continuously even if it can't move in unlimited space after it has a body.

Morey and the apostles of the moon seduce each other. The moose they ride is of the highest speed in the eighth step, but the elk has no other specialty except speed.

In the high frequency of space movement, speed will also be caught, the moon apostles carry with them, a scroll for self-defense, at this time plays a key role.

According to the original words of Apostle Yue, she bought it at a high price just because she was shut down by Su Xiao in Canglong world. It's a defense measure specially aimed at Su Xiao. It's effective in the face of bloody monsters. It's a normal situation.

The ability and effect of this immortal scroll is very simple. After using it, the enemies of space system can't break through the space within 100 meters around the apostles of the moon within 10 minutes. It has a very strong effect on enemies of the same level. Even if the enemy is one level higher than the user, the effect of this scroll cannot be underestimated.

This is aimed at Su Xiao's space penetration, that is, the ability of dragon shadow flash, which is obviously afraid of being beaten.


Five hours later, Morey and the apostles of the moon were riding on elk. In front of them, they saw a huge sand pit. The diameter of the sand pit was about 300 meters wide. It was as if it had been blown out. The sand in the pit was compacted.

Morey and the apostles of the moon quietly jump from the back of the elk. They fall on the ground in tacit agreement. They incarnate two Voldemort and begin to climb towards the edge of the huge sand pit.

This is not the battle ground before Su Xiao and Roche. It is located in the center of the huge sand pit. A figure is standing. On the ground around it, there are long knives and battle sickles. Its black hair is floating slowly. The black cape on its back is like rags. It looks broken. In fact, it is full of sharp blades. It can not only defend against the damage, but once the cloak is broken The sharp blade will spread over a wide area.

A trace of black and red blood, along the blood of the monster floating out, it hung his head standing there motionless, even the heart stopped beating.

The sand beside the sand pit is lifted up by two regiments. Morley and apostle Yue slowly poke their heads out of the sand. If the ability to survive is graded, both goods are "master Lv. 70".

"Is this the world of the strong?"

The moon apostle in the expression bag murmured in a low voice, and the insight eyes at the back recorded the whole scene. The audience in the arena were laughing crazy. There were no sand sculpture girls like Morley and apostle Yue in the void. One of them was to be funny. Now that they are together, it's good.

"The monster seems to be asleep, or steal its weapons? Help those who meet the team to reduce the pressure

"Well, then you go."

"I'm kidding."

After preliminary observation, Morey and the Apostle Yue decided to be on the safe side. They wanted to draw hatred from afar and then slip away. But before that, they had to wait.

It was not Morey and the apostles of the moon that first arrived here, but bubwang.

Bubwang was the most scoundrel who first discovered this place. Then Su Xiao chose a suitable distance as the location of the trap. After the trap was set, Morey and the apostles of the moon appeared.

A few minutes later, 500 meters to the east of the bunker, Morey activated the explosives in his hands and threw them into the sand pit in the distance. After all this, Morey mounted the elk.

The elk is a kind of wisdom. It runs at full speed and an explosion comes from the rear.

After nearly 10 kilometers, Morey and the apostles of the moon on the back of the elk found that they were wrong, and the enemy did not chase them."Audience friends, it's not good that the monster doesn't chase us."

Morey didn't forget her live broadcast career. In other words, she was dispersing her nervousness and fear. Only then did she see that bloody monster. Morey's legs were soft.

"Apostle of the moon, feel it."

"I have been aware that the scene near the monster is very vague. I can only confirm that it is still in the bunker."

"Still in the bunker? Is it difficult... "

Morey thought of a possibility. He was excited by three and worried by seven. After a brief discussion with the Apostle Yue, they rode the elk back to the sandpit. They didn't attract the bloody monster. What they did was useless.

With the milu deer running slowly, Morey feels that the current situation is familiar. When she was young, she was different from other girls. She especially liked to play with fireworks. When she was a 10-year-old bear child, she once threw the firecrackers into an iron pipe standing on the road, about 10 cm thick and 1 m high. Then she held her ears and waited for the firecrackers Explosion, unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, the firecrackers didn't explode.

Or bear child's Morey to check, and then inside the firecrackers exploded, Morey, cry.

Thinking of this childhood shadow, Morey motioned the elk to stop. She looked into the sand pit. Then, she saw a pair of dark eyes looking at her. Within 0.5 seconds, Morey's blood was almost cold, her throat was dry, and her feet were numb.

At this time, Morey envied the apostles of the moon, because their melee ability was too rubbish. At this distance, he could not feel what a terrible enemy it was. He was ignorant and sometimes happy.

"It's not the firecracker I lost."

"Run! Ashley

Hearing the voice of the Apostle Yue, elk Ashley turned around and ran away. The next moment, a bloody slash came and cut into elk Ashley's neck.

BR, moose's neck waved away from the side of moose's neck.

Nearly one third of her neck has been cut off, and Venus is full of her eyes. As a supernatural creature, the elk, the moon elk, should not have been like this. After being hurt by the blood color, a large amount of its blood is sucked away. As soon as it leaves its body, it turns into blood gas.

Morey's hand pressed on the back of elk Ashley, which made her face pale. After that, elk Ashley felt as if she had taken some medicine. Her muscles and lines all rose a little, and then she ran away.


A shock spread around the apostles of the moon as the central point. The fragments of the scroll were broken in her hands. The trench was inhumane. The bloody monster, unable to penetrate the space, was frozen 100 meters away.

In the sound of gold and iron, long knives and battle sickles flew in, and they were held in the hands of bloody monsters. They bent down and the yellow sand under their feet spread to the surrounding areas due to impact, and they suddenly disappeared in place.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng!

The bloody slash slightly tears the space, leaving black marks in the air. As soon as the bloody monster swings its left hand, the battle sickle is thrown out, and a chain with the thickness of index finger is connected to the end of the scythe, and extends as the scythe flies away.

Ding bell, the chain was stretched to a straight, only a meter away, on the hook on Morey's neck.

At the beginning of the chase and run battle, Morley and the apostles of the moon ride elk in front of them, and the bloody monster pursues them in the rear. Each time they get closer to each other, either Morey or the Apostle Yue will use a kind of props that they carry with them.

From the consumption along the way, Morey is as rich as the apostles of the month. This is not only because Morey can mine, but also because of her good reputation. Many miners are willing to cooperate with her and do not have to worry about being robbed.

This is also second. The main reason why Morey is rich is that she has an underground mining area in the resource world notarized by Tianqi paradise. After she captured the world at first, Tianqi paradise rewarded her. Only professional absenteeism can enter the resource world. If she wants to go to the underground mining area of Morey, she should give her 80% net income. This is a real home mine 。

High altitude, staring at the scorching sun of Baja, is full of surprise looking at Morey, in the past it really did not find that Morey is so rich, this does not rob, how to let the other party know the dangers of the world.

At the bottom, Morey and the apostles of the moon on the back of the elk look calm, but they are in a panic. They are still some distance away from the scheduled location. Because the bloody monsters behind them are too strong, their props are consumed faster than expected.

"It's going to explode."

"You have to bear the loss. Do you want to fight the real man of that monster?"

Hearing this, the apostle of the moon immediately took out three scrolls from her arms. She expressed with her practical actions that she did not want to fight the bloody monster.

"As long as we get out of this desert, we can find the" heart ", and if we live, we will win."

Morey lowered her voice and crushed the scroll in her hand. In fact, she and apostle Yue did not come to fight for the world of painting. If they wanted to fight for the world, apocalypse would not send them to come. They came here to look for other things, a rare thing called "beast heart".


A cut from the top of Morey's head, Morey was surprised to shrink his head, a few pink hair stubbles fell down, feel this scene, the apostle of the moon felt that sometimes being short is not a bad thing."Catch up, elk Ashley, split the horns! Hold on, Morey. I'll cover you this time


Morey lies on the back of the Apostle on the moon. The running elk · Ashley gives out a faint light. Its two elk horned into light grains, and they fall into the body of the moon apostle. The moon apostle's stature quickly rises, and finally is one head higher than Morey.

On the top of the apostles of the moon gave birth to antlers and little white flowers on them. The next second, elk Ashley completely turned into light grains and disappeared into the apostles of the moon.

Under the eyes of bahamon circle in mid air, the moon apostle rushed out of a shadow and rushed out with Morey on his back.

At the rear, the bloody monster, which is no longer attacked by all kinds of props, has a sharp increase in speed. Although it can't move within 100 meters around the apostles of the moon, its speed is faster than that of the current moon apostles.

If the blood monster cuts out the blade now, its speed is bound to slow down. According to the current momentum, after a while, it will chase the apostles and Morey of last month. Once they are close to a certain range, they will be very difficult to survive.

Under the tracking of Dong chayan, the Apostle Yue ran out of the fastest speed in her life. She and Morey were staring at the front. As long as they passed the sand in front, their responsibilities were completed.


The month apostle took the strength of suckling and rushed through the appointed place. At this time, the expressions of her and Morey could be regarded as expression bags.

A very funny scene appeared. The apostles of the moon and Morey just rushed through the appointed place. They just dived into the sand and disappeared.

The bloody monster jumped more than ten meters, then stepped on the sand with one foot, and the alchemy array spread out on the sand under its feet.

With a roar, it is located around the blood monster. The sand column rises one by one, forming a circle as a whole. The heavy pressure comes from the top to the bottom. The chaotic spatial fluctuation spreads to prevent the blood monster from escaping by virtue of the space ability.


The blood and gas monster roared, the sound wave spread, and more than a dozen sand columns around it cracked. But in a flash, these sand and soil formed a rope around the whole body of the blood gas monster, giving full play to the characteristics of sand.

The gathering sound of seeping people is coming from above. I don't know when, there is also an alchemy array above. What is the strongest thing in the desert? Sand? No, in the desert, the most powerful is the sun.

The alchemy array at the top is golden, which has been enlarged to a very exaggerated degree. It is like a concave mirror, collecting and converging the sunlight to a point in the center, and then shooting out from below.


A diameter of nearly eight meters thick sun column fell from the top, enveloping the bloody monster, burning smell spread.

The terrible high temperature diffuses, in the sun column, a figure that almost turns into a skeleton rushes out, and its skull is blackened. Even so, granulation grows around its eye socket. It seems that it is only a matter of time before it recovers to its peak state.

"Contract, establishment."

Wood did not know when he was standing behind the bloody monster, with a contract parchment dripping blood in his hand.


The bloody monster let out a roar. The parchment in wood's hand exploded with a bang. The blood on it rolled back to wood and eroded all over his body. It was a kind of reverse.

The flesh and blood of the blood monster recovered rapidly. At this time, black tentacles stretched out from the sand under it and entangled it. The bones and granulation on on its body were aging rapidly. This is one of the killer maces hidden by sin Yas, which makes the enemy aging.

The long knife in the bloody monster's hand just made a crisp sound, and the sound of breaking wind came.


Su Xiao kicks the right arm of the bloody monster out with one kick. He has to take advantage of the other party's heavy damage to finish the next thing. The monster has been attacked so many times, and its health value is always above 70%. The recovery speed is the same as playing with fun.

Su Xiao's right hand holds a crystal cone and throws it out with all his strength.

With a bang, the crystal cone pierces the layers of gas explosion, and directly attacks the blood monster's eyebrow. White spots appear in the dark eyes of the blood gas monster. The crystal cone stabbing at its eyebrow quickly cracks. It looks like it is about to be broken.

At this critical juncture, the bloody monster gave birth to a black hand, which made it lose control of its body.

With a click, the crystal cone pierced into the heart of the blood monster's eyebrows, and its skull cracked. At this time, sin Yas no longer fetters the bloodthirsty monster, and the tentacles around the blood monster fly out.

The crystal cone in the center of the blood monster's eyebrows is broken. Without the suppression of sin Yas, its flesh and blood recover quickly and quickly.

Su Xiao jumped back and forth one after another, all of which were useless? Of course not. The crystal cone he just threw out is not a killer's mace. It's just a small piece of tree root, a wild and luxuriant root.

The bloody monster is very powerful and unreasonable. However, its appearance does not conform to the characteristics of the material world. In other words, it is unique to this desert.

In the face of this kind of enemy, it is a better choice to fight against it. It is better to let it see what the wild Maosheng is.The bloody monster stares at Su Xiao. Among all the people present, Su Xiao's top priority target is Su Xiao. At this time, he has not noticed the root of Maosheng in his head.

The bloody monster took a step and froze. Its paws clawed at its own face, but it was also frozen in the air. Not only that, its head cracked and cracked.

PS: (today's two shifts, a chapter of 4000 words, a chapter of 4700 words, divided into three chapters, no problem, but reading incoherent, so decided to combine the two chapters.)